Fishbump, updated stock.
Not been active much lately due to RL and the "summer"

But is currently powerfishing again so will have more stocks to come.
Alltho been unlucky a couple of times and lost fishes worth of 9k baits

Fishes from 3k baits got lost when i fell asleep fishing (they were on my Siroma pet who ran away when i couldnt feed it in my sleep haha.
Fishes 6k baits got stolen from a rogue/thief class that were cloaking/hiding next to me, and when i dropped out fishes worth of 3k baits 2 times, to re-organize the stacks of fishes, that person popped out his own siroma while he/she was in hide-mode, stole all fishes and then BW'inged or logged out :/
Cant trace the ones responsible, so other fishermen, beware of those scammers/thieves out there.