takhara Wrote:Wiki needs some updating. So nice to know someone else is on it.
I'd love to help, but...yeah, I'm not exactly fond of messing things up. >>;
Well, the wiki has a 'preview' feature when editing pages. You can't let yourself be held back by fear of screwing anything up; you can revert any changes made, too!
Manifus Wrote:Hi.
Fatalis.... sounds familiar.
My previous avatar & signature was that of a sniper, if it helps. You may have possibly seen the name Fatalis in the Monster Hunter series of games (It's a dragon). I used to use the name for the meaning; it's actually latin!
mahawirasd Wrote:wb.
you were pretty active in the forums and wiki last i recall, why did you disappear? good to have you back though 
I'm not really that social of a person. I enjoy working on things, but I find it difficult to stick anywhere for long if I can't integrate myself into the community

As I understand it, there's some wiki work to be done, so I'm going to try inquire into that.