"One last supper"??lmao
Also, it's your Lord
and Savior.??Not "Lord Savior".??That just makes it sound like he runs about saving lords from such things as peasants and plague all day.
"Oh, Jesus!??The peasants have the plague!??Help me, please!??I'm a baron!"??
Aaaaaaaanyway (
OMG), this has been brought up before and was denied.??The whole idea was that if you could make more than one at a time then there would be absolutely nothing stopping everyone from making a priest with benedicta just so they can produce SP pots en masse.
Keeping it restricted to singular production kind of (
kind of) balances it out with fishing and there being a lack of grape vendors ingame (seems all the vineyards are owned by dukes with Jesus standing guard).
At least, that's all I recall of said debates.??