Megaman, not Rockman!!!
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Newbie Zeny
So, i figured, since there're quite new players popping out everyday and obviously need some help with their financial crisis, i'd decided to put a guide here(since some are new to the game and some might need adjustments and help since they come from high rates, maybe ). Of course, this is only for the low leveled, anyone who wants to add in for high leveled zeny making or criticize this guide, be my guess.
1. Novice Grounds
So you've made your character and ready to start playing. I really don't suggest anyone to gain level by talking to the instructor NPCs, since the mind set of most people is to leave the training grounds ASAP, but it's your choice.
First, talk to the HeRO Guardian and make sure you read and understand all he said. Surely you don't want to end up in jail or banned because of your actions that had broken the rules. Once you're in, talk to the granny to receive your first newbie pack. Don't immediately push "enter" after clicking onto her or you might be warped to Prontera unintentionally at only level 1 or 2! Take the training course and talk only to the blacksmith(the girl in blue shorts and white top with blonde hair). You'll gain 2 job levels, 51 novice potions, and a few gears, drop those gears since you already have a newbie pack and they're worthless. Head to the room in the left hand side and talk to the guy in the left hand side first to get 1 level and have access to the training ground. Talk to the other guy to get in and receive 300 novice potions and 2 more worthless gears.
Well, kill everything you see, but the main source of income is actually condors and pickys. To get to them, talk to the guy at the lowest part of the map and choose "something more challenging". Pickys and Condors drop the uncommon Yellow Gemstone, that players want, and in addition condors drop Bows(500z) and Oranges(150z). Fight as much as you like and when you have enough, proceed to the next room at the top of the map.
Now for the personality test, no matter what job you wanna change to, try to get merchant. You'll get a Battle Axe after you're done. You can either use it or sell it for 2700z, but honestly who'd want to use that slow and heavy thing? Stick to your Main Gauche and refine it to +7 with the 7 Phracons you got from the test, unless you're going to be an Archer, them save them for your Composite Bow later. After this, it's job change time!
Edit: for those who wants to change to mage, fight in the easiest training ground first to collect the fluff and jellopy needed for the quest. Then continue to the medium level room to get the milk from picky.
As for archer wannabes, immediately go into frenzy mode and kill all you see in sight in the medium level room, point is to keep the trunks and get all the different loots you might need to gain more zeny.
(This post was last modified: 06-01-2010, 06:20 AM by Ngjoko.)
05-27-2010, 01:14 AM |
Megaman, not Rockman!!!
Posts: 994
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RE: Newbie Zeny
2. After job change
Try to do the job Training quest though it'd not make you any richer, you will get a weapon at the end of it. You can check it out in for the quest details. I really recommend this especially to RO newbies since they'll be needing some help understanding their class. Anyway, if you don't want to do it, hunt for Baby Desert Wolves, the drops are ok and can sell for some zeny and i'm sure ninjas would like to get their hand on the rare Ashura[3]. If you're done or bored with this, hunt Pecopecos until you can afford a level 3 weapon. They give decent drops(Sandals[1]) and exp, plus their card is a rare treasure, just watch out for their Sonic Blow, it really hurts.
(This post was last modified: 06-01-2010, 04:16 AM by Ngjoko.)
05-27-2010, 01:26 AM |
Megaman, not Rockman!!!
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RE: Newbie Zeny
3. Trading
I'm very sure that people will think Pecopecos aren't good, so here i am, making an alternative route. If you really want to risk a bit, go to Muka's map, it's 2 south from Morroc. I personally train here since i'm more of a people pleaser. The main objective here is get Cactus Needles and Empty Bottles. Some green and red herbs and green lives might be in demand as well so keep those too. Apparently, Muka is a very good target, it's easy to kill and all of it's drop can be sold to players for some nice zeny. You might get a spear or 2, just sell those to NPCs for 6500z since i don't think anyone will want to buy them.
There is also a mini boss here, a Dragonfly. It looks like a Steel Chonchon, but weaker and always have lots of Chonchon following it. If you feel you're good enough, you should try to kill it. I don't see anything that's worth any zeny, except for the Clip[1]. It's a really handy accessory and can sell for quite an amount of zeny to players, though i don't really know it's market price. Always bring some Fly wing when hunting here because there is something that'll definately kill you, a Hunter Fly, it's a red chonchon and very dangerous for newbies, avoid them at all cost!
Remember, the objective is to get the stuff people will buy from you, however don't play with the price too much or you might not sell anything or worse destroy the item's market price
(This post was last modified: 06-01-2010, 06:28 AM by Ngjoko.)
05-27-2010, 01:54 AM |
Megaman, not Rockman!!!
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RE: Newbie Zeny
4. Final Touches
Your first character should be the main source of your early zeny, so it's level should be placed in 2nd priority once it'd reached 50 or more. Hunt mobs for their common or uncommon loots that can sell high enough and easily gotten is it's top priority. Also, check on the server's information for the most class played in game. Use the information to your advantage, for instance, creators usually will buy stems, poison spores, mushroom spores, empty bottles, witched starsand, cactus needles, and more at a reasonable or market price since they'll need to use them for their skills or their homunculus and there are a reasonable amount of people playing that class, so the goods will always be in demand.
Also, always keep @main on, you never know when anyone will be seeking something that you have or can get easily or are currently hunting. Read the HeRO wiki at for the informations on custom quests and keep stocks of the required goods in storage and take them out for sale when the time is right or when people are yelling out for them.
Last but not least, make a merchant. It's not necessary nowadays that you learn discount since PnP or other competitors are already everywhere selling tools at lowered price. You should however max overcharge. In case you have junk that noone simply wants like the stuff mentioned in the first post, you'll be able to gain more than the usual price. Also, learn how to use vending. Obviously, you'd have something to sell but yelling can't do much since players play at different times. Put up a shop in a place most people gather, i wouldn't recommend Prontera since it's too crowded already and hardly anyone shops there. Once you're happy with it, type @at and you can turn off your computer and do other private stuff.
I'll add some suggestions on where to hunt for zeny, may not be as good as it seems, but there maps works for me pretty much:
1. Orc Dungeon <3
Very easy money but rather dangerous, so i'd suggest going there as a party of 2 that can watch each others backs because obviously the place is fully packed with those undeads and annoying bats that spawn everywhere very suddenly and ruining everything.
The loots that comes from undead race sell rather high and, considering the dungeon size and monster level, very available and abundant and can pay you back the potion money. I usually leave the place 50% overweighted without the need of bringing too much potions and i'm a rogue with decent strength.
Also, Emperium. I got 2 on my first venture there. It might seem useless, but you'll see people looking for it sooner or later when they need to reset their characters at very high level, so save them up first or vend them out ASAP.
2. Yoyo's map
It's outside St. Capitonia, the monk job change location. The monsters there are weak enough and they drop a lot of food, so you might not need any potions at all. Actually, you'll have to eat the potatoes and bananas anyway, because they're rather heavy but cheap, save the strawberries to sell later. The only danger there is Choco, though i'd probably think that wouldn't be too much of a problem if you're level 50 or more. The drops are pretty decent, though might lose out if you compare the prices with orc dungeon drops, but it's an easier alternative. IMHO, mages shouldn't be there. All of them are cast sensors.
3. Thara Frog map, Comodo Dungeon
This is definately the place to find PvP and WoE cards. The drops from these frogs ain't too great, but Megalodon is undead and it's stinky scales can sell for some zeny, also i'd love to buy a rotten fish from anyone who is willing to sell it at 5k.
1 big problem, Nereid. Strangely though, my rogue can deal with it, but the knight there kept on dying because of it. Anyway, this really isn't a great place for drops, just a place for WoE and PvP cards.
My reason of going there is simply just passing by, my real goal is the Alligators at the end of the exit. Since i still can't kill them easily, i will steal zargon, worn out prison uniform, and anolian skin from them. The drops can sell for 200+ to 300+ zeny each. These reptiles aren't aggressive, just cast sensors. As long as you can flee well, you can fight them with no problem. There are Poison Spore there too, and they drop, well, poison spores, Alchemists love this item, especially if they want to save up enough ingredients for alcohol for Acid Demonstration.
4. Moscovia Forest
Not much to say here other than this place is GREAT! Good exp, great drops with decent value, class friendly. The bad side about this is, the 10k boat free. If you want to unlock the warp point in the city or dungeon, you'll need to spend quite an ungodly amount of zeny for it. It hurts a lot, but it would slowly pay off depending on your hunting speed.
Also, another bad side about this place, too crowded. Already there's too many players killing les, leaving the wood goblins alone. Both are good, but les is easier to kill plus have more market value. Goblins heal too often, so it's a pain to kill them. Also the drops sell decently, but to NPCs only. You'll be needing quite an amount of yellow or white potions here.
5. Einbech Mines
I haven't been here yet, but from my experience in other servers, this place is great for Double Strafing spammers or some level 10 fire wall and bolts. The main target is Pitman.
Steel and coal might be nice to sell if there are active blacksmiths now.
(This post was last modified: 06-01-2010, 07:36 AM by Ngjoko.)
05-27-2010, 03:35 AM |
Megaman, not Rockman!!!
Posts: 994
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RE: Newbie Zeny
Oh, thanks for the critic. Well, i figured that once you've done the personality test, you'll have 4 or 5 free transport ticket. That'd save your transport money.
About the combo, sorry but i don't know the market price for it, that's why i didn't include that in. Even so, i really wouldn't recommend getting the combo, since i see people vend those 2 items at quite a price, not only as a combo, but as quest ingredient.
As for how to get to the places, well, i'm sure they'd figure it out somehow. Be it via or exploring. 
So, like i said, feel free to add in, i'm sure new players will appreciate it a lot.
I think I'm finally going "home", renewal is fun, but there is really nothing like "heRO"...
Kyarorain, Shield Crusader
Erizabeth, Battle Sage
Derpette, Int Brewer
Katerine, Battle Acolyte
05-27-2010, 05:29 AM |
Megaman, not Rockman!!!
Posts: 994
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RE: Newbie Zeny
I remember that we're not supposed to divulge any information about hte quest here..., so I didn't even think about adding it.
Hey, for anyone reading this guide now, be sure to visit for the custom quests and information.
I think I'm finally going "home", renewal is fun, but there is really nothing like "heRO"...
Kyarorain, Shield Crusader
Erizabeth, Battle Sage
Derpette, Int Brewer
Katerine, Battle Acolyte
05-27-2010, 11:12 PM |
The Pink Monster
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RE:??Newbie Zeny
Wow, thank you for this guide. My boyfriend and I are kinda new (mmh, maybe almost a week) here and we have been looking for some alternative ways to earn a little bit more Zeny. We kinda find it hard to make Zeny here since we both came from a high rate server where almost everything was easy to get especially leveling and making Zeny.
The first char I made is a priest (my first mistake but well, I love this class) so you know, it's kinda hard to get loots since I don't always kill the monsters unless they're undead, mushrooms and plants. It was really hard especially when my char was just an acolyte and my main problem was the regeneration of SP. So then I decided to make a new char and I remembered that there's the Training Grounds for novice. I applied for it and decided to make my job level 10 in there, killed Lunatics (drops Apples, Carrots and Red Herbs) and Chonchons (more exp). Then I took the Personality Quiz and decided to become a merchant with the help from iROWiki. The Novice Potions are really helpful. I used them 'til I reached level 25+. So as those Kafra Transport and Kafra Storage Tickets. They made the 5,000 Zeny last for more than a day. I also made sure to start the Sisterly Affection Quest because I didn't take it earlier (my second mistake) with my acolyte. I used Kafra Teleport Service right away to transfer towns and we all know that the service is expensive for a newbie with only 5,000 Zeny. Then I leveled in Prontera Culverts level 1. It's kinda fast in there since Thief Bug Eggs give a lot of exp points than Pupas. Although they don't give that much drops aside from the Chrysalis, you gain a lot of job exp instead. More job exp, faster job level and a fast way to get Discount and Overcharge skills. I think, both skills are useful and important for a newbie when buying and selling at NPC stores.
Ngjoko Wrote:2. After job change
Try to do the job Training quest though it'd not make you any richer, you will get a weapon at the end of it. You can check it out in for the quest details. I really recommend this especially to RO newbies since they'll be needing some help understanding their class. Anyway, if you don't want to do it, hunt for Baby Desert Wolves, the drops are ok and can sell for some zeny and i'm sure ninjas would like to get their hand on the rare Ashura[3]. If you're done or bored with this, hunt Pecopecos until you can afford a level 3 weapon. They give decent drops(Shoes[1]) and exp, plus their card is a rare treasure, just watch out for their Sonic Blow, it really hurts. We also tried the Peco Pecos when we were around level 12-15 but gosh, the Sonic Blow hurts, it killed us both. Oh and I thought Peco Peco drops Sandals [1] not Shoes [1]? *@mi 1019 | Peco Peco on RMS*
Anyways, here are some things I noticed and some things I would like to suggest to you. No harm intended, okays? Just my opinion. It's still up to you to decide on what to do with your topic. Okay, here I go.
* I noticed that you double posted the Step 4.
It confused me at first and it made me ask myself, "Did I scroll up again without knowing it?" since I don't browse in maximum window size. Then I scrolled up and down and yeah, there were two. I wonder if you could delete the other one? Idk, maybe I just want to make this helpful guide to be more neat.
* Maybe, put some pictures of the NPCs?
I know it's too much to ask and more work for you and could also spoil the surprises, but I think it could be more helpful to newbies to have an idea of how they look.
* Maybe, put a guide on how to do @at with pictures too?
I think, some people don't know how to do it yet. Also, some of them think that when an account is in @at, you can still log it in and play at the same. Unless, it's possible in this server.
There. But overall, thank you for this guide and I really appreciate it. I must say, you should have posted it earlier. xD
My IGNs:
Micheru~ is a full support priest, base 83 and job 50.
Micheru Nyaanini will soon become a merchant, base 30 and job 10.
(This post was last modified: 06-01-2010, 12:15 AM by Micheru~.)
06-01-2010, 12:03 AM |
Megaman, not Rockman!!!
Posts: 994
Threads: 25
Joined: Apr 2010
RE: Newbie Zeny
Thanks for the feedback./thx;
Sorry, but i don't think i can do the pictures, i'm logging in and posting in the forums via my handphone using GPRS(during working hours) and i have no pictures in it, so i can only give some not too clear information in words.
I have to note that you can start the peco killing spree after you feel like you can kill baby desert wolves too easily, and that'd be at least level 18 for a thief or swordy, of course it'll still be challenging. If you're a mage or archer you can try to hit or cold bolt and run immediately after getting some free job level speaking to their job trainer. Oh, and those big birds drop sandals[1], thanks for the correction, which reminds me, a character named "Tabib Jalanan" had been on yelling on main looking for those sandals for days, try to PM him when you see his shout outs. I don't really know what they're for but s/he is certainly looking for a lot of it.
 As for your starting characters, well i tried not include this but, even if you are an acolyte, an archer, or a mage, you should go battle first, especially in your novice days, until level 40 at max. The reason? If you'd read the HeROwiki, i'm sure you'd have known about the reset master, or whatever you call him. Of course, i can't divulge the information here, so read or ask in game for his exact location.  Believe me, your life as an acolyte will be much simpler. Just a little information about my characters, i still have about 300+ of novice potions in my storage since i started all my characters as Vit type, but i don't know how to use them, or i can save them up until i trans for some free potions.
I think I'm finally going "home", renewal is fun, but there is really nothing like "heRO"...
Kyarorain, Shield Crusader
Erizabeth, Battle Sage
Derpette, Int Brewer
Katerine, Battle Acolyte
06-01-2010, 12:54 AM |