Wow!! That was epic!! XD Now you made me remember, there was once I helped a random player to MVP and I got two cards, one from OCA and another (non-boss but useful) card lol.
Approx 5 days left until this giveaway ends...!
If you are looking for me, send me a pm. I might see it.
there's plenty kind people who helps everyone daily… If there'll more like this, hope more would join!
I had fun helping randoms ,,>w<,, Thankies for the event, bii~!
Ok iam like super kind ..iam so one of a kind that they put me in bio labs museum... And kiyochans wife Emily is alive because I donated my kidney to her ... I couldn't take a screenshot as its not allowed in hospitals its against rule :p so when can I collect my 10m?? Place plzz :p