soooooooo.... how about implementing a new quest?
to start the quest we talk to some npcs.. (idk, u go make a story)
then, when ready, talk to this certain npc and start battle.
i'd say we kill a lot of porings, custom type, diff porings per waves.
i know theres many type of porings with different elements.
say like, 1st wave is the fire porings, 2nd is the ghost porings.
the elements are chosen at random.
we can do this quest with a party. so the waves of porings depends on how many party members joining the fight. so 10 party members would be 10 waves of porings.
and every wave have a Boss which must be killed only after his minions are dead. after the last wave, would be the 'last boss' which is very very hard to kill

but with good teamwork, possible.
winning this battle and you earn like e.g Deviling/Angeling/Archangeling hat
all hats give different attribute, character-bound and only one hat per character. so we have to choose wisely depending on our character.
For those who did the quest and won, you can still join the battle again to help friends although you wont get anything after winning.
I got this from another mid-rate server i played but i kinda edit some parts hehe, and its heck fun.
AND sorry if you cant understand anything i write, im not that fluent with this language