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7 Word Game
katleoyumi Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
@ Seyrus: Your baba-yaga story was sooooooooooooooooooooooo weird. LMAO! HAHAAAA! I liked your airplane one though. c=

@ Byracka: Your hole story was ..weird and it was definitely not continued. :O Also...the line dancing story....oOoooOh Maria eh? Icon_wink

literature, sleeping, months, train, water, volcano, bridge

After months of sleeping on trains and under bridges, Andreas the troll decided to look for a new area to sleep in. He swam across the waters to the other side where literature was greatly valued.

Once on the other side, he noticed a long line of people holding books. He waited in the line too and people started to look at him weirdly. Then a girl named Linh came and said "here, take this book."

"Thanks," Andreas said as he held onto the book and watched as everyone's attentions went back to the front of the line.

It took about 30 minutes before Andreas made it to the front of the line. There, he saw a giant volcano and a sasquatch named Seyrus.

"What is your wish?" Seyrus the sasquatched growled as the little purple fairy named Maria started fluttering her wings beside Seyrus.

to be continued. c=

New Words:

wildfire - exam - bag - statue - rice - grandpa - agent
pocket size linh [whitesmith] **
pocket size Iinh [baby blacksmith] **
Blackchapel [baby monk] **
Lowercut [baby monk] **
King Boo [alchemist]

Guild: HappyChildFoundation
03-08-2010, 11:29 PM
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TPC Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
@linh, The hole story will be continued soon, with a twist.

My grandpa, the secret agent of the rice land, carefully examined the bag of broken miniature statues that the wildfire had destroyed. He thought to himself "This is perfect for my modern art project!", and took out his credit card to buy it.

Hm.. how short can it get? I got all the words into one sentence, but had to add a second one for it to have a context and make sense.

New words:
Cleaning, complain, wheel, traded, mirror, fist, awake.
My chars: TPC / Tjuven / Dansare / Sinne / Magiker / Byracka / Krigare / Andreas
03-09-2010, 01:43 AM
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katleoyumi Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
LMAO that's barely even a story!

Cleaning, complain, wheel, traded, mirror, fist, awake

Today Maria was awake at 5:30 am because someone's front wheels skidded really loudly onto her front porch. When she ran downstairs with her fist in a bunch, she saw some of her other neighbours complaining about the noise to the driver.

She was shocked to see that the driver was her cleaning man, Andreas. She was embarrassed and as much as she wanted to yell at him, she couldn't because she still needed him to clean her mirrors today.

So she traded apologies with the other neighbours and quickly took Andreas to the hospital and all was well.

New Words:

Seyrus - Maria - Linh - Andreas - Luna Scarlet - Emerald Weapon - Vinara
pocket size linh [whitesmith] **
pocket size Iinh [baby blacksmith] **
Blackchapel [baby monk] **
Lowercut [baby monk] **
King Boo [alchemist]

Guild: HappyChildFoundation
03-09-2010, 08:14 AM
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BabyRina Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
Why is Maria in so many stories! =o

Seyrus - Maria - Linh - Andreas - Luna Scarlet - Emerald Weapon - Vinara

The Epic Adventures of Happy Child Foundation

One morning, Linh woke up and looked outside her window. It was a beautiful day outside with perfect weather to go on an adventure! She went and got dressed, wearing a pretty pink top and a pair of shorts. Linh went downstairs to wait for Maria to come to her house.

It was 10 am when Maria arrived at Linh's house. "What are we going to do today? I want to go outside!" exclaims Maria with a smile. She was always a happy girl who loved the sun, thought Linh.

"Well you are lucky because we are going on an adventure!" replies Linh. "Grab your bag and let's go!"

Linh and Maria got their bags along with snacks for their journey. The first stop was Seyrus' shop to buy some sunscreen so they don't get too tanned.

"Welcome to HCF Shop! How may I help you today?" greets Seyrus.

"Oh we are just looking for some sunscreen for out adventure." replies Linh.

"An adventure! Can I come a long too?" asks Seyrus. He wanted to get out of the store after working for days. He hoped that they would let him join them.

"Sure! Come along. The more the merrier!" says Maria. "But first, lets get some sunscreen." The three of them grabbed what they needed from the store and set off into the streets of Payon. As they were walking through the forest, they saw a figure move in between the trees.

"What was that!" "Ohmygosh it's going to kill us!" "RUUUUN!"

"Huh? Are you talking about me? I am harmless, don't run!" replies the figure. "My name is Andreas, and I am lost. Can you help me?"

"Should we help him?" whispers Seyrus.
"I don't know, my mom told me not to talk to strangers!" says Maria quietly.

"Hey Andreas, would you like us to take you back to Payon town?" says Linh bravely.

"Oh yes, please! I've been wandering around this forest with no way out." replies Andreas. He was glad to have found someone to help him. Everyone he talked to seem to be afraid of him... he was only an archer.

Linh, Maria, Seyrus and Andreas travelled along the ragged path in the forest. Soon after, they had reached Payon. There they saw a beautiful high wizard, Luna Scarlet who was chatting with a very green high priest named Emerald Weapon.

Luna Scarlet stopped speaking once she saw the four people walk into the town. "Hey, look at them! They look like they are having fun." whispers Luna.
"I know, let's see if they would want us to join!" replies Emerald.

"Hi guys. May Emerald and I join your party?" asks Luna politely.

"You would like to join... us?" asks Seyrus who thought they were up to no good.

"Of course! So, can we?" asks Emerald with a smile.

"Sure I guess so. We are going to go travel to Rachel. We heard it is very nice and clean there." says Maria.

"We can help you survive the dangerous journey." replies Luna.

Once Luna and Emerald were ready, they all set off to the mysterious town of Rachel. Along the way were monsters that attacked them. Maria would hit them with her mace, Linh would kill them with her axe, Seyrus would run around, Andreas would hit them with an arrow of poison, Luna would cast her magic skills and Emerald would attend to those that have fallen. Together they were unbeatable. They have gotten to the gate of Rachel.

"Ahh, finally we are here!" exclaims Linh.

"....heeeelp.... mee..pleasseee..over..heeree." whispered a character who was no where in sight.

"Who's there?" says Maria. "We don't see you.."

"Oh look! I see her! Right there behind the bush!" Andreas replies pointing at the faint figure in the bush near the gate.

"I think you should help her Emerald!" says Luna.

Emerald went up to the figure. "Resurrection! Heal!!"

"Ahh, thank you kind gentlemen. Oh, let me introduce myself. My name is Vinara. I was trying to get into Rachel but they would not let me in! All I keep hearing is 'A great force may only enter'.. like what does that even mean!"

Together they seven of them thought of what the riddle must have meant. "OHH! I know! Let's create a guild and together we can enter the gates of Rachel!" says Maria after thinking of what a force may be.

"Let's hope you are right Maria!" says Linh. She took out her emperium she had obtained while killing the monsters. 'Ahh.. I guess there was a use for this after all' she thought. With all her might she directed her power to the emperium. "Let us join together and create the almighty guild, Happy Child Foundation." The emperium began to shine and thus Happy Child Foundation was created! All seven of them joined, and together they pushed the gates of Rachel and were able to enter. From that day on, Happy Child Foundation was formed and they all became great friends.

The end!

New words:
apple - sanitizer - chewy - sticky - rose - camera - pencil case
[Image: siginprogresscopy-1.png]
Baby Rina - Rina Catcher - Minnie Me
Riches - Criseyde - Carbonated Drink
03-09-2010, 07:04 PM
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katleoyumi Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
@ Maria:

"he was only an archer." LMAO
"Seyrus would run around" LMAO LMAO LMAO!!!

I love your story! It's great. :O
pocket size linh [whitesmith] **
pocket size Iinh [baby blacksmith] **
Blackchapel [baby monk] **
Lowercut [baby monk] **
King Boo [alchemist]

Guild: HappyChildFoundation
03-09-2010, 09:43 PM
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BabyRina Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
Buahaha, I did not know what Seyrus would really do so I put that (:
and yes.. just an archer! NOT a hunter -laughs-

Someone go make a story! =o

New words:
apple - sanitizer - chewy - sticky - rose - camera - pencil case
[Image: siginprogresscopy-1.png]
Baby Rina - Rina Catcher - Minnie Me
Riches - Criseyde - Carbonated Drink
03-09-2010, 10:34 PM
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katleoyumi Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
apple - sanitizer - chewy - sticky - rose - camera - pencil case

On a hot, sticky day, Rose Bear decided to go apple picking with her friends. She packed her sanitizer and her super chewy bubblegum.

Then she went to pick up Care Bear from her small yellow vinyl house. Care Bear packed a pencil case, in case she found an apple tree that she would like to sketch.

Then the two bears went over to Bear Bear's house to find Bear Bear watering an apple tree in her garden. They told Bear Bear about their plans for going apple picking and Bear Bear suggested that they just pick apples off her apple tree.

The bears decided that it was a great idea so they put all their things on Bear Bear's lawn. Then Bear Bear took out her camera and all three of them took a nice picture!

New Words:

lawn - sketch - bear - like - go - lack - over
pocket size linh [whitesmith] **
pocket size Iinh [baby blacksmith] **
Blackchapel [baby monk] **
Lowercut [baby monk] **
King Boo [alchemist]

Guild: HappyChildFoundation
03-10-2010, 09:27 PM
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TPC Offline
I like pie

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RE: 7 Word Game
Linh and Maria was having a picnic on Linhs lawn one warm summer day. They were eating ham and cheese sandwiches and drinking lemonade. They had almost finished eating and were talking about all kinds of things. Suddenly Maria says to Linh: "Tell me a story!". Linh replied "Okay, but then you have to tell me one too.".

Linh began telling the story. "Once upon a time there was a bear who had to go over a bridge that stretched over a river. On the other side of the river was a nice cave where he could sleep for the winter. But he had eaten a lot of honey and berries, and had gotten very heavy. He was afraid the bridge was too weak for him. And there was a waterfall not far from the bridge, so if he fell in he might be in danger. But he was a very clever bear, so he got a bunch of trunks and started to stack them against the bridge on the side that was away from the waterfall. That way he could swim over without fear because the trunks would stop him from getting to the waterfall. He got to the other side and had a nice sleep all winter. The end.".

Maria said: "That was a nice story.". Linh then said "Now its your turn!". And Maria told her story: "Once upon a time there was a girl who wanted to make a sketch of her house, because she was moving to another city and wanted to remember her old house. All her things had already been packed into boxes, so she lacked pen and paper. She was sad because she couldn't make a sketch to have as a memory of her old house. But then she got an idea, she went to her neighbors and asked if she could borrow a pen and a piece of paper. The neigbhor, who was a nice old lady, agreed, and the girl could finally make her sketch. It turned out to be very nice. After she had moved she had the sketch framed and put it up on the wall of her room.".

Linh said "I liked your story too. Do you want to go play some RO?". Maria said "Okay.". And they went into Linh's house and had a fun day of playing RO.

Stories within stories. Icon_smile

New words:
lonely, laptop, justify, candlelight, aluminum, eagle, together.
My chars: TPC / Tjuven / Dansare / Sinne / Magiker / Byracka / Krigare / Andreas
03-11-2010, 04:34 PM
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BabyRina Offline
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RE: 7 Word Game
lonely, laptop, justify, candlelight, aluminum, eagle, together

Maria took out her laptop and lit the candlelight to help her see better through the darkness. She began writing her story.

On Mount Olympus, Demeter felt lonely after losing her daughter Persephone to Hades. She did not know what to do anymore and had let the world suffer through her sadness. Her actions were justified since Hades had stolen Persephone from her because he was in love with her.

Persephone was never used to the darkness of the underworld. She was used to the flowers and light of the world. She remembered the eagle that would fly over her head every morning. She would do anything to get back to that world.

She had thought of an idea to get the attention from the gods in Olympus. Persephone had found a piece of aluminum and had tried to direct the little light back into the sky. She had hoped the gods had seen that she is still alive.

Zeus faintly saw a light coming from the underworld. Light never comes from the dark place, and he was curious. He sent Hermes, the Messenger God, to go see who was there. When Hermes arrived, he saw Persephone and had told her to come with him back into the world. Persephone was about to leave when Hades offered her a piece of pomegranate to share together before she left him.

But she did not know that by eating this fruit, she would be sentenced to live in the Underworld for a third of the year. Demeter was glad to have her back, and therefore the world lived again but every time Persephone returned to the Underworld, Demeter would be sad and all plants would die on earth.

The End!

This is what happens when you study for English, and try to write a story!
-Based on the myth of "The Theft of Persephone"

New Words:
seeds - immortal - mouse - mold - sculpture - word - content
[Image: siginprogresscopy-1.png]
Baby Rina - Rina Catcher - Minnie Me
Riches - Criseyde - Carbonated Drink
03-11-2010, 09:45 PM
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Session Offline
Formerly known as Tak.

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RE: 7 Word Game
I'd like to turn those new words into a rhythmic little poem of sorts :o

Is that acceptable as a 'story' ?
My Shop/Buylist- Angel's Branch of HeRo

High Priest- Akharamizu-Leader of Transcension
Assassin Cross- DownfallenAngel
High Wizard- Session
To-Be SinX2- Tithe
Rogue- Anzkhel
Errende- Hunter
Gunslinger- Ancele
Soullinker- Jonag

I used to have a comment here. I still do, but I used to do, too.
03-11-2010, 10:33 PM
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