Obviously you'd have to have the emails of both accounts to be able to do a transfer, or at least proof that the account is yours. Plus they'd have to be the same gender and allegiance to protect the account from being stolen. Seems like a messy business to run from the GMs side but something I would like to see as my characters are spread across multiple accounts. Maybe through a GM Service?
Hercules 97 High Priest
Shepard 99 Whitesmith
Hawk 98 Clown
Barossa 97 Professor
I'd love it if the Gm's could possibly think about this Maybe have an email sent to both the emails of the seperate accs, and they both need to reply? It sounds pretty hard, so maybe make it worth 2 gm services?
Yah.2 gm service for that tranfer seem possible. And i think gm should do it like sexy change.so bard cant be transfer.and if they dont same sexy or alligen they have to give more gm service to change them first
Become champion in pvp is not only way to be famous.just be lord of namless to get loving from heroes xD.
sieuxathu. Sniper 96/64 hcp really hunter, need aura.
Tri Nitro Toluen creator 97/61 noob bomd man,wish my old AI
physical attractive champion cant control lvl mvp hunter
kute blacksmith 70/40 fishing man
~super stealing~ rogue 94/50 lkf 1 policeress to marry
Acid Clohidrics alchemist 96/50 ad maker