This seems interesting.
+Natsume Card
[Head gear] of Manly Tears.
Increase Casting time by 60%
Skill Casting cannot be interrupted
50% chance of auto-casting Frost Joker and freezing everyone in a 10x10 radius once every 7 minutes.
30% chance of casting Wide Curse on user and players around a 10x10 cell radius every time the user uses a skill.
[High Wizard]
Increase Storm Gust, Lord of Vermillion, Heaven's Drive, and Meteor Storm damage by 10%
3% Chance of auto-casting level 1 Ice Wall when monster goes 4 cells near user. (Hell no one is coming into my personal bubble.)
10% chance of casting
[+Arcana Gala Set Combo (Ayanavi Card, Aanwal Card, Kriya Card, Rasha Card, Kanesada Card, Vish Card]
Enables use of level 5 Heal
10% chance of casting Steal Skill.
Increase damage on Holy, Undead, and Fire property mobs by 15%
Flee +10
Hold the zeny it's so useless I'd pay you to buy it.