Corruption 'neath the veneer of devotion and righteousness threatens to rend the foundation of Angels asunder. The taint strikes from the inside, darkening the hearts of the weaker-willed and cutting a stinking swath through the ranks of the Ambrosial. An establishment of lesser stuff would surely succumb to such an ordeal.
We will not falter. Divine judgement ( GM Team! ) hath rained from above, and the threat has been tramped flat beneath the heels of the Virtuous. Never again will the seeds of deceit be allowed to bloom in our holy soil, never again will a blind eye be turned to such blatant injustices.
The time comes to rebuild our ranks, to once more seek out the faithful and strong of heart. Those who seek the light, who look to the above and the inside for guidance in times of darkness. Those who would stand by us and ensure a prosperous, and peaceful future for the civilians of Rune-Midgard. By Hestia's grace, the Light will shine once more.
Now then. After that whole mess, it's time we started rebuilding. AE is once again recruiting active, and friendly members; we have a good time, and you should too.
If interested, contact Alexander, Tremor, or Kaede and we'll see about getting you set up.