I normally don't come into the intro threads unless it's for a departure; but I just wanted to let you know that I semi-stole your name.??>_>
When you hopped on the other day and Tameko was giving you crap for trying to sound Japanese with your name I decided to see if what he said was true - if there really is no "Tse" in Japanese.??I didn't find anything about it, so I guess it can be true; but then I Googled your name to see what it meant (not knowing it was merely invented by your parents =p ).??I found nothing but "Tsetsum".
My browser suggested I try "Setsumei" ("explanation" in Japanese) and "Zetsumai" ("to die" in Japanese).??When I found out what Zetsumai means I totally logged out and created a char with that name... <_<
Since it's Japanese, means death and I stole it from you he is now my Ninja-in-training!??
Thanks for the kind words in regards to my ninja theory and welcome to HeRO!??Beware of cookies - they might be poison.??D:
P.S. - Maha, you really should think of more original welcome messages.??It's like you have that thing macroed.??xD
(This post was last modified: 03-27-2010, 11:29 PM by Whispers.)