I found a botter too!
His name is Kimimaro
He was standing in front of a monster in lhz_fild03, I buffed him and got no response.
I killed the mosnter in front of him, sudenly he started walking until he found another monster then stayed "stuck" in front of that one too.
I killed the monster again and he did the same thing, walked until he got another than didnt do anything. I repeated the cycle a few times.
I assume he was over 90% full, thus he couldnt not attack, that's why he just walked to the next monster and stayed there.
I said a simple "hello" and he log off automatically and did not come back.
Obvious bot behavior.
The account is banned, on the same account there was only 1 other char, by the name of hellsinger.
Using the same IP is another account with the following characters: Kuramara, Ishida Uryu, Adamoto and Nejji. That account is not banned yet, but if we find the slightest evidence of botting on that account it's gonna end up like the other one!