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GM-Azote Offline
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Dear players,

It's a pleasure to present the long-awaited custom card and card effects that were retained from the Custom Card Contest. I want to thanks again all the participants, and the chosen winners whose drawing will be seen on the cards.

The GM Team discussed of these few card effects, and here they are. We hope that if there is anything balance-breaking, it will be explained and debated in this thread. On the other hand, if some cards would end-up hatter because they have no use, we would like to know about them.

Some monsters are not added yet or do not naturally spawn at the moment. We are aware of the situation and as the cards will be introduced, so will be the missing monsters.



--------------------- CUSTOM CARDS ---------------------------

?Eralia (MiniBoss)
[Armor] of Waterfall
Add a 10% chance of auto casting Level 5 Waterball on an enemy when the user recieves physical damage.
Only one ball is thrown by the spell while the user is on dry land.
{ bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"WZ_WATERBALL",5,100; },{},{}

?Levia Lusca (MVP)
Tentacular [Footgear]
Maximum HP + 15%
Add a 2% chance of auto casting Level 2 Bio Cannibalize (Hydra) when the user recieves physical damage.
{ bonus bMaxHPRate,15; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AM_CANNIBALIZE",1,20; },{},{}

?Autumn Leaf Cat
[Accessory] of the falling leaves
Inflict 25% More damage with Estin.
Inflict 25% More damage with Estun.
Inflict 15% More damage with Esma.
Inflict 15% More damage with Desperado.
Inflict 15% More damage with Tracking.
Inflict 15% More damage with Full Buster.
Inflict 20% More damage with Ground Drift.
Inflict 15% More damage with Throw Kunai.
Inflict 15% More damage with Crimson Fire Blossom.
Inflict 10% More damage with Final Strike.
{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,467,25; bonus2 bSkillAtk,468,25; bonus2 bSkillAtk,469,15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,516,15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,512,15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,519,15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,521,20; bonus2 bSkillAtk,524,15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,534,15; bonus2 bSkillAtk,544,10; },{},{}

?Eye of Surtur (Rare)
Thunder Clap [Accessory]
Reduce casting time of Lightning Bolt by 25%. Inflict 25% more damage with Lightning Bolt
{ bonus2 bSkillAtk,20,25; bonus2 bCastrate,20,-25; },{},{}

Surtur (MVP)
[Armor] of Might
STR +1 per refine, HIT + 2 per refine.
{ bonus bStr,getrefine()*1; bonus bHit,getrefine()*2; },{},{}

?Selkie (Rare)
Mindless [Shield]
DEF reduced by 3 per refine rate.
MDEF increased by 3 per refine rate.
{ bonus bDef,getrefine()*-3; bonus bMdef,getrefine()*3; },{},{}

?Fafnir (MiniBoss)
[Garnment] of the Legendary Dragon
Increase resistance to Fire, Water, Wind and Earth Property attacks by 10%.
{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Fire,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Water,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Wind,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Earth,10; },{},{}

?Skoll (MVP)
Wildfire [Armor]
Increase damage against Earth Property monsters by 30%.
Add a 3% chance of auto casting Level 10 Firebolt on an enemy when the user recieves physical damage..
{ bonus2 bAddEle,Ele_Earth,30; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"MG_FIREBOLT",10,30; },{},{}

Skoll Puppy (Miniboss)
Ignited [Weapon]
ATK +15
Add a 2% chance of auto casting Level 4 Fire Endow when attacking.
StoneCurse an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 2%).
??[+ Skoll]
StoneCurse an enemy when you attack (Success Chance 10%).
{ bonus bBaseAtk,15; bonus3 bAutoSpell,"SA_FLAMELAUNCHER",4,20; bonus2 bAddEff,Eff_Stone,200+800*(isequipped(10192)); },{},{}

Avaricious [Accessory]
Add a 2% chance of gaining 0-500 zeny each time you kill a monster.
Inflict 25% More damage with Throw Zeny.
{ bonus2 bGetZenyNum,500,2; bonus2 bSkillAtk,526,25; },{},{}

Hitmaster [Accessory]
+2 Dex, +5 hit
[Gunslinger, Ninja]
+2 Dex, +1 Agi. Adds 5% chance of auto casting Level 1 Attention Concentrate when the user recieves physical damage.
{ bonus bDex,2; bonus bHit,5; if(BaseClass==Job_Gunslinger||Class==Job_Ninja) { bonus bDex,2; bonus bAgi,1; bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AC_CONCENTRATION",1,50 } },{},{}

?Hollow Poring (MVP)
Vivid [Garment]
Maximum HP + 1000
Maximum SP + 100
{ bonus bMaxHP,1000; bonus bMaxSP,100; },{},{}

?Midnight Jack (MVP)
Petrifying [Armor]
Add a 50% chance of auto casting 'Stone Curse' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.
{ bonus2 bAddEffWhenHit,Eff_Stone,5000; },{},{}

?Orcus (MVP)
Undead Lord [Headgear]
Reduces all skill's after-cast delay by 20%.
Reduce Casting Time by 10%.
{ bonus bCastrate,-10; bonus bDelayRate,-20; },{},{}

?Harthoon (MiniBoss)
[Headgear] of inhumane casting
Reduce casting time by 2% per refine
Increase SP consumption cost by 3% per refine
{ bonus bCastrate,getrefine()*-2; bonus bUseSPrate,getrefine()*3; },{},{}

?Besmal (MiniBoss)
Unholy [Garnment]
Increase resistance to Holy, Shadow, Ghost, Undead and Poison Property attacks by 10%.
{ bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Holy,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Shadow,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Ghost,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Undead,10; bonus2 bSubEle,Ele_Poison,10; },{},{}

?Quah-Nomag (MiniBoss)
Black Magic [Headgear]
MATK +1% per refine rate.
{ bonus bMatkRate,getrefine()*1; },{},{}

Hanz Von Abendroth (MVP)
Convenient Meatshield [Footgear]
Add a 40% chance of auto casting Level 1 Pneuma on the user when the user receives Damage.
{ bonus3 bAutoSpellWhenHit,"AL_PNEUMA",1,40; },{},{}

----------------- TO BE RELEASED LATER -----------------------

?God Poring (MVP)
Super Poring [Footgear]
Unrevealed effect.

?Masterdrops (MiniBoss)
Unripe [Shield]
Reduce damage from Poring-type monster by 50%
??(Including bosses and MvP)
Effect not working

Jellopy Making [Weapon]
Increase damage on Poring-type monster by 30%??
??(Including bosses and MvP)
Effect not working

Edit by Ciar ~ 10/28/2015, Re: Forum Treasure Hunt Game

[Image: adfsadf.jpg]
04-14-2012, 02:38 PM
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Summerstream Offline
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Want autumn leafcat~

For Surtur: Attack boost or a def boost?

For Skoll Puppy: Increased damage with fire spells and skills? Seems tricky.

Or it could make the weapon fire prop.
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(This post was last modified: 04-14-2012, 04:15 PM by Summerstream.)
04-14-2012, 02:42 PM
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raphael.cruger Offline

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Midnight Jack (MVP)
Petrifying [Armor]
Add a 50% chance of auto casting 'Stone Curse' on an enemy when the user receives Physical Damage.

Very OP. Can't attack me if you aren't wearing ED. :o
Its a farcry away from garm that only requires you to have marc on. Forcing ED like that is very very OP. Best MvP card of all time if you implement it. Bad. Maybe 50% chance of auto casting level 1-3 stone curse.

?Hollow Poring (MVP)
Vivid [Garment]
+1000 HP, +100 SP.

Champs have a new favorite card. This mvp better not be too easy to summon.
-1000 HP +100(or more?) SP imo.

?Levia Lusca (MVP)
Tentacular [Shoes]
Maximum HP + 15%
Add a 50% to cast Bio Cannibalize Lv 2 (Hydra) when hit by a ranged attack.
Effect will be limited to 4 hydras.

I like this one. The others all are nice too.
EDIT:: while your at it nerf hibbi to -10% HP :-P
The struggle to free myself of restraints becomes my very shackles. - Meshuggah
(This post was last modified: 04-14-2012, 03:16 PM by raphael.cruger.)
04-14-2012, 03:01 PM
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Weapon Offline
The Family Jewels

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GM-Azote Wrote:--------------------------------------------------------------------
------------------- UNREVEALED EFFECT ------------------------

?God Poring (MVP)
Super Poring [Shoes]

See, when you say that... and it has 'super' as a prefix... and it says 'unrevealed effect'... it gets me wondering and SN-hopeful.

Could you do me a huge favor and just un-unreveal that? You'll save me a VERY LONG period of time of trying to hunt this card down and/or getting my hopes up over probably-nothing. Like that other time the seeeeecret-effect wasn't revealed and it turned out to be a piece of crap that wasn't worth the trouble (i.e., mining hat.)

It'd keep me from getting super mad and super murdering someone.
04-14-2012, 04:50 PM
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Snowhawk Offline

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Would Sapling become better than Zerom? How much Hit do you get with Dex?

I mean I can see Zerom still favored by Mages for fast casting, but Sapling sporting 2 dex and 5 hit is amazing.

Gunslinger support seems odd though.

Also what about Les or Woodgoblin D= Why no Mosco love?
Disciple Jaque::Acolyte
04-14-2012, 05:30 PM
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Professor X Offline
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I enjoy most of the card effects, seem interesting.
Nice boost to ninja, gunsliger and soul linker.
Does sapling card effect stack for gunsliger? I assume yes?

Aquaring card effect seems VERY WEAK. 1% of getting 0-500 zeny from killing a mob? The effect is too low %, too random with 0-500 and have to kill mob (not attack). I suggest making it 5% for 500 zeny per kill OR 10% for 250 z. More decent % (not op though), and more predictable.

Hollowing Poring card seems underpowered to me. For an MVP card seems farily weak, even for garment. Maybe +2000 hp and +200 sp would be more MVP worthy.

Autumn Leaf Cat card is very kool, but "seems" very complicated. Never seen card with so many effects. I think the effects should be divided among 3 cards, (group for each class), or some how make the description more simple/shorter. I think the actual effect is excellent.

Midnight Jack MVP card is fine with 50% stone curse. First you need to do physical (melee damage), it's 1/2 chance and stone curse is still an attack. If you have high enough mdef, it may miss. I enjoy the effect and feel it is similar and as fair as GARM card. In pvp, you can just freeze, stun, strip, armor break, or NOT physical the bastard. Or just break/strip their weapon (people WoE is only kill). Thus not game breaking.

Farnir Card or Besmal Card - should add poison element to one of them. Poison seem to be forgetten.

Skoll card looks VERY OverPOWERED. +50% damage to earth? IN ARMOR? Time to rape everything earth, all day, forever. Armor cards should be defensive and usually are (95%). Oh then add 3% firebolt level 10, like icing on cake. I think it is silly and OP. Also unfair to hate on earth element, so much. Would need elemental equal for each other element.
I suggest instead +50% to stun, when receving physical damage. Similar to Garm and Midnight Jack. Fire element related to stun. Good simple effect, but not game breaking. Maybe add card combo with skoll baby (similar to garm and garm baby?)

Skoll baby card - 5% to autocast lvl 3 fireball when attacking (combo with Skoll card) = chance increases to 30%

I want Eye of Surtur for EVERY bolt =D

Eralia Card - 10% of casting waterball lv 5 when receiving damage? VERY OVER POWERED !!!! waterball is the most powerful spell for raw damage, you remove the its requirement for water cells to be near by, you make it max level AND you make it decent %. Not that bad in pvp, as it takes vaulable armor slot. In pvp, you can freeze, stun, trap, break amor, strip, not attack etc. But for pvm, very disgusting. Easy to mob 10 of any monster, use any build with decent int/matk and watch everything die, FAST. If you make this card, I will spend 99% of my time hunting it down, then abusing it forever, until you change it.
Perhaps lower the % to 1-5% OR LV of waterball to lv 3, or giving the card a bad effect (-50% hp, -50% def). Should balance it, even for mvp card.

Surtur MVP [armor] card - of might ?
Possible effects > (each line seperate possible effect)
+50 def -25% HP
+50% to heal damage received (my favourite)
+100 attack + 10 strength
+50% to autocast endure level 10 on self, when receving damage -25% HP
+50% to autocast KE level 10 on self, when receving damage -25% HP

Godporing MVP card for shoes >
+10 to all stats
(Novice, Supernovice or adopted char, does not stack)
+20 to all stats instead
OR maybe
+3 to all stats for every poring card equiped

All of the above is just my two cents and biased opinion.
04-14-2012, 05:32 PM
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Incarn Offline
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hollow poring is ridiculously easy to summon and kill (i have like 40+ mojos o_o). it's good but nerf the sp or something. make it an odd number to make champs mad DO IT GOGOGOGO

+10 any stat for anything is ridiculous (looking at you brisingamen). besides god poring already has an effect so you don't need to suggest for it

also, WHO NEEDS HP WHEN YOU HAVE 100+ DEF! YAY WINGS! no 50 def lol
surtur: increase cart termination damage 500%, cast SW on self when hit i kinda like the atk thing, but not 10 str with it; it'd match entweihen card if we ever got it :O
wings make this mvp card balancing shit hard

agree on aquaring; agree on batus' midnight jakk; prof x needs to go look at ktullanux card before hating on skoll

out of ideas and hard to type on this keyboard. will edit later

edit: skoll pup can match laurell card and +% more damage with meteor storm YAAAAAYWANT
/bursts in through the front door

aedra, lv98 high priest
(This post was last modified: 04-14-2012, 06:13 PM by Incarn.)
04-14-2012, 06:11 PM
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raphael.cruger Offline

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There are enough seriously powerful MvP cards in the game without their being more IMO, you'd think the card was rare, but there's always 1. the types who want everything and 2. the types who'd just sell it because they aren't smart enough to think of a use for it. It's not something you default but yea its a hell of a good card damn. Also heck yea midnight Jack is OP and anyone who WoEs a lot will know that.

@ Professor X

Hollow Poring card :: +100 SP in garment slot is the by far the best asura card for that slot available, the closest runner ups being Alliot at +2 str and Giant whisper at +20atk. Champs have enough going for them already and this card is certainly very good at +100 SP +1k HP.

Surtur card::
+50 def in armor means 100 def in wings which means your immune to physical damage. OP.

Not sure what you mean about +50% heal damage recieved, do you mean +50% heal? That would be a very nice card.

+ high attack would be a bit difficult to balance out exactly how much etc.

Anodyne gives endure effect to any who use it, eddga gives perma endure.

KE on armor is not terribly useful even at that high chance, especially with that -25% HP it seems rather useless, since KE is based on your remaining
HP, can't use it in party since it would just cancel assump all the time, stupid in WoE cuz with the -25% HP you'd be dead before KE came up.


IMO MvP cards should serve the purpose(in WoE) of eliminating the need for max 1 class OR adding a requirement of max 1 class to kill you. Or they should be like Eddga and be awesome pvm but useless in WoE. Imho stone curse is a much more powerful card than freeze because ED has many more weaknesses than marc. Stone curse is also a moderately better status than freeze with its "hardening" period. This imo warrants a reduction in the success chance(and not a small one). Not to mention it lowers the effectiveness of Glorious Set since you are forced to swap to ED. This is all comparing it to Garm card, an extremely coveted card that Midnight Jack just lords over. One single card in a guild would literally force the entire opposing force's melee classes to have Evil Druid or avoid that player altogether. Coupled with cards like deviling and GTB on certain classes its just crazy.

Giving Skoll that Ktullanux like effect is okay but then remember that unlike Ktullanux its in a level 2 easy to reach dungeon and does not require itself to be summoned with items that are quite limited in availability. This effect would be much more suited to Surtur imo but its not too bad as is.

All in all the cards are extremely well thought out and it will be fun to know they are there and it certainly adds more spice to mvps that up until now people hated getting in BB rooms thanks to them being so hard to kill :D. Only yah Midnight Jack may well be one of the most powerful mvp cards ever right up there with Kiel, Hibbi and GTB imo.
EDIT:: Tho still considering how hard it is to get and kill Midnight Jack he may be worthy of that card.
The struggle to free myself of restraints becomes my very shackles. - Meshuggah
(This post was last modified: 04-14-2012, 06:53 PM by raphael.cruger.)
04-14-2012, 06:14 PM
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Weapon Offline
The Family Jewels

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RE: Professor X

Or make the % chance increase slightly if you're ninja, to compliment/encourage the throw-zeny build it seems to be gearing towards.
04-14-2012, 06:24 PM
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Former-GM-Glyph Offline
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You do realize with Midnight Jack, that the only way to face him right now is to break Bloody Branches, and when we put him in the occasional Halloween Quest. Meaning you have the random chance in BB's of getting him along with the 0.03% chance of the card dropping. Have fun trying to farm it, and if you get lucky, awesome, people now need to get ED to physically hit you while you freeze/stone and get beat by Asura's and magic. Evil They could also get stripped, and then where's your god now stone boy, WHERE IS IT!!

As for Skoll Card, look at Ktullanx and think of where we got the idea from. And then look at the number of earth monsters compared to the other elements.

Looking at the God Poring, it doesn't seem to be aimed at Super Novices, though I don't know the actual powers that card might have.
04-14-2012, 07:40 PM
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