ewww so sad to see you go... and lookit all the oldies clawing over your remains!
lets enter the fray, shall we? (haven't read all the other bids, just some of the big ones, so hopefully i don't pawn myself by underbidding)
145m Ice pick
1m for +5 morph hood
2.5m titan carled
500k +8 vvs ice 2h axe
500k +6 Triple Hallowed Jur
3m +8 Triple Decussate Chain[3]
750k +5 Katar of Quaking
3m +10 Quad Flammable comp bow
1m +10 Quad Hallowed comp bow
500k ninja scroll
1m Mask of Goddess
4m +4 Veteran Hunter Shoes[1]
500k +7 Wing Shoes[1]
200k Goibne's Greaves
500k +6 Morpheus's Shawl
300k for the other grain clip
300k for 34 Pieces of Shield
500k for 10 Blue Feathers
500k elder card
2m marduk card
1m mimic card
2.5m sage worm card
200k shinobi card
200k wikebine tres card
1m spirit of fish
200k andre egg card
200k poring card