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Tenshi Offline
•(The KutleRY)•

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Not to worry baby
I knew what would be said
I was waiting for that answer
I knew it to be true
The actions and reactions told me so

The pain inevetible
breaking into my sanctuary
it's just so simple
to feel this hurt that sets me free

Although i lie here in the corner
beaten down and alone once again
this pain that came as a comforting friend
I knew that it's nothing but a fiend

here there's nothing left to see
but a vessle leaking out crimson
this heart has turned to stone
nothing left here but a forever frozen organ

pipes playing for a nameless person
holding on to nothing
having only this fiend that's his only friend
this pain that i have brings nothing but tears

a nameless heart that is broken
holding up a token
just from being forsaken
leaving this forever broken haven

And so this endless pain
that has driven up my lane
has come to set loose my agony
that is locked up in this casket of mahogony

a final verse
that shows my eternal thirst
for the love that i gave
is no longer here to save


- Tenshi (Writen @ 17:38 EST 03/11/2005)
[Image: 180da8wb2.gif]

I am the stone that the builder refused
Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi?
11-03-2005, 06:48 PM
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Tenshi Offline
•(The KutleRY)•

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RE: Poem
drops of rain grow ever larger here
these drops from the heavens
can't disguise my fallen tears
as your sweet scent fades into the night

so i may cry
even though i can't fly
let me see you happy
enven though i am sappy

so to tears evaporate
as is the fate
of my emotion
i need it as a caution

seeing you happy
is all i can do
being by your side
holding you up high

don't look back
your choice was made
it was right
it gave me a fright

with no more light
my hearts up in flame
turned down into an icy brick
i won't just take flight

forever waiting
forever wanting
"I won't live forever,
But I will forever wait for you"


- Tenshi (Writen @ 18:18 EST 03/11/2005)
[Image: 180da8wb2.gif]

I am the stone that the builder refused
Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi?
11-03-2005, 07:28 PM
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Tenshi Offline
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RE: Poem
Left in pieces lays in rest the heart
The rivers overflowing with the rain drops
These fleeting moments remain here with me
Never to forget all the happy moments with you

The time to morn is over
Once again alone in my world
I will overcome these hurtful times
Moving on is all I can do

Keeping you deep within my heart
How can I do anything else
How am I to forget
How do I not shed these sorouful tears

Tell me how all this pain can be put to rest
'cause i'm truly missing your caress
My baby you're in my heart
The only thing that's keeping it beating

As oddly as it started and as fast as it did
Ended it the next instant
Knowing the reason that we could not be
You were truthful to me

at least...
I can... be free...

- Tenshi (Writen @ 2:32 EST 05/11/2005)
[Image: 180da8wb2.gif]

I am the stone that the builder refused
Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi?
11-05-2005, 03:42 AM
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sirona Away

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RE: Poem
Hope this can cheer you up... I wrote this back in the HS days (in 99)... reflection on obstacles in life. Icon_wink

Obstacles in lives are miserable
Where they give you no warning label
They just attack
And bring you in a cul-de-sac

You?ll never know what?s ahead
Maybe you?re already on a bobsled
That?ll slide you to an end
Or to the worst, a dead end

Obstacles make you stress
Or make you depress
But just wait and see
Soon you will be free

After you?re ready, set and go
You?ll reach the end of the rainbow
At that time, you can pick and choose
And just a reminder : YOU?RE NOT BORN TO LOSE Icon_exclaim
Semper vigilans.

Living my life like a ninja... so, leave me alone... *vanish*
11-05-2005, 04:23 AM
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Tenshi Offline
•(The KutleRY)•

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RE: Poem
Icon_smile it's a nice poem~ yeah for sec 5 i wrote a poem in french class... it's a cute poem I thought Icon_smile
thanks for sharing Sirona!
[Image: 180da8wb2.gif]

I am the stone that the builder refused
Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi?
11-05-2005, 05:01 AM
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sirona Away

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RE: Poem
Tenshi Wrote:Icon_smile it's a nice poem~ yeah for sec 5 i wrote a poem in french class... it's a cute poem I thought Icon_smile

Thanks for the comment Icon_biggrin Wasn't the French poem part of the Ministry or something? (I remember I did something similar in sec 5 too..)
Semper vigilans.

Living my life like a ninja... so, leave me alone... *vanish*
11-05-2005, 01:33 PM
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Tenshi Offline
•(The KutleRY)•

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Les gouttes de pluie caressent ma joue/Rain drops caress my cheek
Tranquillement tombant de mon coeur/slowly falling on my heart
Bris? dans l'obscurit? de l'orage/broken in the darkness of the storm
D?pos? sur mon tombeau il y a des fleurs/On my tomb there are flowers

Trahi de mon seul amour/Betrayed by my only love
Une cicatrice tiss?e de haine/A scar made of hate
Tourn?e contre moi-m?me/That i have for myself
Pour comprendre ce fardeau lourd/to understand this heavy load

Aveugl? dans l'orage/blinded in the storm
Je ne trouve plus chemin/I no longer find my way
Perdu dans la voie du destin/lost on the road of destiny
Seul ami est cette rage/my only friend is this rage

Les gouttes de pluie caressent ma joue/Rain drops caress my cheek
Tranquillement tombant de mon coeur/slowly falling on my heart
Bris? dans l'obscurit? de l'orage/broken in the darkness of the storm
D?pos? sur mon tombeau il y a des fleurs/On my tomb there are flowers

? toi mon amour/To you my love
Je donne mon tout/i give you my all
D?chir? par ce seul amour/torn by this only love
Dans ce temps si doux/in this soft moment

Une querelle contre la peine/this fight against the pain
Elle qui est si douce/that is so sweet
Ma seule compagne.../my only compagnon...
De vie.../in life...

- Tenshi (L'orage/The storm)

This is the poem I wrote back in the day for a sec 5 group project analysing poetry...
I guess this too applies in my current situation ha...ha...ha...
[Image: 180da8wb2.gif]

I am the stone that the builder refused
Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi?
(This post was last modified: 11-06-2005, 03:11 AM by Tenshi.)
11-05-2005, 02:12 PM
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sirona Away

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RE: Poem
I don't have the one of sec 5 with me...Icon_cry I wonder if I casted it into the deep fiery abyss when I was throwing out everything I did in sec 5. Icon_evil

This is one of my poems that I wrote for sec 3, I think... It was more for my crush back in the daysIcon_mad (Crappy translation, but I tried)

La solitude totale / The total solitude

Pourquoi m?as-tu trahi? / Why did you betray me
Mon coeur est envahi,??/ My heart is filled
Par des regrets inconsolables / With my unconsolable regrets
Et par des incidents inoubliables. / And by the unforgettable moments

Marchant dans la rue d?sert?e / Walking in the deserted street
O? mes r?ves ?taient envol?s / Where my dreams flew away
Pourtant je n?ai rien compris / But then, I did not understand
De ce qui est mal compris / What was misunderstood (between us)

M?as-tu laiss?e pour rien? / Did you leave me for nothing
O? est-ce que c?est pour mon bien? / Or was it for my own good?
As-tu pens? qu?? toi? / Where you only thinking about you
Pourquoi n?as-tu pas pens? ? moi? / Why did not you think about me?

Je resterai dans ma cachette / I will stay in my hideout
L? je deviendrai une triste po?te / Where I will become a sad poet
Lentement j?abandonnerai l?amiti? / Slowly, I will give up the friendship
Que j?ai fait dans cette grande cit? / Which I made in this big city

Dans quelque temps, tu peux y croire / In some time, you can believe
Que je porterai l??p?e et la croix / That I will wear a sword and a cross
Juste pour me prot?ger de toi / Just to protect myself against you
Donc ?loigne-toi de moi. / So, leave me alone
Semper vigilans.

Living my life like a ninja... so, leave me alone... *vanish*
11-05-2005, 03:11 PM
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Tenshi Offline
•(The KutleRY)•

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RE: Poem
Aujourd'hui je me trouve seul
Standing here hoping for it to end
Je me sent devenir folle (should be fou but doesn't fit the rhyme)
Wondering why it is here that I stand
Est-ce que c'est ou nous nous avons rencontre
That must be it our first encounter
Que dois-je faire pour t'oublier
The forgotten past rushing back with a counter
Toute ma vie est reveler en ce moment ou je suis mourant
Here I am lying dead no longer able to stand life with out you there...

- Tenshi (Writen @ 2:05 EST 06/11/2005) (a minute poem)

BTW your poem is really nice Sirona~ You're a better poet than I...
Thank you for everything
[Image: 180da8wb2.gif]

I am the stone that the builder refused
Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi?
(This post was last modified: 11-06-2005, 03:17 AM by Tenshi.)
11-06-2005, 03:16 AM
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Tenshi Offline
•(The KutleRY)•

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RE: Poem
[Image: rose.png]

For you I posted this... You know who you are... Even with a shattered heart the feelings that I hold are true... Once again I must quote my friend because I know I can't do anything else but what it says....

"I may not live forever, but I am willing to wait for you forever."
[Image: 180da8wb2.gif]

I am the stone that the builder refused
Amicule, deliciae, num is sum qui mentiar tibi?
(This post was last modified: 11-06-2005, 10:26 PM by Tenshi.)
11-06-2005, 03:55 AM
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