Weapon Wrote:100m EXP... 8[
To hell with this grindy 'doing hard-work for honor' muppetfsckery--I've got over 100 event bags in storage. TIME FOR SCHEMING >:U
...or quitting, cuz what's the point if it's just a cakewalk. The Dream Is Dead?
I wouldn't call it a cakewalk. Muspel runs are still pretty tough to do. Just getting enough people to join a Muspel party is half the battle. Then you need good killers to get past selkies and kill Surtur. We had a good party. Plus it costs you an event bag every run and you are not guaranteed to beat it.
Hard work and honor went down the RO toilet a long time ago. *Looks at DG <_<
Just @who2 Menace ingame. You should find me if I'm on. thanks!