RE: Help with ToH WS
What the f*** is this build? lol
Why u want 99 base vit when for be immune to all status is enough 100 total vit?
Anyway I will write u the gear that I use on monster and used on items.
Headgear(Top) - +4 Bone Head[Vanberk], +7 Dropping Amistr, Vinit Doll Hat [Nightmare]
*Have a nightmare is always good, don't care in what hat, about the other 2; depend on GM that run the ToH: If GM is Panda (good girl) I run STR set, else I run tank set*
Headger(Mid) - Filir's Ears, Angel Wing Ears, Sunglasess[Maya Purple]
*Like before: filir for tank set and angel for STR set*
Headger(Low) - Gangster Scarf
*U need to use wings for item trial, so no backpack*
Armor - (+3STR)Diablos Armor[Porcellio], +4Valk Armor[ED] (swapped with +4Valk Armor[GR] on cart), (+3DEX)+4 Glorious Suit, Zodiac Wings[Earth Deleter]
*D Armor with Porcellio for STR Set, ED for avoid Stone Curse, Glorious Suit (0 weight) for tank set and immune to froze. About the zodiac wings: this wings are the key for avoid to waste 1000000000 sp items. On Item trial u shot all monsters with a CT. If u gear this wings with EDeleter u will consume 15 sp per CT but gain 20 sp, so u will gain enough SP in the end. If I remember good I used like 5 fishes on Item Trial and just for HPs not for SPs*
Weapon - +4 Giganto Axe[Zipper], +7 Immaterial Sword, +7 Bercher Axe[Zipper, Zipper], +4 Ice Pick
*an axe one hand and one axe two hand. Immaterial sword for ghost monster: ur holy axe is fine, but with that axe u can't shot thana in item trial, so I really suggest you the get the immaterial sword (together the wings that I write before). Ice Pick is very usefull too*
Shield - +4 Thorny Shield[Hodremlin], +7 Thorny Shield[Thara] (on cart for pvp, but if any bio demihuman show I swap shields)
*I need an alice for make +7 thorny with alice. Hodre+alice+thara=perfect*
Garment - +4 Proxy[Raydric], +5 Glorious Muffler (0 weight), +4 Wool Scarf (Frilldora)
*ur garment is fine, I use the glorious muffler for immune to froze and for the 0 weight. The frilldora is pretty usefull too: last time I used it for go near the Seeker without get the dispell. Infact I got 0 dispell!*
Shoes - Variant Shoes, +6 Glorious Shoes (0 weight)
*ur shoes are fine (why Sohee? lol), I use the glorious for immune to froze, but an ED is fine*
Accessories - Medal of Honor x2, Glorious Ring x2 (0 weight), HotB[Horong], HotB[Marine Sphere]
*imo a ws without medal of honor isn't a ws, but if u don't have it is your equip think is fine. Never used glorious ring, but they have 0 weight...
Horong for Sight and Marine Sphere for Magnum Break (HIT+x and break traps)
Usable - 180 Mutant Fishes, 20 gree potion
*u don't need other if u get the wings that I said you*
Last suggest: don't forgot that u can buy stone during the monster trial, so u can fill your cart if u need to get fishes from it.
Hope I helped you. If u have other question, ask
Ren is the best
(This post was last modified: 07-18-2013, 09:01 AM by cane 33.)