Matrim Cauthon Jr
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RE: Current player base.
I vote more Quests & customs.
I'd try & maybe even enjoy Battlegrounds once added.
We need to at least get Brasilis & Scaraba dungeons added.
But my number one is still, the Custom Cards we did a contest to draw illustrations for months ago.
PS: I know the GMs are busy. This is just intended as what I & most I know in Hero want to see.
01-05-2011, 10:50 PM |
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RE: Current player base.
Also a + about BG is, it gets the "smaller" guilds into WoE faster with the armors and weapons you can get. They arent top tier compared to say...Diabolus so u still have to work hard to be the best, but BG can atleast get u started?
Also, the weapons are pretty cool for PvM. (High Orcs, Rachel Dun, etc) I think if u add some stuff to the rewards such as... Gems, Cobwebs, speed pots, White Pots, Blue pots (no slims) and general WoE supplies without killing the market and set them so it can only be used in WoE, it would help alot, im sure. Just check the market and see what people generally dont sell or farm, and put it there.
01-06-2011, 09:30 AM |
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RE:??Current player base.
Namine Wrote:As for battlegrounds... heh, most servers that got it are just farming off of it and it really doesn't ignite fiery pvp action as people expect. It'll be like i-tower for us now that people cry foul day and night and when we finally have it, no one climbs it.
Quoted because it's true.
People complain and complain about things that never get used when they finally come to the server.
We wanted more custom gears- we got vote for points. It was a big thing at first, people voted a bunch for them, and now- not so much.
I-tower- we had a custom version of it, the 8 players who wanted a real one, complained about it, and now about 8 people every two months even attempt it, but they rarely get past floor 70 or so.
I see this trend going with BG. So what if we get it? It'll be a big thing for a bit, and then people will get bored, and start aruging about who's perma-baby-novice is cuter than the other. (I'm sticking with an oldie but a goodie with this one and staying with JJJ)
Anyone remember the implimentation of the black scarf? It was because people were complaining so much about how underpowered ninjas or slingers were compared to trans classes. The GM's were nice enough to give a broken gear to anyone who 99-ed a ninja or slinger, and now . . . now there are 14 characters in the history of the server that can even wear that stupid gear.
Remember the baby-wing quest? It was because people were complaining about it so much. The people wanted a baby gear quest. So, the GM's were kind enough to put together a baby wing quest together. It was big the first few months, now- only a few people even have them past that origional mass of people that flooded the training grounds to play with that silly magic hole.
I've learned this- be happy with what we have. Really, it's impossible for you to do everything in this game; so stop asking for more. Have you played every class? Have you gotten every custom gear? Are you a ranked noble? Do you have complete fishing and mining points (with matching hats)? Do you have your complete list of final dream gears (everything all +10-ed and the perfect MVP cards) that you want? Have you done every quest on the server? Have you climbed i-tower? Have you got your god items? Unlocked every dungeon? Gone through every dungeon? Done the custom Thanatos quest? Do you have all versions of ToH gen 5 wings for your side? Blessed/cursed helm? Tower helm? All four elemental wings? That's just the surface of what this server offers. Be happy with what we have.
01-07-2011, 04:19 AM |
Explorer of Wonderland
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RE: Current player base.
I agree with you on most part Adrillf, but will be the daredevil and defend both sides...
While some of those things are certainly true like i-tower, I'll defend the custom quests why *some* of them have poor show of participants by today.
Older quests made 2 years ago are very attractive and they give powerful rewards... by standards 2 years ago. With lack of update to effects of custom gears, new official gears completely overshadow them that there's no reason to get them anymore. Avian wing is the best example. It was insanely good, then undershirt combo came out and it lost its power, and people stopped going for them. Finally it's upgraded to have movement speed and it became insanely good again, people getting it again for the speed. Then, svn nerf for all movement speed items came, and avian lost its niche, and now dragon manteau combo replaces both avian wings and undershirt combo. Unless you really want pure ASPD thus need the agi instead of pure flee, save the trouble and go get the other combos instead. You can avoid going through the insanity of avian wing which boasts the biggest item collection list out of *every* heRO custom quests.
To certain extent, it even applies to i-tower: why climb it if you can get better stuff out of it with less time, less preparation and less work compare to 2 other MvP giant: Nidhoggur and Satan Morroc. Whatever you have for i-tower, do those 2 instead, and you'll probably reap more benefits.
Guess I'm half the blame for i-tower's downfall by the biggest failure of my GMing known as Nidhoggur Dungeon in its entireity. Gravity can take the other half of SM.
(also another reason why i-tower is popular on other server: guaranteed mvp spawn so you avoid competition... but competition is fragile here to begin with, so there's another reason not to climb the tower.)
~ Pyo! (Linker) ~ Pyuu (Sniper) ~ Namine (FS HP) ~ Cessini (Stalker) ~ Meteor Storm (ME HP) ~
(This post was last modified: 01-07-2011, 05:00 AM by Namine.)
01-07-2011, 04:59 AM |
Megaman, not Rockman!!!
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RE: Current player base.
About i-tower, well i'm not sure about other players, but i play in a cafe. My play time is limited, my characters and my skills are limited, the availability of i-tower is limited, so in turn i can't really attempt to climb it without making myself shaggy.
Back to topic, more events might be good. For instance, players form a party of 3, fight through turtle dungeon, without any fly wings, to the last floor, teleport is enabled though it's a skill after all. It'd probably take 1 hour if the team rushes in. At the last floor, GM had set 1 or a few treasure boxes scattered around the map to spawn after the MVP is destroyed. Then they have to locate it. Only the strong(or lucky) can survive until the last floor and get the treasure.
This is to make the players explore and level in the older dungeons again, not nameless all the time. The reason i think the players are declining is just as the GM said, but also they're bored from the same routine, eventually quit the server.
Opening up all the castles can help too, add in BG is good also to help players get started gearing for mass massacre in the guild castles. Maybe after BG is added, GMs can add or do a custom event in it. Just a piece of my mind though...
Still, what i think would work is more "Fates Party". Enough of the nameless party, main looks boring with the nameless keep on popping up.
I think I'm finally going "home", renewal is fun, but there is really nothing like "heRO"...
Kyarorain, Shield Crusader
Erizabeth, Battle Sage
Derpette, Int Brewer
Katerine, Battle Acolyte
01-07-2011, 07:16 PM |