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7 Word Game
katleoyumi Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
Oh gawsh Maria...that is such a depressing story. -death- Btw it's "except" not accept. :O

library - pizza - lemon - baby - clip - sticky - polish

In every library is a little baby with pink nail polish and a hide clip. Whenever you walk by a certain shelf filled with books on how to make pizza, you catch a whiff of a freshly squeezed lemon and when you take a step closer to the shelf, you'll find yourself in a sticky situation. No one really knows about the baby inside the library, because as soon as anyone comes close, the baby hides with its hide clip.

So the question is, how come all of the acolytes, priests, sages, wizards, and mages who frequent the library, have not seen this baby?

It can be found with a simple ruwatch, sight or even detecting if a hunter decided to drop by. But no one casts these skills in a library, not unless they are forced to.

New Words:

signature - grin - bass - want - ate - age - think
pocket size linh [whitesmith] **
pocket size Iinh [baby blacksmith] **
Blackchapel [baby monk] **
Lowercut [baby monk] **
King Boo [alchemist]

Guild: HappyChildFoundation
02-28-2010, 08:43 AM
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Seyrus Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
signature, grin, bass, want, ate, age, think

One fine day, Jake and Jim wanted to go fishing so they went out to the fishing spot really early in the morning, to make sure to catch some big ones. They sat down and prepared their fishing rods. it took a while before the first fish noticed the bait. Jake pulled on his rod, the bait was gone. "I think that fish only ate your bait". Jim said with a huge grin on his face. Then suddenly a fish catched Jims bait. "Oh, i got one! I got one!". He pulled on the fishing rod but couldn't hold it. Jake tried to help him. "Wow, this one is really strong, must be one of those bass fish my Dad told me about." said Jake and tried to pull harder. But the two young aged boys were too weak to hold it and lost the fishing rod. Jake fell into the bushes. He climbet out and had leafs all around in his shirt. "Look what i've found!" he said. Jim looked at the other boy who helt a letter in his hand. "What's this?" Jim asked and grabbed the letter out of Jakes hand. He opened it and tried to read it. "Who wrote it?" Jake asked. "I dunno, i can't read the signature." Jim replied. They took the letter with them, but they never found out where it came from or who wrote it.

new 7 words

crane - clown - ladder - mud - shoulder - tickle - mountain
03-01-2010, 12:33 PM
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katleoyumi Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
crane - clown - ladder - mud - shoulder - tickle - mountain

Once upon a time, there lived a clown named Troilus. He lived on a muddy mountain with his wife, Criseyde. They had been having some financial trouble for months, but lately it had gotten to the point where they could barely afford a piece of bread.

"You need to get more money. We can't go on like this. Especially since I'm pregnant." Criseyde exclaimed as she clutched onto her belly.

"I know, I'm trying. But I don't know what else I can do. No one will take me." Troilus replied sadly.

"I know you won't like this but it's the only thing I can think of," Criseyde started, "go to the market and trade our crane for some zeny. It should go for a good 500k zeny."

"But love the crane! That's what we spent all our money on to keep you company while I was out in the fields." Troilus said.

"Yeah but I will have a child soon, so I do not need the crane's company anymore. So go to the market and come back with 500k zeny! Do not trade for anything foolish. I'll be waiting." Criseyde said as she pushed the crane and Troilus out the door.

At the market, Troilus saw lots of other animals for sale. He wanted to buy them all but he knew that his wife would be furious. As he was headed for an empty spot, he bumped into an old creator named Seyran.

"Ooh that's a nice looking crane you got there. How bout I trade you for this magic ladder?" Seyran asked.

"I can't. My wife wants me to trade for 500k zeny and nothing less." Troilus said.

"Oh but this magic ladder will extend all the way to the top of the heavens and in the Heavens, lives a giant who has a lot of items and food. If you get up there, you'll be gaining way more than 500k zeny."

"Really? Hmm..." Troilus scratched his head and looked at the crane. "I suppose it won't hurt. This is the better deal anyway."

Then Troilus left his crane with Seyran and walked home with his new magic ladder.

Once he got home, Criseyde was furious.

"I told you to bring home 500k zeny! What is this? We can't even eat it!"

"But Seyran told me that it would lead to the heavens. I'll show you."

Then Troilus placed the ladder on their mountain and watched it extend up to the heavens. His wife stared at him skeptically and watched as he climbed the ladder.

At the top, Troilus noticed that he was indeed, inside the home of a giant. There were giant tables and chairs and giant breads that could last a lifetime. He went to grab the bread but then he heard a noise.

In came a giant woman. "What are you doing here? My husband will be back soon! Quick! Hide in the cupboards!" She shoved Troilus inside the cupboards by his shoulders.

I smell the blood of an Englishman,
Be he alive, or be he dead,
I'll have his bones to grind my bread." shouted the giant man who came into the room.

While the wife was trying to distract the giant man with pork chops and turkey, Troilus crept out of the cupboards and down his ladder with a giant bread as fast as he could!

When he came home, his wife was pleased with the bread. They ended up living on that piece of bread for the rest of their lives and poverty never tickled them again.

The End.

Note: That was a parody (or rewritten) version of Jack and the Beanstalk, if you guys didn't notice. -smiles- I hope you enjoyed it!

New Words:

magic - speaker - devil - sorry - rip - marker - stalk
pocket size linh [whitesmith] **
pocket size Iinh [baby blacksmith] **
Blackchapel [baby monk] **
Lowercut [baby monk] **
King Boo [alchemist]

Guild: HappyChildFoundation
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2010, 10:54 AM by katleoyumi.)
03-03-2010, 10:53 AM
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TPC Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
Once upon a time, in an alternate reality where magic existed, there was a village. In this world most people couldn't use magic, but in this particular village there were many magic users. They were called speakers because to use magic you had to recite long spells, which could take anything from a minute to a few days, depending on how powerful the spell is.

In this village was a famous school for speakers where they learned how magic worked and to memorize the long spells. One day in the middle of class a girl was sitting at her desk, taking notes from the class. The class was boring and she kept staring at the watch, hoping for it to end. She wanted to go home so she could make dinner, because she was hungry.

Just a minute before the class was going to end she heard a strange noise from the roof. There was a ventilation hole there. Suddenly the cover of the hole gave away, and a boy fell down from it right onto her desk. She was startled, and cried out "what the devil are you doing?". The boy fumbled with the words, not knowing what to say. The entire class was staring at him. Eventually he said "I'm sorry, but I was stalking you.". The girl said "Why? Thats a bit creepy.". The boy replied "I wanted to ask you out, but I was too scared.". The girl said "That doesn't make any sense. Please leave.". The boy had ripped his pants a bit when he fell down, and felt embarrased about that. So he started saying a 2-minute long spell, and when he was done he was teleported away somewhere. The girl went home to make dinner.

The next morning before school the girl went down to the police station to report the incident. The police gave the girl a piece of paper with many photos of faces and a marker and asked her to mark the face that was closest to what the boy had looked like. When she was done she went outside, and the boy from the day before approached her. He said "I'm sorry about yesterday, I know it was wrong and I won't try to stalk you again. But I really like you, can't you give me another chance?". The girl thought about it for a second, and said "Ok, fine. We can have lunch later. But I'm putting up some protective spells just to make sure.". The boy said "Ok, thats fair. I know where and when you usually eat, I'll meet you there later.". Then he took off.

They ended up hitting it off, and 5 years later they got married and lived happily ever after.
My chars: TPC / Tjuven / Dansare / Sinne / Magiker / Byracka / Krigare / Andreas
(This post was last modified: 03-03-2010, 11:42 AM by TPC.)
03-03-2010, 11:28 AM
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TPC Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
Oh I forgot to put new words. Hm.. lets see.

chalk, fire, festival, gigantic, axe, clothes, cold.
My chars: TPC / Tjuven / Dansare / Sinne / Magiker / Byracka / Krigare / Andreas
03-03-2010, 11:33 AM
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katleoyumi Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
chalk, fire, festival, gigantic, axe, clothes, cold

On a cold chalky day, an axe murderer was put on fire at the festival of lights. The person who lit him on fire was gigantic with clothes made of authentic cow hide. Some say, the arsonist was another sort of murderer--the arson kind.

A murderer being killed by another murderer. Oh the irony!

New Words:

baba-yaga - garm - dead - toy - weapon - amethyst - venom
pocket size linh [whitesmith] **
pocket size Iinh [baby blacksmith] **
Blackchapel [baby monk] **
Lowercut [baby monk] **
King Boo [alchemist]

Guild: HappyChildFoundation
03-05-2010, 05:02 PM
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Seyrus Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
well, since nobody seemed to like those words...

baba-yaga, garm, dead, toy, weapon, amethyst, venom

There once lived a mighty pirate called Garr the Silvermane, he was a tall man with long silverish hair and fought many battles in his life, that covered his body with several scars. He lost his left eye when he was young. Later he replaced it with a big amethyst. In one of those heavy battles, everyone believed he would be dead, couse no single pirate of his crew seemed to be alive. Their vessel sank to the ground of the deep atlantic sea and took everyone with it. But not for long, couse a evil witch, Baba-Yaga casted a spell on the ship and those pirates were raised from their watery graves. Silvermane was thankfull for the rivival and married the witch. a few years later the now undead captain got a lovely daughter and took her with him. she learned quick what her father tought her. She had a small toy she always carried with her, a puppet of the mighty frostwolf Garm. This toy was created with magic so she could summon a garm anytime she needs a weapon to protect her. The pirate crew made history in the early 14th century where they were called "The Invincible". Nothing could kill those mighty pirate and his crew. not even the venom of a snake.


new 7 words:

rope - mantle - vanish - tool - new - nail - hungry
03-08-2010, 02:33 PM
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TPC Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
He had fought tooth and nail for his dream, and today was the day it would finally come true. With the perfect tool for the job, a huge new drill, he was going to dig himself into the center of the planet. He pressed the big shiny button that started the whole thing. Instantly it just vanished, drilling itself into the crust of the planet at a very high speed. He stood looking at the status monitor at his base camp. After a while it reported that it had reached the mantle of the planet. Then a few long hours followed and it reported reaching the core. He took his super-strenght extra-long rope and tied it to a tree. The other end he threw down the hole. He took his backpack that had some tools, his lunch he had packed in case he got hungry, and some various other useful items, and started decending down the rope. His mountain-climbing skills would come in handy here.

What amazing places would he find down there? Maybe we'll find out in a future story.

New words:

international, starving, icecream, fuel, emergency, parachute, idea.
My chars: TPC / Tjuven / Dansare / Sinne / Magiker / Byracka / Krigare / Andreas
(This post was last modified: 03-08-2010, 02:53 PM by TPC.)
03-08-2010, 02:47 PM
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Seyrus Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
international, starving, icecream, fuel, emergency, parachute, idea

Harry hates to be on the plane.
This always gives him a bad feeling, couse he's afraid of accidents and plane crashes he often saw in the movies or news. Well terrorism is a big business these days. But he felt more safe when he was standing on the ground with both feet in front of the international airport.
But now he was in mid air. Fear was rushing through his head... what to do in case of emergency? Would he have to jump out of the plane with a parachute? And what if the plane would run low on fuel? He thought it was a bad idea to take the plane for such a short trip. Suddenly he noticed he was very hungry. He almost was starving when finally a stewardess came by. He pulled out his wallet and bought some icecream. 20 minutes later the plane arrived at the destinated airport and Harry left the airport. He felt safe again.


(Thanks to Byracka for correcting my silly typo's xD)

new 7 words:

mouth - beach - fish - fountain - net - can - umbrella
(This post was last modified: 03-08-2010, 03:36 PM by Seyrus.)
03-08-2010, 03:27 PM
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TPC Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
The circus was in town. Joseph saw the fliers that they had put up everywhere in town, and it seemed like fun, so he decided to go watch. So that afternoon he was sitting in the audience cheering on. Lots of fun stuff. The clowns were hilarious.

Then his favorite part started: the line dancing. First up was a young woman. She was dressed in a ballerina outfit and in her hand was an umbrella. She started walking across the line. Her steps seemed so light, almost like she was flying. Joseph thought she was the nicest looking girl he had ever seen. She was almost halfway over the line now. Suddenly she slipped. Josephs heart started beating fast. The line was high up, and she could get seriously hurt if she fell. Then he saw the safety net underneath, and felt a bit better. She got her balance back and made it across very gracefully. Joseph started wondering how this woman who he had never met before could get him so worried. He realized that he had fallen in love with her. He was a very shy person, but decided that this time he was going to do something about it.

After the performance was done the circus stars were signing autographs outside. The line to the line dancers were the longest. Joseph was nervous. He stood and watched the fountain outside for a while. It was a beautiful fountain, with a sculpture of two mermaids, and the water was coming out of their mouths. Eventually he decided to get in the line. As he got closer and closer to her he got more and more nervous, almost to the point of having a panic attack. What would he say to her? He had no idea. A person was walking around selling some snacks to the people waiting in line. He bought a can of cola, and when he drank it he felt a bit better.

The line got shorter and shorter, and suddenly he was at the top. He heard himself speaking "Um.. hi. My name is Joseph.". The line dancer girl replied. "Hi. I'm Maria. Do you have a paper for me to sign?". He took a deep breath, then replied "I don't want an autograph, but I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me?". She said "Sure, why not. I'm almost done here, so just wait around a bit.". He felt relieved about not getting rejected, and said "Okay, see you in a bit then." and walked back to the fountain and waited there.

It was getting dark outside, and most people had left, when she came up to him and said "Where do you want to go?". He replied "There is a nice restaurant not far from here", I'll show you. She had changed out of her ballerina outfit and into a nice evening dress. It only took a few minutes to walk to the restaurant. They both ordered the fish stew that the restaurant was famous for.

They had a great time at the restaurant, and when they were done eating they didn't want to part ways yet, so they decided to go for a walk. They walked trough the city, holding hands, down to the harbor. It was totally dark outside now. There were no clouds, and Joseph thought the stars were brighter than ever before. There was a full moon this night, and with the light from that they could see far out across the ocean. They walked on to the beach that was next to the harbor. They were totally alone. When they had gotten halfway across the beach Maria turned to Joseph, looked into his eyes, and kissed him on the mouth.

New words:
literature, sleeping, months, train, water, volcano, bridge.
My chars: TPC / Tjuven / Dansare / Sinne / Magiker / Byracka / Krigare / Andreas
(This post was last modified: 03-08-2010, 05:48 PM by TPC.)
03-08-2010, 04:02 PM
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