Hi, I did some WOE for the first time, I found a bug in which my character was not able to continuously auto attack with /noctrl on. I then immidiately tested this out on PvP arena with some friends, and it worked just fine, I was able to auto hit and take advantage of high attack speed + crit.
Is there a special rule in WOE that auto attacking is disable in this server that I am not aware of?
Its a quirk that's always been so. I suppose the main reason is so you can't click an Emp and walk away (like you would be able to under normal circumstances without interruption but oh well)
Anyways afk in WoE at your own risk.
~Wesa got a grand army!~ || ~Phreeoni's Cave of Wonders~
Jugger (LK) Jester (Hunter) Beast (Taekwon) War Machine (BlackSmith) Iron Man (Merchant)