I remember something along the lines of Allegiance/Nobility Monsters/MVPs existing but were not being used said either in a thread or in the game and honestly I'm just thinking about this now so please bare with me.
Would it be possible to script an automated event, if not automated, then do an all day event with a 24 hour time limit where special allegiance monsters appear in various maps on the server???Similar to the way Santa Girl and Bad Santa exist during the christmas events.??Best time I could see something like this happening is on the day of ToH.
The monsters could drop 1 Allegiance point at normal card drop rate or lower.??Just a thought to boost a few people's allegiance points for those that can never attend ToH, even thought the Monsters would be near MVPish or something close to High end monsters.
For the nobility part, why not have a custom dungeon that just nobility can enter that have the Noble MVP/Monsters in it???The Monsters could drop "fancy" items like Tux, Wedding Dresses, diamond Rings, Gold Helmet, and even Gold Bullions possibly.
I'd be more than willing to script anything that would need to be done to make them possible if that's all it takes.??I'll just have to learn to read and make scripts.
+1 that noble dubgeon. Or we can set it as accessible for a party with at least one noble char in it and s/he has to speak with the guard for the portal to appear/warp whole party in to prevent free riders besides party goers.
Gold Feather hat that increases 100% dmg to nobility units would have some use then.
Allegiance event that is once a month.... HMM CANT PUT MY FINGER ON WHAT THAT IS !!!! o ya ToH lol
Animal Path 99/70 Sniper
Asura Path 99/70 Champ
Deva Path 99/70 LK
Human Path 99/70 CLOWN
General Bo 96/67 WS /gg
Raine Sage 99/70 HP
My Name Is Phil 99/70
Jin Kazumi 98/69 LK
Boromir 83/59 Pally
I'm a Champ 93/50 Monk!
The Lionhawk 86/50 Wizard
Strip 76/48 Rogue
Im going to stand out above the crowd. Even if I got to
Shout out loud, Til mine is the only face that you'll see,
Im gonna stand out, til you notice me
Child of Bodom Wrote:Allegiance event that is once a month.... HMM CANT PUT MY FINGER ON WHAT THAT IS !!!! o ya ToH lol
And as stated...This could go with the ToH day. Original name of thread was automated allegiance event, but I couldn't see this as automated, so changed it to monthly.
And please read...it says EVENTS. Plural. With an S. Thank you very much.
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Would be nice to have something like that SM introducing event waaaaaaay back then...
God i have too many characters. Just call me Bisu and let's end this -_-
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Not a bad idea, but events take time, preparation, etc. those you are refering to were done by GM-Ayu who was really into those kinds of events, they were really fun. Spawning monsters in some town isn't too hard, but the current nobility and allegiance mob would need to reworked first as their drops are too much, they were made for a 1 time thing with a large group.
About Nobility we have an update coming, not sure when but it's done scripting just needs testing. A dungeon is not in the plans for now as we already have a custom dungeon in the work.
If theres a Noble Events/dungeon all your gonna accomplish is people who arnt noble whining about it. Not all of us have a extra 25 mil or 150 gold lieing around. Im all for allegiance events but having events for a certain group of people is stupid. It be like having a event for 1 guild and anyone out of that guild cant join. EDIT: Unless they pay 25 mil :>
Animal Path 99/70 Sniper
Asura Path 99/70 Champ
Deva Path 99/70 LK
Human Path 99/70 CLOWN
General Bo 96/67 WS /gg
Raine Sage 99/70 HP
My Name Is Phil 99/70
Jin Kazumi 98/69 LK
Boromir 83/59 Pally
I'm a Champ 93/50 Monk!
The Lionhawk 86/50 Wizard
Strip 76/48 Rogue
Im going to stand out above the crowd. Even if I got to
Shout out loud, Til mine is the only face that you'll see,
Im gonna stand out, til you notice me
(This post was last modified: 11-08-2011, 03:45 PM by Child of Bodom.)