One of Many
Posts: 415
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Joined: Aug 2009
RE: Beliefs
Author's Apology: To anyone who is reading this story, I regret to tell you all that this is going on hold.
*hides from incoming barrage of items*
I'm entering NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writer's Month) yet again. To put it simply, I have to write a story of a minimum 50000 words in a month.
From previous experience, I know that I have to focus solely on that story to churn out the required amount, because of editings, revisions, and cuts I make to my own stories. Thus, I'll not be posting in this story for a whole month.
If I do... I might sneak one or two in there, when I don't want to build on what I'm already writing.
So again, I'm sorry. I promise the story will finish-- I think about it every day, and am storyboarding and planning it out. Just... not now XP
Gerik - Some noob Battle High Priest
Shichiro - Some noob AD
Muarim - Some noob smith
I'm just a noob.
10-31-2009, 10:45 PM |
One of Many
Posts: 415
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Joined: Aug 2009
RE: Beliefs
(Ninja posting, after NaNoWriMo is done)
"Tell us about your brother." Gerik said, as they were on a boat from Izlude to Byalan. Ren had been leaning over the railing the entire time, as if he were waiting for the very first sign of land. The archer looked over his shoulder and turned, crossing his arms at his chest.
"When we were both little, our parents were killed in an attack. Back then, the DBF wasn't even the biggest problem-- we'd just opened up the Payon Caves to the general public, and people were rushing in foolishly. It was up to the Archer Guild to try and police it.
"At least, that's what my father and mother believed. My mother was a Gypsy and my dad was a Hunter-- they grew up together in the guild. After she had my brother and I she quit the adventurer life, until she got a report my father never came back. She took up her bow again and ventured in.
"She never came back either. So me and my brother were brought to the Archer's Guild as orphans, figuring that it was the best thing to do. My brother got my dad's skill, and my mother's ingenuity. I on the otherhand got everything else that wasn't very Archer-like. I can barely hit the centre of my targets consistently and when monsters are involved I... just freeze up."
"So you're saying you'll be useless." Bascht muttered, before the green-haired Merchant gave him a quick slap up the back of his head. Ren just coughed, and shook his head. "I mean from what you say, it's evident your brother will probably be a Hunter in the end, maybe a Sniper. What about you? Will you forever walk as an Archer?"
"I... don't know, to be honest. I was thinking of becoming a Bard..." Ren just trailed off, and shook his head. "It doesn't matter. I'll do whatever it takes, I know that much. I just don't know what it's going to take yet." A small silence filled the group, before the Archer pointed out onto the horizon. "There! I see an island inbound!"
Everyone else squinted-- D could barely make it out, and the others couldn't. Gerik grinned. Maybe Ren wasn't the best shot, but he figured that there was at least some Archer blood instilled in him. "Just remember; we can't too deep. When the levels become submerged in water, the monsters become ridiculously tough."
"But we're still going to explore the uncharted caves as best we can, right?" Ren asked, hopeful. Gerik just nodded, watching as that put a smile on the Archer's face. He turned around again, and nodded at the island. "I'm coming for you, brother."
"You're sure you can handle this?"
"Yes sir."
"Even with--"
"That won't get in my way."
"Good, good. give them a nice, warm welcome then."
"I heard y'all talking about them submerged levels of Byalan." The captain of the boat said, as he lowered the ramp for the group to get off the ship. "I hear that water's magick, or somethin-- ye can breathe in it, but the monsters swim in it. Though, I hear there's something mighty fierce down at the very bottom, some sort of self-proclaimed "Lord of Byalan"-- anywho, since I heard y'all ain't gonna be goin' down that far in, I s'pose it ain't much of a problem, huh?"
D just laughed nervously, since the group had decided to leave him as last on the ship, and thanked the captain. He made his way quickly down the ramp, Muarim and Ren snickering at him. Gerik even offered a playful smile. "Yeah, thanks guys." He joked back, though the mage seemed to be unesponsive, or just ignorant of the joke, turning around and heading towards the entrance of the caves. The Blacksmith just excused himself, and ran off after him.
"He's in trouble, huh?" Ren asked. Muarim just snickered some more.
"Gerik. Gerik come on, let's go! I know these things aren't actively trying to hurt us but--" The Merchant started. The Acolyte had been idly poking and playing around with a Marina, which had amiably bounced around, and played along with the Acolyte.
"It's so cute though!" Gerik said, as he was being tugged, though eventually he began to walk himself in the direction the group was heading. They'd finished off the first and second floors rather quickly, finding no real passages that had been left unmapped. It was the third floor that would probably give them the hardest time, being a large, open expanse. He groaned as he and the Merchant caught up with the others waiting by the steps to go in deeper.
"Sheesh. And here I thought I'd seen it all." Bascht mumbled, as he headed down. Gerik stuck out his tongue playfully, feeling delightfully cheery after having had some fun. He hesitated on the steps however, when he thought he heard something like a rope being pulled taught.
A breath. Gerik picked up the echo through the caverns. "DOWN!" He shouted, jumping forward down the stairs. He caught Bascht and Ren in his arms, making them tumble down the last couple of steps. Before the Mage could grumble out some sort of reply, however, an arrow whizzed right where they had been standing, jutting into the ground near-halfway. His eyes widened at the sheer force that had been placed into that arrow-- it hadn't been fired as a warning shot, but one meant to kill.
Gerik quickly stood up, and he clapped his hands together, opening palms towards the stairs. "Pneuma!" He chanted, as large green mists began to fill the stairway, and one even appeared around the group. A volley of arrows flew in this time, but their path in the air began to bend magically, flying out of harm's way up into the ceiling above.
The group quickly drew their weapons as Gerik re-cast the magical mists as they disappeared, staring up the stairs. The third floor was covered in water, signaling the submerged depths below, coming up to the party's knees. Each slight movement made a rather loud splash, amplified by the natural echo of the caves. Gerik scolded each movement, trying to listen for some aural clues as to where the next volley was coming from.
"Back away. Slowly." Gerik told the group. The only problem was that because the entire floor was submerged, it was hard to tell where land was, and where it dipped down further, or became a chasm. As they sloshed backwards (the Acolyte continuing to provide the Pneuma cover just in case), Ren suddenly plummeted downwards with a rather high-pitched yelp.
"Ren!" Muarim shouted, before he started to spur towards the hole. A volley of arrows halted him, however, quickly flying down into the water where the Archer had taken the plunge. The Merchant stared up, seeing a figure clinging to a rather high-hanging stalacitite, before it leapt off and landed a few feet away from them.
"You've got other problems to worry about." The figure said, standing up in waist-high water. He was wearing the DBF uniform, and quickly nocked another set of arrows on a rather tightly-strung bow.
"Pneuma!" Gerik chanted, as another green cloud appeared in front of the Merchant. Muarim looked over his shoulder, to see everyone else not even hesitating. "Muarim, go! We can handle this!" The Acolyte shouted. The green-haired Merchant nodded, and quickly tossed his axe into his cart, diving into the water. D took his place on the front-lines, and just motioned for the Archer to even make a move.
"No... No. I don't think you can." The Archer replied, grinning wickedly. "Arrow Shower!"
Gerik - Some noob Battle High Priest
Shichiro - Some noob AD
Muarim - Some noob smith
I'm just a noob.
12-01-2009, 07:30 PM |
One of Many
Posts: 415
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Joined: Aug 2009
RE: Beliefs
"Why did I know those arrows...? God I wish I could swim right now, there are so many things that I need to have put right... but my arms and my legs won't move. They don't move. Afraid... I was always afraid and he was always there but now..."
Ren jerked as something grabbed his arm, having been sinking for what seemed like an eternity. His breath had long since left him and he was surprised he was still awake-- when he remembered the explanations before about the waters of Byalan. Was he descending to the lower levels without realising it, into the magical waters that allowed people to breathe? None of it really made sense.
Especially since he was now moving upwards. That made no sense at all. He opened his eyes, feeling the sting of water as he watched something green tug him higher, and higher. They were going to break the water's surface, flashes and hues of almost every colour reflected down into the depths.
"Frost Diver~!" Bascht chanted, sending pillars of ice crashing through the ground. The water around it even began to freeze solid, and the Archer simply hopped straight up, grabbing onto a stalacitite, letting the stalagmites of ice harmlessly whiz underneath. He dropped down and balanced rather precariously on top of a jutting cone of ice, drawing another arrow.
"Pneuma!" Gerik quickly cut in, shrouding the Mage in the protective cloud. He was panting heavily by this point-- having to focus on all three of them left above the waters. This Archer wasn't fooling around-- one slip-up, and his partymates would find themselves one arrow heavier. Still, despite the strain he was feeling, he continued on, ducking behind a low stalagmite, arrows jutting into the rock shield.
Everyone turned their heads suddenly, when a loud splash came from the side, Muarim emerging from the depths with Ren. The Mechant hauled Ren up to a nearby shore, and Gerik peeked out to quickly give them a protective Pneuma mist as well, before evading another volley.
"Is he okay?!" Gerik shouted, watching as D stepped out from the corner of his eye, drawing the Archer's attention. He looked over and saw Muarim slightly red in the face, shrugging his shoulders.
"Alive? Yes. Is he okay? Er... that's a little different." He started to say, before he found his axe tossed at him by the Blacksmith. He caught it mid-air and suddenly stood, remembering that he'd come back in the middle of a fight.
"What the hell is that supposed to mean?" Bascht asked, stepping under an already pre-formed cloud cast by the Acolyte. "Is he, or is he not oka--" He stopped talking as Ren stood though, gaze completely fixed on the Archer. Having gotten clothes damp made them form-hugging, and Bascht blinked incredulously.
Ren wasn't a boy at all. The Archer, evidently a female, seemed to ignore the group's stares, eyeing the other that was now confronting them. "Stop this at once!" She shouted, her voice having changed in pitch. "Brother, why are you doing this?"
"Brother?" Gerik questioned, as he turned to face the other Archer as well. Things were getting far too mind-boggling at this point. Sure Ren seemed slighty effeminate in form and looks, but Gerik had seen worse. Now the rather effeminate Archer was suddenly a boyish girl? This had to be some cruel joke.
"Heh. So you're still wake, eh Mimiko? Unfortunate. I was hoping you wouldn't have to see me kill your friends." The Archer spoke back. Everyone assumed battle-ready stances again, except for the Archer. "Looks like there's going to be a lot of explaining... if you live, that is. The Archer began to reach inside his robes, and pulled out a handful of branches, before he just smirked and threw them into a pool of water.
"Wait--!" Ren began, though she skidded to a halt as gigantic figures of ice rose from the depths. She yelped, and then quickly hopped back evasively, raising her bow. "Ice Titans? How--?"
"Dead Branches! No time to explain!" Bascht shouted, pointing towards the exit. "We can't handle this, it's time to go! Now!" Ren hesitated, and then turned away, running towards the rest of the group
"What the HELL was all that?" Bascht shouted angrily. The group had beat a hasty retreat outside, with Ren's brother following them with a hail of arrows, and branches. Gerik was laid out on his back beside a campfire, spent from having to provide cover and aid to the group. The Mage stormed over to the Archer, who was trying to warm up near the fire. "You've got a LOT of explaining to do."
"Calm down." Gerik mumbled, as he sat himself up. Muarim helped support the Acolyte and he just stared at the Archer. "But yes, we need to know. You can't be keeping stuff like this from us."
"Oh, right, because you all make such fine and wonderful examples of people who are completely open, and don't keep things, right?" Ren shot back heaving a sigh at the fire. "... My real name is Mimiko. I was named that when I entered the guild with my brother because... all I ever did was mimic him.
"Yes, I'm a girl." Ren continued. "When I entered the guild with my brother, I was harassed and constantly made fun of because of who I was. I always tried to fit in with the boys, and I never really fit in with the girls. I became a sort of tomboy-- but I was never up to their standards to fit in. That's why at the Guild I was sort of an outcast; I wasn't accepted by either side. Most of everything else is truth. My brother disappeared investigating here and..."
At that point, Ren began to break down. Bascht groaned, and just moved to sit beside the fire as well. "This doesn't make any sense. Your brother was lost upon investigation-- and you even said yourself that rescue teams had gone to Byalan, and come back. Why then, would he attack us, and only us?" Ren just shook her head.
"I don't know, if I had the answers that you were seeking, I'd gladly give them to you." She looked up at the fire, not even blinking. "Why was he dressed like that? Why did he have Dead Branches and... why did he do that to us?" She looked around for an answer, but got none right away.
"... That's because..." Gerik broke in, staring at the fire himself. "... There's a lot to explain Mimiko."
"Ren. Please, just call me Ren. I'd rather not be a girl right now." She mumbled-- though she wasn't masking her voice. "I knew that I wasn't a great Archer, so I began to look into other paths. But for girls the only path was to be a Dancer. As amazing as some are I..." She blushed a little, and looked herself over. "I don't see myself dressing like that, or performing like that in the streets. When I heard about Bards and Clowns, I set out to become one. I know that they're supposed to be a male-exclusive profession but... I still want to try." She mumbled. Gerik smiled.
"Well then, Ren. Let's start from the beginning, and what we know..."
Gerik - Some noob Battle High Priest
Shichiro - Some noob AD
Muarim - Some noob smith
I'm just a noob.
12-03-2009, 05:46 PM |
One of Many
Posts: 415
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Joined: Aug 2009
RE: Beliefs
"So what you're saying is that my brother and I are targets, because we're alone?" Ren still seemed to be in disbelief-- but the others just nodded solemnly. The Archer suddenly stood and turned as if she were about to go back inside the caverns.
"Where the hell do you think you're going? Especially after all we've told you?" Bascht shouted, making her stop in her tracks. "Look, ignore the truth as much as you want-- but the truth is that he's one of them. You even noticed it yourself. Dressed in yellow and tan, and he even was using Dead Branches to harass and fight us. As much as you want to--"
"Shut up! SHUT UP!" She shouted, turning to face him. "He wouldn't-- He'd never--!"
"He did." Gerik said, solemnly. "Whether he was tricked, or perhaps he's joining for his own goals-- that doesn't matter. He's part of the DBF now." He watched as something within the Archer seemed to give up, and she just slumped down by the fire again.
"The question we need to ask, is what do we do now?" Muarim asked. "I mean, we've come out here and found him-- but we found answers we didn't exactly want." He wasn't trying to sound harsh, but he noticed how it made Ren flinch slightly. "... I say we go on a small adventure! Why don't we forget about these guys for a little bit, and go have some fun. It's like ever since we found out about these guys, they've ruled our every action."
D smiled. "Hey, that sounds like a great idea! That's how we first met up, isn't it? We didn't care about those guys-- we had our own adventures separate from them, and had our own things to worry about. Why don't we just go and do as Muarim says? With a group like this I bet we could go around some pretty killer places."
The Mage moved back beside the Blacksmith, and sat down, leaning against him. "How about we go to Glast Heim? I'm sure with a group like this, we'd be able to handle some part of it if we take it carefully. Besides, that last scuffle just showed us how hectic some things can be. I think we need to work on our synergy and our teamwork a little more."
"That sounds like a good idea to me." Gerik said, nodding. He cast a rather worried glance back at Ren. He didn't say anything, but just reached over and pat the Archer's knee softly.
"I want to become stronger, Mimiko. Like mom and dad."
"I know you do. And I know that you of all people will be able to do it."
"I'm willing to do anything to be the best."
"When I'm strong enough, Mimiko, you won't have to do anything. You'll be able to rest, and you won't have to work. I can do everything like a good older brother should."
"Please, don't discredit me."
"I'm not. I just want you to know Mimiko, I'm going to be there for you."
"So where are you now?" Ren asked, as she stood at a tree, staring into the entrance of Byalan. She let out a sigh, and just took an arrow in her hand, stringing her bow in the other. She fired a single arrow straight up to the heavens, and just let out a second sigh. "You promised... you jerk. You promised."
"I don't believe that's your brother in there." Gerik said, stepping out from the other side of the tree. Ren had instantly raised her bow and aimed it at the Acolyte, but let it down as soon as she knew who it was. "From what you say, your brother is nothing like the DBF."
"He's not. He would do anything to get to the top, but he was still a good person. He wouldn't... He'd never join a group as ruthless and cutthroat like that." She let out a weak smile, before she began to cry. She ran at the Acolyte and sobbed into his robes, feeling arms wrap around her comfortingly.
"I know something is up, Ren. Don't worry. We'll get to the bottom of it all." He smiled and looked down at her. "If you want, we're stopping by Payon again to get a few things before we go to Geffen, and eventually Glast Heim. You don't have to go anywhere."
"No." She mumbled. "He's made his choice, and I have to make mine. If things play out the way they did earlier... I have to be stronger. I have to get stronger. If you don't mind, I'm going to go with you all-- he was always one to seek strength, and I have to find my own." Gerik smiled.
"Glad to have you along, then."
"Just one favour?" She asked. "Can we get a less gimmicky group name?"
Gerik - Some noob Battle High Priest
Shichiro - Some noob AD
Muarim - Some noob smith
I'm just a noob.
12-15-2009, 03:54 PM |
One of Many
Posts: 415
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Joined: Aug 2009
RE: Beliefs
"I happen to have liked that party name." Gerik said, playfully miffed as the group approached Geffen. Bascht let forth a groan as Ren just chuckled, skipping on ahead. "What? I thought it had a very deep and real meaning."
"It's not that it's just..." Ren said, stopping to a halt. The Archer spun around to face the Acolyte, sticking his tongue out. "It felt too serious for what we are, y'know? I figured us just a ragtag group of adventurers who happened upon each other sort of thing."
"Can we drop it?" Bascht said, obviously annoyed. "You've been bantering about this for the past week we've been travelling. Who cares?" He just huffed, and continued onwards, the two Merchants following after. Gerik and Ren just giggled to themselves, soon catching up.
"You're from Geffen, ain'tcha Bascht?" Muarim asked, as they passed the guards with the noticeably unique helmets. "Don't you wanna stop by here and say hi or something to people you know?" The question was innocent, but Gerik and D looked at each other with worry, thinking that the already-annoyed Mage was only going to snap.
"No, it's okay." The flower-donning magician replied. Calmly too, much to the Acolyte and Blacksmith's surprise. "I'd rather just get what we need and move--" Bascht stopped talking as he suddenly looked into the sky, and pointed. "Hey d'you guys see that?"
As everyone looked up to stare at what the Mage was pointing at, a screech from above made them instantly aware. There was a hunting bird of sorts bee-lining straight for them, and it wasn't showing any signs of slowing down. They didn't really know what to do; it wasn't a monster, but if they didn't do anything--
A loud whistle pierced the air, and everyone turned to see Ren whistling at the bird. Gerik stared back up to see that the now-apparent falcon began to slow it's descent, and by this point it was clear that it was meant for the group. It glided slowly down and Ren held out an arm, the falcon perching around it. Attached to a leg was a small envelope, and around the bird's neck was a yellow scarf.
"... It's for D." She said, handing him the letter. With another whistle, the bird took off and flew away, as if it had never existed. The Blacksmith took the letter and began to read it (without letting even Bascht see), and he just nodded. "What's it say?"
"Just a small invitation from a friend." The Blacksmith said, pocketing the envelope. It was clearly evident at this point that the Mage seemed a little miffed that he didn't get to see-- but Bascht figured that even D had things he wanted to keep to himself. "Looks like we part ways for a while again here."
"That's no good." Gerik mumbled. "I was sort of counting on your support in Glast Heim-- I mean I'm sure we're very capable but I wanted someone seasoned for insurance, you know?" Muarim nodded to this statement. "I still think it's a little dangerous without you."
"So then what?" Muarim asked, setting down his cart. The group had moved off the main road a little to discuss what they had to do. "If you don't want to go to Glast Heim without D, then where else can we go that's within range of Geffen? The Coal Mines are a little farther, and there's not much there but... well, coal."
"Hey!" Ren said, clapping her hands together. "Isn't there a dungeon here in Geffen? Underneath the tower in the middle?" The Archer pointed to said building as she spoke. "Why not investigate in there? I hear there's undead and demons of all sorts-- that'd do, right? As long as we didn't go too far?"
"I doubt we'd be allowed." Bascht piped in. "They only allow certain adventurers access to the deeper levels." He didn't sound all too pleased with the offer. "But if that's where we're going, then we should get a room here to use as a base of sorts. Luckily, I know a few places-- let me see if I can get some deals."
"That's the spirit!" The Merchant added, putting an arm around the Mage. "Lemme see if I can help out with that, hm? We'll meet by the fountain in about a couple hours, deal?" Everyone nodded in consensus, and with a parting hug, Bascht left D, heading off towards the north end of Geffen.
With a simple bow, and a shaking of hands, the Blacksmith was soon gone as well, heading east. "Hey, Gerik?" Ren asked, as soon as the two were alone. "Y'know that falcon that delivered the message? Did you notice the colour of the scarf?"
The Acolyte blinked. "It was... yellow, right? Is there some sort of special significance to it?" He asked. He was sure he'd seen it somewhere before, or at least heard of it...
"Actually..." Ren scratched the side of her head. "How close do you think Bascht and D are?" Gerik could only give her a sort of blank stare, not really getting where this was going.
"From what I know, they're just very close friends. Affectionate, but that's about it. Why?"
Ren paced a little. "You said you grew up in the Prontera Church, right? Did you ever have people from Payon get married there?"
Gerik crossed his arms. "Stop avoiding the point, and just tell me what's wron--" The talk of marriage seemed to spark something, though. "Actually... yeah. Now that you mention it there was a Bard and a female Sniper who got married... her Falcon--"
"Had a Red Scarf during the ceremony, most likely. However, there's a small, old Payonese tradition between Hunters, especially Snipers. The red scarves generally signify strength, speed, and overall excellence-- but there are times when the birds fly with yellow scarves. They carry a simple, but straightforward message. It's not really all that practiced anymore-- in fact, I was surprised people still did. Do you know what it is?"
"It's a proposal of marriage, isn't it? I remember the couple talking about it. I found it funny that the bride proposed to the man, but she was the Sniper after all and--" Gerik stopped. Enlightment dawned on his face.
"... So how do we break this to B?" Ren asked. Gerik let out a hum of thought. It didn't feel right to hide it from the Mage, but at the same time if he knew, that would probably drastically change his demeanour.
"I figure that if D didn't want to share what it was with Bascht right away, then we shouldn't either." Gerik said, after another moment. "You saw how he was reading it privately, right?" Ren nodded. "I think... it's best if we stay away. It's just..."
"I'm worried about what B will do. Do you think he'll still come along?" Gerik blinked. He hadn't thought of that. Would the Mage be so overcome with sorrow that he wouldn't want to travel anymore? "Maybe it's best we distract him for the time being. You know, go to the dungeon, visit some old teachers of his--" Ren stopped.
She knew exactly why that wasn't the greatest of ideas.
Gerik - Some noob Battle High Priest
Shichiro - Some noob AD
Muarim - Some noob smith
I'm just a noob.
(This post was last modified: 02-14-2010, 12:06 AM by Zerrif.)
02-10-2010, 01:59 AM |
One of Many
Posts: 415
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Joined: Aug 2009
RE: Beliefs
"What the hell are you doing back here?" Bascht froze in place, already recognizing the voice that was calling him out. The Merchant at his side tossed him a curious look, before he stared behind them. Standing there was a fiery-red haired sage, her arms crossed and sporting a look that didn't seem even slightly pleased.
"... Passing through. It's not like I've been exiled, so I don't see why I'm not allowed to be here." Bascht replied coldly, not even bothering to turn around.
"Typical little failure. While you're not banished legally, you know that you're not welcome here. You'd do well to just get out before... a sad accident occurs." Muarim grit his teeth as he saw the sage produce a rather thick Book from behind her, and she opened it up.
"Now w-wait a minute--!" Muarim interjected. He was cut off when Bascht whirled around and quickly pointed a finger at the sage. "B-Ba--!"
"Soul Strike!" Near instantly, ethereal spheres were suddenly projected behind the Mage, and then flew at the Sage at a high velocity. The red-head just smiled, and closed her Book, suddenly hoisting it above her head.
"Magic Rod!" She cried out, as the spheres flew towards the tome instead. They were transformed into small sparkles of light as she absorbed the spell into the book, simply lowering it. "You idiot! If we get caught fighting in the streets--" She glared at the Mage.
"So leave us alone." Bascht simply turned around, and kept on walking. Dumbfounded, the Merchant just began to follow again. The Sage let out a frustrated meld of sounds, stamping the ground and throwing her book down.
"Bascht, what was all th--"
"An old... someone I knew from school. We were friends at first." Muarim didn't ask for any more. "Here, let me see if I can get us a room here." The Merchant looked up, and blinked again. They were on the north-east side of the city, standing in front of a rather small, and unkept house.
"Bascht?" Muarim called out before the Mage stepped inside. "If what that Sage said is true, what makes you think you can pull strings to get a room here? Shouldn't we just find an Inn?"
"... We'll get a place to stay here. That, and if we're at the Inn and other people find out, they might come bother us." The Mage took off his mask, but didn't turn around to face the Merchant. He knocked on the door and then waited, before it creaked open barely an inch.
"... So you're back." The voice inside seemed rather annoyed to see the Mage, but also partly relieved.
"Can we come inside?" Bascht asked. The door opened more, but no one was in the doorway.
As the pair stepped inside, Muarim looked around at the small... well, it seemed slightly better kept than a shack. It was very small at first glance, and seemed rather dusty and old. It was organized, but it was also like many things had stayed untouched since the day the house had been built.
"So what brings you back here, hm? When you left a long time ago, I had come under the impression you weren't coming back until you were ready to attempt your advancement to being a Wizard." The pair looked over to see a smallish figure sitting on a chair, staring at them both. A wizard, who seemed both wizened and yet rather young stared back, but something was a little... off about him. He wrung his hands and he seemed fidgety.
"I'm sorry about the stranger, but don't worry-- he's nothing you need to worry about." Bascht replied, apparently having noticed the figure's uneasiness. "In fact... I was hoping you'd allow me to bring a couple more here. We need a place to stay."
The figure seemed to stare in disbelief. "Why here? Why to me? You know that--" He seemed to be mulling over a large amount of thoughts in his head. He stood up and began to pace around, mumbling to himself.
Muarim blinked. Was this guy crazy or something?
"I also believe that if we stay here, you and I can work on some things that I wanted to smoothen out with my training. If you're willing of course, Master."
Muarim blinked again. Bascht's mentor and teacher? Didn't the Mage end up getting expelled from the school?
"... I see your point. Yes yes, fine, bring them here-- but if they break anything or touch anything, they'll feel my wrath! I swear on my name as the Wizard Sh--"
"Thank you." Bascht bowed, turning to Muarim. "Come on. Let's go get the others."
Gerik - Some noob Battle High Priest
Shichiro - Some noob AD
Muarim - Some noob smith
I'm just a noob.
03-17-2010, 02:19 PM |
Megaman, not Rockman!!!
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Joined: Apr 2010
RE: Beliefs
And here i thought the story had finally developed after seeing it pop up in today's post.../sigh;
Great writing, zerrif, keep it up...
I think I'm finally going "home", renewal is fun, but there is really nothing like "heRO"...
Kyarorain, Shield Crusader
Erizabeth, Battle Sage
Derpette, Int Brewer
Katerine, Battle Acolyte
05-04-2010, 05:45 PM |
One of Many
Posts: 415
Threads: 71
Joined: Aug 2009
RE: Beliefs
LOL Whoa people still want updates on this? Man, now I have to pull out the old storyboard.
Lol Fish, it's not all that long in word really.  ;; it just looks long here because our post boxes are small, so there's lots of line breaks.
Gerik - Some noob Battle High Priest
Shichiro - Some noob AD
Muarim - Some noob smith
I'm just a noob.
05-04-2010, 10:16 PM |