Gojira Wrote:92% demi human resist applies when
thats why mosty everyone agreed that it should be limited to one wearable accessoire, or altered effects if you wear two.
with one wearable accessoire, a spiked scarf, thara shield, combat knife + the glorious armory. (which will take quite enough time to obtain, assuming the gms will totally price them pretty highly.) you gain about 79% demi human reduction. (not sure if the spiked scarf gave 1 or 2% demi human resist, so i took the rms value)
Youll get 35% from the +Hp buffs off the glorious armory set, which at lvl 99/50 and 99 vit will boost your your hp to 11761 HP
Lets see what our main woe skills will do.
Acid demonstration:
The linker will have 105 vit, on the gears stated above.
assuming the bio runs 130 int, which is pretty doable, we talk about 29.969,4 dmg if we take the woe reductions into consideration.
on 79% demi human resist, we still take 6293,57 dmg per Acid demonstration.
We wont talk about assumtion here, because thats dispellable, and has a rather short duration time.
Said AD dmg should be pretty hard to output, assuming the linker will spawn in a lokis veil, and cant kaupe spamm.
Now to Asura Strike
I think its ok to talk about a damage of arround 25k here, which ends up to be 5250 dmg. Obviously Asura strike wont be a skill to worry about for linkers with such a low, not spammable damage. However, asura never has been such a bad skill for linkers anyway, considering kaupe covers up a hit, and asura is pretty predictable.
Lets leave it with these two skills for now. you see, linker are still pretty killable. Of course its not as easy as before, but suprise guys, good gear makes you tanky!
Now, of course you could say, you could always switch to a GR, to further reduce the incoming AD dmg, youll lose 7% demi human resistance, due to the armor swtich, and youll be freezable again due to losing the set bonus of the glorious amory.
So, no idea whats there to complain about -just yet- According to the numbers, a soullinker could still be killable with one of these accesoires. Neither will they become lhz3 tanking machines (under devotion), because not every mobb down there is of demi human race. (certain mobbs are demons, actually)
Saying one of these accessoires is too much is ridiculous. Good gear makes your good/tanky. hallelujah.
Sorry for the typos, im busy with work.