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So what hapenned was...
K, so this isn't really a roleplay. It's a dream I just had (yes dreaming of RO is pretty sad).
So I'm just hanging around prontera, chillin, as I rarely do, and I over read these three chars talking. From what I can tell it seems one of them is the IRL mother of the other two, who are younger kids, and they are having RO money issues. Out of the kindness of my heart (and without thinking it too much) I decided to give them an SL account I had w/ 10m in it. The mother is exceedingly happy and thanks me. She logs her acc and confirms the money, so I go my merry way.
After a while I realize that I just gave an account and 10m that I didn't have to spare to some random stranger, so I PM her and tell her that I made a mistake, and if I could have my 10m back. She starts raging at me about how it's her money now and I have no right to ask for it back. I decided then to find out if she had changed the password by using the control panel. She hadn't. I change the password asap and log the char. Almost immediatly she starts pming me and calling me an account thief. I somehow manage to calm her down momenteraly by explaining to her she can have the account back once I transfer back the money to my own account.
Roughly an hour passes of me standing in Prontera asking for transfer because no one I know is online. The woman then starts screaming my main chars name (mispelled) calling me a theif while prontera was literally stacked with people.
And then I woke up. ._. Fml.
I'm also wondering how illegal that was ._.
-Excuse any mispellings, I literally just woke up so I wouldn't forget the whole thing.-
Proud Member of Desolation of Eden
11-06-2011, 08:04 AM |
Yggdrasil Scholar
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Joined: Sep 2010
RE: So what hapenned was...
Well, the smart thing to have done in the mother's case would have been to change the PW. xP
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