Overhauled shop for the most part!
Added new services I don't mind providing now that I have no allegiances to any particular WoE guild. If you have questions about either feel free to ask here or in game if I happen to be on.
How much for the legion plate please? :3 I have a couple of +9 Pike[4] that I could part with. I can always hunt them again. Legion Plate I can't hunt myself yet XD
Gabriel Marelle: FS Priestess - 9x/50
Gabriel Czerwonakowa: Esma Bolter SL - 99/50
Irahlem Marelle: Acid Demo Creator - 7x/3x
Jibreel Marelle: Service Dancer - 9x/50
Therese Chevalier: Duelist Knight - 9x/50
Rikku J. Cidolphus: Stealing All You've Got In Your
Pockets -7x/4x
I have two +9 Pike [4] and one +8 Pike [4], I just checked. I'm interested in one or both of the Legion Plates and the Thief's Clothes [1].
I'm not really sure what the going rate for a +9 Pike is, since I've never sold them. What do you think would be fair? I do have zeny to add if I'm short for the Thief's Clothes, and a few other things on your wishlist (a hatter card, elunium, that kind of junk :3).
Gabriel Marelle: FS Priestess - 9x/50
Gabriel Czerwonakowa: Esma Bolter SL - 99/50
Irahlem Marelle: Acid Demo Creator - 7x/3x
Jibreel Marelle: Service Dancer - 9x/50
Therese Chevalier: Duelist Knight - 9x/50
Rikku J. Cidolphus: Stealing All You've Got In Your
Pockets -7x/4x