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Manifus Offline
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Aaronock Wrote:Don't pin topic about GM identies then when some of those GM identities are revealed in that topic in some of the EARLY posts of it. :]
The moment you post on forums such information Bridget then the GM opens themselves to let others freely mention it without warning on forums also.??

In Krim's case, he has been doing this for years without warning, why now is it such a big issue???What has changed suddenly to make it be worth warning over???

To point 1, yeah, that is rather silly, considering it is information free to access by everyone posted by the people it is concerning themselves...

To point 2, he has been warned, a lot, over the course of the past...4 years now? Nothing new, just got to the point of more serious repercussions. :x
12-14-2009, 01:35 AM
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I'd call that the GMs being nice in the past, but now it's become "No more nice GM."
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12-14-2009, 01:41 AM
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Aqualys Offline
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Personally, I can only side with the GMs. When new players come online or on the forum, and see one, *one* mention of a wipe, said new player is almost undoubtfully disheartened to play, or to keep playing, on heRO. Just like when people say "it's dying" when a guild leaves or whatever. It's bad for the community to talk about things like that, whether it's as a joke or not.

This is my opinion as a regular player before a moderator.
[Image: Combination.jpg]
12-14-2009, 01:46 AM
Aaronock Offline
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Hate repeating myself but I can't stress this enough...
Quote:If moderations are to become stricter, a broader warning post on forums in information would have sufficed much more strongly. <_>

If GM's do mean to be stricter let us know so I dunno...we can adjust to acting more like what the GM's want out of us on the forums? I know I can certainly say stupid shiz on here so if I gotta watch it more to avoid the stupid warnings I have gotten in the past month or so I will at least understand better where they are coming from if a formal warning is provided.

Otherwise I just assume GM's are on their special time of the month and nobody likes dealing with women during this moment when they need peace most! :O
[Image: OHeya.gif]

*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega

12-14-2009, 04:08 AM
Former-GM-Nara Offline
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Aaronock use your head. If it will cause problems even if you think it's funny or you are bored don't say it. Plain and Simple. Being a 'Troll' Only gives you amusement and others more grief.

As Aqualys said with older players joking other old players realize it's a joke, new ones how ever don't and then it falls back to players QQing to us about it when there is no real need for it in the first place.

You are talking over machines you can't tell facial expressions or a specific tone of voice over a post, hens anything said can be taken in the serious way. If you are bored of playing do something more constructive, instead of doing destructive things.
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12-14-2009, 04:18 AM
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[Image: kyon_facepalm.jpg]

I believe people have a right to speech but i also believe that people have a right to believe and a right to NOT believe.

I just don't understand how can something so silly has carried on this far man.

As for Aaron, dude trolling is ok but ya know...there's kinda like a speed limit on how many times you can troll a day @__@.

Also Please don't misunderstand my post,Im not trying to troll,harass,insult, or flame anyone, i am just stating my opinion.

^ Imma have to add one of these every time i post T__T, seems like everything i say nowadays insults someone.
Never forget the old days.
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12-14-2009, 07:03 AM
Général_Argos Offline
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GM-Nara Wrote:Aaronock use your head. If it will cause problems even if you think it's funny or you are bored don't say it. Plain and Simple. Being a 'Troll' Only gives you amusement and others more grief.

So why are you trolling my thread nara???
Here comes the grief from you:

GM-Nara Wrote:If you are bored of playing do something more constructive, instead of doing destructive things.

Oh yea because now joking is a destructive thing.??I'll try to keep that in mind when posting.
Heil Nara o/

This debate is sterile.??
"having fun vs working for the growth of the server"

Now lets take a side, draw a line, and throw rocks at each others???
I knew better from this community&gms

If you want a miracle grow for the server, don't look far away.??I gave the answer 4 years ago.??People are more suceptible to join a "new" or a "fresh restarted" server.??(but obv you have to make some extra publicity to spread the word)
Let's face it.??When eathena will implement the renewal everything will get screwed up, servers won't be able to make the change without having headaches over headaches to the point where they will give up and just scrap everything to restart.??No need to have a time machine(the allusion I made in the other thread) to understand that.??May it be in 1 year, in 2 years or in 5 years, it will happen.??People are going to cry for the renewal.??The more you wait to make a first wipe the harsher it will be for the players (losing 8 years of work is not the same thing as 4).??
I wish all of you a lot of fun with your no-wipe-policy and a lot of cries when you will see players leaving for other pservers with the renewal.

/nostradamus out/
IGN: 9000KRIM Alts:  Morradin, KRIMSTEAL
Banned: Krimlin, Krimlogas, Lord_Krimlogas, General_Argos
Krim's grocery list

Murphy law.  The only true one.  
[Image: krimstyleg.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 12-14-2009, 08:32 AM by Général_Argos.)
12-14-2009, 08:29 AM
GM-Ayu Offline

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G?n?ral_Argos Wrote:Now I don't really care what will happen with them since I won't come back, kevin has my account password and can take whatever he wants/need, but for the rest it can be sold for zeny for the guild or be used as guild equipment, I know for exemple Ex liked the strouf katana.??

I no longer care about the game or the community, it's been more than 3 years I'm here and I'm honestly bored and will pass to something else.??Saying things like "I will be back later" or "I am busy irl" are na?ves (it's true I'm busy irl, but not the point of not playing ro) and I'm just definitly gone now.??

goodluck with the guild and for everything irl not-ro-related also

teOx Wrote:hes basically only quitting forums. not much has changed. Laugh

Source: here (warning: restricted access to Krim's old guild members only, guild forum)
Date: April 11

Your continued interest in heRO (and your proposed wipe, and our complete incompetence compare to your infinite wisdom) confuses me.

@Aaron: difference between knowing that you are joking and using an insider's joke, than using an 'insider's joke' for outsiders knowing very well that they won't understand and will take it literally as it is the words of a 4 year+ players.

There's also a difference between a joke and making bunch of novices with name "Server Whipe coming soon" (spelled with the h), sending all GMs online to broadcast spam + stay in Pront to stop the mass hysteria.

12-14-2009, 08:30 AM
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Nidsrule Offline

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G?n?ral_Argos Wrote:Ok it's not like one would play ro all his life, one will leave at one moment or another, it's been 3 years and 1/3 for me, try to play the same game that long without becoming bored ;l

I have been saying a lot lately that I am busy irl; while that is true, it is not to the extend of preventing me of playing ro; the reason I already stopped playing is just that I am bored of the game.

And yea flaming here and there on the forum while not even playing was just a sign I was really bored but was sticking there for no reason.

Let the time make his work and someday you will understand.

I don't understand Krim. Icon_sad
[Image: 2yv147n.gif]
12-14-2009, 08:32 AM
Général_Argos Offline
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I'd say "only fools never change their mind"
But I'd rather say "blame cucu for making me come back"
(sry cucu o_o )

edit: btw ayu, why are you broking forum rules by quoting stuff from a restricted area? (I don't care, you can leave it there, but I am just asking the question).??Why???Can I warn you?

GM-Ayu Wrote:There's also a difference between a joke and making bunch of novices with name "Server Whipe coming soon" (spelled with the h), sending all GMs online to broadcast spam + stay in Pront to stop the mass hysteria.

It was a prank and it was 2 years ago.??And I got banned from the server for like 3 days for that.??(so much for your "friendly warnings"???)
IGN: 9000KRIM Alts:  Morradin, KRIMSTEAL
Banned: Krimlin, Krimlogas, Lord_Krimlogas, General_Argos
Krim's grocery list

Murphy law.  The only true one.  
[Image: krimstyleg.jpg]
(This post was last modified: 12-14-2009, 08:45 AM by Général_Argos.)
12-14-2009, 08:37 AM

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