The maintenance earlier was to update our SVN, this means the subversion of the Emulator we use to run Ragnarok Online (called eAthena). Below is a detail of the most important changes.
General informations
- Rate of card-granted items 2x
- Rate of ore discovery drop 3x
- Rate of quest exp 5x
- View range increased from 14 to 16 tiles from your character
- Crafted arrow will no longer have the maker's name on them
- Players idle for 3 minutes will stop receiving items from autoloot (same delay as exp)
- When in party and item share is activated, item picked up from player/pet will no longer be randomly distributed, they will go to the player picking it up
- Bonus exp per party member when in share is increased, from 5% per extra member to 10% per!
- Day time/Night time changes for 3 hours each (previously was 4 hours per day, 2 hours per night)
- Character level 90 and above can no longer be deleted, this is a preventive measure, to delete your character please make a support ticket from the email associated to the account
New commands
Displays current levels and % progress.
Autorejecting Deals/Invites
Set Font
Enables/disables autolooting an item.
Search shops, the command you've all been waiting for!
Please note that it's in a test period, if it turns out to be lagging the server it's likely we will remove it.
- Creamy card has been removed
- New cards: Agav, Echio, Vanberk, Isilla, Hodremlin, Seeker, Snowier, Siroma, Ice Titan, Gazeti, Muscipular, Drosera, Roween, Galion, Stapo, Byorgue, Sword Guardian, Bow Guardian, Salamander, Kasa, Magmaring, Imp, Knocker, Zombie Slaughter, Ragged Zombie, Hell Poodle, Banshee, Flame Skull, Necromancer, Tatacho, Aqua Elemental, Draco, Luciola Vespa, Centipede, Cornus, Dark Shadow, Centipede Larva, Hillsrion.
- heRO removed: Entweihen
Damp OCA
- heRO added, new custom item, contains various cards, obtained via Fishing (normal OCA no longer drop from Fishing) and drops from some MVP.
First Aid Kit
- heRO added items: Small Life Potion, Big Defence POtion, Big Magic Defense Life Potion.
Taming Giftset
- heRO added items: Banana Basket, Black Lipstick, Fuzzy Yarn Ball, Latest Fashionable Sunglasses, Golden Geta, Starball, Snowflake, Mjolnir Replica, CLR, Blue Scarf, Imprint of Cat King, Strawberry Pudding, Briefcase, Green Fairy Mirror, Magic Beans, Golden Paw Bracers.
- heRO removed items: Skull Helm, Monster Oxygen Mask, Transparent Headgear, Pacifier, Wig, Queen's Hair Ornament, Silk Ribbon, Punisher, Wild Flower, Battered Pot, Stellar Hairpin, Tiny Egg Shell, Backpack, Rocker Glasses, Green Lace, Golden Bell, Bark Shorts, Monkey Circlet, Red Scarf, Grave Keeper's Sword.
Jewelry Box
- heRO added items: Shinobi Sash, Thief Ring, Armor Charm, Angelic Ring, Sprint Ring, Pinguicula's Corsage, Cold Heart, Black Cat, Cursed Star, Linen Glove, Eyeball Ring and Waterdrop Brooch have been added.
- heRO removed: Glove of Orleans
- heRO added: Hat Voucher, Haircut Voucher, Seafoam, Pumpkin Mojo, Royal Gold Bullion
Bloody Branch
- Added from last update: Gloom Under Night and Fallen Bishop Hibram
- Fairy Land Warp has been moved to the bottom left of map mosk_fild02 (58,34)
- Mosk dungeon has a milestone travel system.
- Mosk town accessible through the npc in alberta, south of the gonryun npc
- Izlude dungeon's Hydra, moved as done last update. + 1 Icon_wink
- eAthena correction: Zeny check when summoning guardians, cost of investment (second invest is now quadruple the value of the first).
- WoE SE dungeons have official number of monster + piamette
- The castles have been rotated, Geffen was switched to a Payon. All 3 castle retain their owner, defense and eco.
- Black scarf now has a bonus of 1337 HP and +6 STR
- heRO drops hat healing rate bonus is removed on some items until further notice
- Dragon Manteau now drops from Duneyrr @ 3% in addition to the mvp
- Roguemaster's bow is equipable by thief/rogue
- HeartBreaker is now equipable by trans only (LK, WS, Paladin and Creator)
- Bardiche is now equipable by trans only (LK, WS, Paladin and Creator)
- Thief Ring & Cold Heart Equip Set is nerfed following the official version
(specs here)
- Radiant Wisdom is nerfed following the official version
( specs here)
- Lowered amount of Fake Angel and Violy from Geffen gef 4
- Levia Lusca drops Damp OCA now
- Event Bombporing's self destruct use was lowered!
- Mobs that dropped custom taming items for other monsters no longer drop them
- Novice wing quest is now doable in all novice island maps!
- Wandering Spirit Quest has modified to become easier, please note that it will be a requirement to this year's Halloween Quest, so plan ahead if you want to do it!
- The quest window is in (Alt+U), most official quest will get added to it if started after the SVN update, however custom quests are not yet added.
- Michael from the Monster Extermination quest and Katarus from the Helm quest have moved to other spots in the desert due to the destruction of the previous map they occupied.
Mini Game
- Hugel Monster Race was added
- New private DB/BB rooms!
- Styla has 2 new female hairstyles, 4 new male hairstyles (1 noble exclusive), 12 new palettes (1 noble exclusive). Sorry the hair image preview is not yet updated.
- Santa in Aldebaran moved to the official location (223,222)
- Marriage NPCs now work and timeout correctly. If the Bishop tells both players he is waiting for someone else, wait for 5 minutes, then try the process again. The register NPC will remember you, and
not recharge the items and zeny you for the second attempt.
![Icon_smile Icon_smile](
-Socket Enchant NPC splitted in two: Seiyablem (prt_in 33, 71) and Leablem (Lighthalzen 96, 137)
- Increased to 1000
- Has the Buff timers from now on!
- Has cat paws over the skill bar during casting and aftercast delay.
A big thanks to the other GM and all the players that helped in testing everything to bring this update about! ^_^