Mistress of a 1000 Papercuts
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Joined: Jun 2015
RE: Character Roster.
Yurr'e'Chire's bunch'o'peeps:
Cutty Wren
(Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ew57ZIVVUSQ)
Full Name: Catherine "Results" McWren.
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Cutty, Cat.
Title(s): None.
Age: Early to mid-30s.
Sex: Female.
Skin Tone: Peachy, tanned on the exposed parts.
Height: 5'8, 5'9 on a good day.
Weight: ~170 lbs.
Build: Big-boned in the literal sense of the word; fills the space around the bones with muscle more so than fat.
Eyes: A clear, piercing blue.
Hair: Graying from an original non-descript brown, shoulder-length.
Clothes Style: Generic brown robes; worn-looking leather armor when out on the field. Very occasionally, can be seen wearing what appears to be a charcoal-gray steward's uniform.
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc: Clearly visible: a scar across the right temple, trailing down to the jawline. Less visible: a patchwork of older scars across both arms.
Appearance: While afoot, Cat blends into the background in most situations- just another non-descript brown figure, easily disregarded as a moderately well-off menial worker, or a poor merchant running errands. In the saddle, the effect neatly reverses itself- the woman and her bird move with lithe purpose, functioning effectively as a single, dangerous creature.
Religion: None apparent.
Weapons (if any): Eating knife and shortsword on the belt; a well-used lance of no special features during field expeditions.
Occupation(s): Career henchwoman.
Special Skills: Has some renown as a steward in the right (or is it wrong?) circles; extremely proficient with what weapons she does carry.
Special Abilities: Being inured to wizards in more ways than one, McWren is capable of acting as an excellent conduit and vessel for magical energies. Whatever little mage talent was there had long since been burnt to a crisp, however, and fighter is unable to use any of the mana in her possession.
Activities/Organizations: Card-carrying member of the Dark Legion.
Interests: Peco husbandry, cooking.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: A reasonably well-hidden fear of heights; a complete, blissful disregard for reality when it comes to the identity of Ezekiel Stalker.
Place of Birth: Prontera.
Now lives: A fey-built fort in the wastes of near Rachel.
Lives with: A bunch of fellow Wingless nutters.
Current Relationship Status: Nothing long-term.
Family: Some digging would uncover a vast network of relations across the slums of Prontera, and a family-run inn in Morroc.
Other Defining Features: Ownership of a battle-trained male peco by the strange name of "Almond Cookie" (now, with a full suit of bird armor!)
Among the Contents of Cookie's Saddlebags: - A pair of small books ("Dark Legion Forms and Functions 101", "So, You Want To Be A Middling Evil Overlord?")
- One larger, well-thumbed tome- "Dark Steward's Guide".
- Twine-bound stack of personal correspondence.
- A heavy silk cloak, silver-gray in color and embroidered in a style 10 years out of date.
Aaronock, the master scholar, --- A mage of some renown, whose desire to right the wrongs in the world proved to be quite easy to manipulate.
Aja, the huntress, --- A proficient killer of porings. Cat suspects that she'd make an excellent member of the Dark Legion, if only some of those finicky morals could be bent a bit.
Aurora, teacher of mewling brats, --- An acquaintance in the current journey to find a weak spot of the fey.
Ciar Spier, the no-longer-insane, --- Current employer and source of zeny.
Ezekiel Stalker , the idiot kid,--- An associate on the path of blood. McWren appears to be quite sentimental towards the younger man, for reasons known only to herself.
Galoo, and her little league of devilings--- McWren considers this bunch batshit-crazy, but is willing to feed them pancakes to on basis of like allegiances.
Kotori, aka Koto-cakes--- A childhood neighbor and dear friend, whose long-term well being is of some concern to McWren.
Lily Black, the possessed priestess--- Past ally; presumed deceased.
Reilinn, the poison-brewing sneak--- Past co-worker, whose recent actions against Ciar McWren finds quite despicable.
Tan, the elusive fisherman--- A confusing persona, who currently owes McWren a small fortune for (presumably) burning down a certain woodland cabin.
Seikakuna, the hopelessly naive adventuress--- A fish out of the water in the current whirlwind of events. McWren full expects to find this one dead in the alley before the fey mess is over and done with.
Summerstream, the crazy warrior broad--- A fellow Wingless member and the idiot kid's work partner; McWren does not pretend to understand the woman, or to like her.
Raymond Wallace
Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YPjPy6gAmXA
Full Name: Raymond Wallace
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): None apparent.
Title(s): None.
Age: 42
Sex: Male.
Skin Tone: Browned by constant exposure to sun and wind.
Height: 6'7
Weight: 280
Build: Like a mountain.
Eyes: Brown
Hair: A crew cut of sun-bleached, unlikely blondness.
Clothes Style: A monk's habit, both on and off the field.
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc:Missing right pinky on the right hand.
Appearance: Ray projects a calm and competent aura, appearing quite neat and tidy in all but the most unfortunate circumstances.
Religion: The Cult of the Holy Mother (Goddess Hestia), with all of its bells and whistles.
Weapons (if any): None but his fists.
Occupation(s): . Professional slayer-of-evil, murderer-of-dusk, and general do-gooder.
Special Abilities/Skills: Known to excel in weaponless combat.
Activities/Organizations: The Order of Light Allegiance
Interests: Arcane lore, and destruction thereof. Discreet burnings of heretics.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Raymond is a peaceful soul. Any perceived flaws in him are quite likely to come from his chosen path in life.
Citizenship: Schwarzwald empire.
Place of Birth: Yuno.
Now lives: Prontera.
Lives with: A group of young people, whose fanatical adherence to the laws of the Mother may or may not be Ray's doing.
Current Relationship Status: None apparent.
Family: None apparent.
Join the Dark Legion today- we've got the best cookies!
(This post was last modified: 09-16-2015, 02:55 PM by Yurrechire.)
07-20-2015, 12:04 PM |
Ethereal Engineer
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RE: Character Roster.
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Ezekiel Stalker, Ezekiel, Zeke, Sora, Kid, Chicken Legs
Title(s): Master Rogue
Age: 28, though he doesn't know his exact age anymore, and will say he's anywhere between 26-30 at any time when asked.
Sex: Male
Skin Tone: Mid-Tan (imagine him as Turkish or of Arabic ethnicity)
Height: 5'7
Weight: 155lbs
Build: Toned, but not particularly mega muscular
Eyes: Dark Brown
Hair: He dyes it mid-grey, but it's naturally a very rich dark brown
Clothes Style: Regular Stalker issued outfit he personally had colored with dark purples and blacks.
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc: Some faint scars around his body from various monster scratches/bites/etc. Would not be noticed unless closely looked at. He strangely enough, has done well at protecting his face from damage.
Appearance: A seasoned adventurer by his age with the marks to prove it. Usually holds a neutral face, or a frown, depending on how his day went. Smiles usually at other's misfortune.
Religion: Not religious, however, he does believe in the existence of the Norse Gods mentioned in Lore.
Weapons (if any): He carries in his leather sack his collection of daggers and a single thorn shield.
Occupation(s): Hired Hand, he'll do about anything for the right price 'cept assassinations and other violent acts towards a fellow human being.
Special Abilities/Skills: Information Specialist, Master Tracker/Spotter, Above Average Monster Exterminator and Materials Gatherer, and general survival in the wild skills. To reach the master ranks of the rogue's guild, allowed himself to be induced to torture and hazing to prove he could keep the secrets of others in the most trying of situations.
Activities/Organizations: Gladly takes work from the Rogue's Guild and on the side.
Interests: Dagger juggling, fishing, playing cards, trekking it alone on a long journey with no purpose
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Would love to be a hermit, but society has dictated otherwise. This means he has rude tendencies, lacks tact, and avoiding his problems back at his real home.
Citizenship: Won't reveal, as that would narrow down where he lives too much. Only provides the info if necessary when passing checkpoints.
Place of Birth: Not giving out that info
Now lives: Wherever his feet take him each day.
Lives with: Currently no one.
Current Relationship Status: Divorced his obsessive wife recently.
Family: His mother and father are alive and well, but he won't go out of his way to see them, or tell you where they happen to live. Has not visited them in two years time.
Other Biographical Remarks: He ran away from home around the age of 13 before his arranged marriage could be consummated. He took the dowry money with him and a sword he practiced with to Morroc where he trained to become a thief, have the sword stolen right under him, and then bought a dagger instead. Later he'd find his way to the Rogue's guild to do more with himself in life, but got himself too caught up in petty drama to really do anything too important. At about age 20, the man found out his fiancee from back home still searched for him, and forced Ezekiel to take a stand for himself. He took another rogue with him, Katarin, to train for the highest ranks as an intelligence office. However, his fiancee then found him anyway shortly after reaching the top ranks of the rogue's guild. This forced to return home for two years, and the only reason he got away was the marriage ring on his finger managed to crack after his wife recalled him home one time too many. From there, the rogue took on almost any job to get the money and break their forced contract once and for all. Recently succeeded in this, and with a renewed sense of purpose found during the "Lucretia Incidents" has now tried to make connections with people again. Since finding success in the recent events regarding the Fae Princess, Ezekiel now ponders how his alias now fully out in the open and publicy known may affect his fortunes or ruin in the future.
Connections:- Aja Selvens:Ezekiel gained immediate respect for this huntress in dark blue when she stood and questioned Amdusias and his tactics in Amatsu. Has spoken with her at great length about the recent events regarding Fae. The rogue appreciates that like him, she doesn't take everything she sees at immediate face value.
- Catherine McWren: Views her as half-insane. The lady in brown robes also calls him "Kid" and for some reason, "Sora." Currently he does not know how to fully view his relationship to her, but trusts her enough to act appropriately should the situation call for it. One of the few to know of his marriage. Recently after a drinking session, began to understand more deeply where the nicknames may have come from. Currently doesn't want to act on the knowledge.
- Ciar: A powerful mage who used the replica Moonlight Bell to raise Jin, Lucretia's old lover from the dead. As someone who doesn't agree with "chasing ghosts," Ezekiel saw the use of necromancy appalling. Ciar almost received a punch to the face for his actions, but Kotori and Summerstream managed to convince him not to go through with it. Will still no longer trust Ciar in any action he may choose to perform in the future. Finds his recent release from the curse and the hardships he now endures a fitting punishment.
- Galoo: Dislikes her, does not trust her, and on top of that, he views the young lady a 'charlatan potion maker.'
- Kotori: Currently not in direct contact with her after an argument regarding their differences in where each person's priorities should lay.
- Lucretia: The dark fae with whom he "sees himself in," understanding her desires for a world of independence from fellow humans. After sneaking into her castle with Summerstream he told the fae that he'd do whatever it took to protect her. He has attempted to hide his fondness for her but knows that it is difficult to when he went out of his way and placed himself into the open to help the fae princess. Her departure from Fairy Land to travel and find a new home for her kind without the rogue gave him a heavy heart. However, he knew he had to stay behind to soon deal with the potential threat of the Golemancer that works on Fairyland's defenses.
- Nikki Sixx: Sees him as a dork who doesn't know how to control the flow of conversation. Also sees him a very foolish professor who managed to curse himself on a replica Moonlight Bell in an attempt to revive his dead sister.
- Reilinn: During the Replica Moonlight Bell incident, wound up catching, questioning, and then almost punched her. He later apologized since Ezekiel realized he directed his anger at the wrong source at the time. Recently struck up more conversation with her due to their business relationship and connections in the Wingless army. He feels uncomfortable with the idea of getting close to her.
- Seikakuna Sensouya: Calls the huntress a "Newbie Adventurer" and "Newbie Seika." He finds her stutter and fear of him annoying and humorous at the same time. Occasionally worries for her well being only on the basis that her naivete may just bring her an early death if she doesn't learn quickly how to interact with a messy world. However, Ezekiel would never state this out loud, and instead, tries to give her harsh advice to help her learn.
- Summerstream: The two of them appear to hold a mutual bond of understanding as seasoned adventurers who have no need to ask the other too many personal questions. Their understanding has led to both talking on a great deal of subjects that Ezekiel would normally not talk about, much less bring up. Calls her Geekling at times to tease her.
Full Name: Aaronock Hammitson
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Aaro, Aaron
Title(s): Baronet of Rune Midgard, Ethereal Engineer
Age: 30
Sex: Male
Skin Tone: Caucasian
Height: 6'0
Weight: 160 lbs
Build: Tall and Lanky, with barely any muscle to him
Eyes: Pale Brown
Hair: Dark Brown
Clothes Style:
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc:
Appearance: A tall man who usually wears a smile on his face. He doesn't seem to have much of a presense to him until spoken to. From there, it is obvious Aaron holds a strong presence of confidence despite whatever past events may have occurred.
Religion: None, gods are fickle and more whimsical than he
Weapons (if any): Staff of Piercing
Occupation(s): Magical Theorist, Researcher
Special Abilities/Skills: Able to understand spells at a very base level, and knows exactly how to push and pull a person in directions he prefers them to go in.
Activities/Organizations: Currently working on a new project with Cream as his assistant. He's not given too many hints about the nature of his current work.
Interests: Reading, Flirting, Smoking his pipe, contemplating the origins of his assistant.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Too much of a cocky showoff at times, which has led him into some interesting situations where he wasn't necessarily always looking for trouble. Or was he? ;D
Citizenship: Was a citizen of the Republic, but changed it to Rune Midgard after certain events occured approximately 5 years ago.
Place of Birth: Yuno
Now lives: Geffen
Lives with: Cream the Drops - pet and assistant who can find Aaronock by smell within a 100 mile radius
Current Relationship Status: Single, not really looking, does love to flirt with women.
Family: His mother and father find Aaron's actions shameful, and his banishment from Yuno a scar on thier family name. He has other family, but has not interacted with them in over 5 years.
Other Biographical Remarks:
*Aaronock ~ *Ezekiel Stalker ~ *Maxwell Maximillion ~ *Fazil Reis ~ *Cecil Vega
(This post was last modified: 06-10-2017, 10:47 PM by Aaronock.)
07-20-2015, 08:43 PM |
The Legendary Joe
Raging Alt-a-holic
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RE: Character Roster.
Full Name: ?
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Cabernet
Title(s): None.
Age: Unknown, looks to be mid to late 20's
Sex: Female.
Skin Tone: Deathly Pale Caucasian
Height: 5'11"
Weight: ~175 lbs.
Build: Medium build, well defined muscles
Eyes: Grey eyes, the whites of her eyes appear yellowed and bloodshot
Hair: Messy raven hair. Usually covers her right eye.
Clothes Style: Female Lord Knight Armor. It is very old and Rusty red. There are runes etched on the plates
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc: It's clear that she has had some head trauma if you pull back the hair that covers her eye. Beneath her armor, there are vivid scars that follow the spine It can be assumed that it was a very brutal cut.
Appearance: She stands tall and proud. Her raven black hair is messy and obscures one of her eyes. She always sports her Lord Knight armor, though it is crimson with rust. You can see traces of runes etched into the armor's plates.
Religion: None apparent.
Weapons (if any): Her knighthood had her trained in the use of various 1-handed swords and 2-handed swords. She regularly carries a Bastard Sword
Occupation(s): Lord Knight, vagabond
Special Abilities/Skills: Immune to Freezing/Stone curse/Stun. Well above average physical strength, completely ignores anything stamina related
Activities/Organizations: None apparent.
Interests: Ice Cream, the destruction of Necromancers, Red Wine
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Cabernet is Undead. Uses mass amounts of Ice cream to satisfy her undead hunger for human flesh and take hold of her humanity. Near in-ability to feel outside of taste and pain.
Place of Birth: Sograt Desert
Now Resides: St Capitolina Abbey (Monk Job change area)
Current Relationship Status: None apparent.
Now Lives with: The monks of St Capitolina
Family: What is that?
Other Biographical Remarks: Not much is known about Cabernet from the time when she was alive. It is known that she died luring for a party in the Monastary on the Nameless Island, and was "resurrected" by one of the many necromancers. Appearantly, that necromancer had forgotten about his freshly made zombie and let Cabernet walk freely. Given the lack of parties nowadays in the cursed monastary, that Necromancer still lives, completely forgetting that his magic still fuels Cabernet's body after death. Given she couldn't remember her real name, she named herself after her favorite wine as a jest after hearing of some fool named "Sir Merlot". She currently seeks assistance easing the pains and pacifying the hunger of the undead from the monks near Prontera.
![[Image: giphy.gif]](https://media.giphy.com/media/EkaXLJBzkkenS/giphy.gif)
The Oka Compendium: A glorified record of my alt-a-holic-ism. May or may not be up to date at any given point.
07-21-2015, 05:49 AM |
Posts: 111
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RE: Character Roster.
Name & Age Galoo, 17 years old.
Reputation Self-proclaimed black magician.
Interests Lord Ciar, dead heroes, the sanctity of Lily's soul.
Traits prominent Mischievous, cheerful, always in the way, disturbingly confident, aura of innocence.
Habits & instincts Never pass an opportunity for a prank, keeps daily records of evil happenings, always speak her mind.
Appearance Bright green eyes. Big golden hair.
Raiment Garish blue robe and a matching pointy hat.
Circles & affiliation The dark legion's former envoy to Niflheim -- they booted her out after a failed diplomatic mission -- a disaster involving an annoyed Queen of the Dead, where Galoo tasted her first resurrection.
While there, she met the tainted priestess Lily. But that's a story for another time…
Occupation Yet the clerics of Erebos were forgiving. They secured this rookie the proudest job in the legion - fundraising through petty crimes. It's a rocky cliff climbing back to the top, but the silver lining was that chance to win back Ciar's affection.
Family Her mom and dad worry for this girl's future.
Hometown Small settlement near Geffen.
Skills Can read, can write. Can recite cult doctrines like any zealous peon. Her social grace is diplomacy; though some will find the grace part lacking. Those apprentice days left the faintest bits in symbology, and the fine art of life extension through foraging. Surprisingly good at blending in with the crowds.
Also an amateur spirit binder. Has a knack for hexing people.
Gears & resources A pouch holding small things. A grimoire doubling as a diary, and a ceremonial wand. Currently living off a grunt's salary.
Lifestyle New month means new quota to fill - a devil's work is never done. Conveniently nestled right next to the church of Prontera, one rundown apartment conceals a base of operation: mini office, Dark Legion. Sharing the room are Gaia, Ortega and Mash -- three loyal deviruchis. They make good drinking buddies.
(This post was last modified: 08-08-2015, 10:53 AM by punisouffle.)
07-24-2015, 05:29 AM |
Yggdrasil Scholar
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RE: Character Roster.
Test & Dev | Wiki
The taste of our wine is as divine as the stars
Summerstream | Amelia Newman
Ithilethiel | Aquaris Harmoni
.Pavan. | Sheena Archer
~Saya~ | +Aurora+
Wine Brewing Society
(This post was last modified: 09-02-2016, 02:02 AM by Summerstream.)
07-28-2015, 10:56 PM |
The Freeshooter
Posts: 24
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Joined: Aug 2015
RE: Character Roster.
Okay okay Summer stop strongarming me into posting this.
Full Name: Seikakuna Sensouya
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Seika, Seika-chan, Greenie, Newbie Seika, Newbie Adventurer
Title(s): None
Age: 18
Sex: Female
Skin Tone: Minorly tanned
Height: Average
Weight: Slightly below average
Build: Lean yet muscular
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Grey
Clothes Style: Prefers male Hunter garb over female Hunter garb (too showy for her tastes)
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc: None of note
Appearance: A young girl barely in the first stages of adulthood, Seikakuna looks to be brimming with excitement almost all the time, giving off a positive and cheerful vibe that's rarely if ever disturbed.
Religion: None of note, but she has learned a little about the gods of Rune-Midgart
Weapons (if any): A Hunter's bow, passed down to her by her mentor
Occupation(s): Currently unemployed, she prefers adventuring and doing her own thing to doing menial labor.
Special Abilities/Skills: Skilled in an unusual style of archery native to Amatsu, allowing for quick reactions and fire.
Activities/Organizations: Independent
Interests: Exploring and adventuring, archery
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Honest to a fault and cannot bring herself to tell a lie or harm others. Is very uncomfortable in shifty scenarios.
Citizenship: Payon
Place of Birth: Amatsu
Now lives: Payon
Lives with: Her mentor, a friend of her father's from Amatsu who has come to Payon to look after her.
Current Relationship Status: Single, no interest in looking for love (besides, who has time for that when there's adventure to be had?).
Family: Currently none, her mentor acts as a father figure however.
Other Biographical Remarks: She's been without her family for most of her life, as after having come to Rune-Midgart from Amatsu, her parents trekked into the Payon caves, never to return. Since then, she's been living with a friend who came along with her parents from Amatsu.
"Uncle": Her mentor, a childhood friend of her father who trained in the art of archery. Seika calls him "uncle" in an honorary way, but the two are not related by blood. He cares deeply for Seika as the daughter he never had, and her recent escapades have only served to worry him deeply about her safety.
Mae: Seika's trusty falcon friend. The two of them like to mess around with each other, and Mae is happy to nest on Seika's (or anyone's, really) head and peck at her lovingly (or as a tease). Despite this, she also can show compassion and sympathy, and tries her best to cheer Seika up when she's down.
Catherine McWren: A lord knight in the employ of the Dark Legion. Originally she trusted her as someone who could help look into the business with Lucretia, but has lost some of her trust after the incidents with Ciar and the bell.
Aja Selvans: Another huntress, who Seika has run into a couple times. She doesn't know too much about her, but wishes her luck as a fellow huntress.
Ezekiel Stalker: A mysterious stalker who was at the attack on Payon. Due to his presence there, she believes he's a good person, even if he doesn't look it and even if she knows little about him. Seika is teased by him often, which gets a little under her skin.
Summerstream Nimina: A paladin who Seika originally feared when in the guise of a ninja. Despite this, their subsequent meetings gave her a chance to better understand the paladin and somewhat befriend her, if not entirely. She doesn't tease Seika as much as Ezekiel, but still acts a little rough towards her.
Lucretia: The fairy princess whose attack on Payon led to Seika trying to track her down. After learning her motives, she's decided to help her instead of hunting her down, because she was definitely the lesser of two evils and if she helped her, that would hopefully prevent further outbursts of anger against humanity.
Amdusias: The fairy paladin whose hunting of Lucretia and company initially drew Seikakuna to him. After seeing him attempt to torture a sage, however, her view on him completely reversed, and now she wants to make sure he doesn't hurt another person with his overzealous behavior.
Sheena Archer: A strange priestess whose personality bewilders even Seika. The two of them have met only twice, but that was enough to leave a very strong impression on the rather impressionable Seikakuna.
Full Name: Utahime Chikage
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Uta
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Skin Tone: Slightly pale
Height: Shorter than average
Weight: Average
Build: Rather frail, but not completely weak
Eyes: Purple
Hair: Purple
Clothes Style: Usually wears black and purple vaguely resembling an Assassin's
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc: None of note
Appearance: A young adult whose somewhat cute yet beautiful appearance hides a devious girl who thinks nothing of taking a life
Religion: She disdains the gods due to her original parents abandoning her out of belief she was cursed from birth
Weapons (if any): Prefers claw-like weapons and katars
Occupation(s): Unemployed, she serves only herself
Special Abilities/Skills: Skilled in the art of blending in with the shadows and striking from almost every angle
Activities/Organizations: Independent
Interests: Torturing the humans who left her to rot, mocking those she sees as inept.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: She is extremely unreasonable and her hatred for her fellow man makes her a very bloodthirsty killer. She has an obsession with evil due to it seeming like the best way to dish out her revenge.
Citizenship: None
Place of Birth: Unknown
Now lives: Unknown
Lives with: No one, she is constantly on the move
Current Relationship Status: Single, why would anyone marry her?
Family: Her parents, who abandoned her at a young age. She seeks them out to get revenge for having been abandoned as a child.
Other Biographical Remarks: Mostly grew up in the wild due to being abandoned as a child. Her unusual purple hair was thought to be a sign of a cursed child by her family, and so she was left to fend for herself
Connections: Swears off any and all connections
Full Name: Rachel Madison
Aliases/Nicknames (if any): Rae
Age: 20
Sex: Female
Skin Tone: Slightly tanned
Height: Kinda short
Weight: Slim
Build: Surprisingly a little muscular despite being an alchemist
Eyes: Blue
Hair: Long and black
Clothes Style: Her outfit is a specially-tailored blue variation of the standard female alchemist attire, with a white cape. She doesn't like the cape too much, but she wears it so people recognize her as a certified alchemist.
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc: None of note
Appearance: An alchemist who looks a little young to be certified as an alchemist, but she is actually 20 years old.
Religion: Not much time to spend on the church when there's alchemy to be done
Weapons (if any): A sword mace. Those are fun to swing around.
Occupation(s): She hires herself out as a doctor to people who need medicine or healing, but otherwise wanders the kingdom.
Special Abilities/Skills: She's decent with brewing potions and treating injuries. Her homunculus, Elizabeth (also known as Liz, or Lizzie), has some healing power as well.
Activities/Organizations: Alchemy Guild
Interests: Giving people rides on her old merchant's cart, doing silly things to amuse herself.
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Rachel can be rather silly at times, much to the annoyance of others around her and make them not take her seriously.
Citizenship: Rune-Midgarts
Place of Birth: Alberta
Now lives: Aldebaran, but usually wanders around too much for that to matter
Lives with: Her homunculus, Elizabeth... kinda. In a way.
Current Relationship Status: Single
Family: Her parents are a bit estranged from her. They wanted her to be a simple merchant, but she fled to Aldebaran to become an alchemist and practice medicine.
Other Biographical Remarks: A bit of a weirdo, Rachel goes around and practices medicine for people in need. Her prices are relatively low, as she's attempting to learn more about alchemy and medicine. Some people are a little hesitant to trust her skills due to her quiet and odd behavior, but she does the best she can.
Her family- A small merchant business that only originally forayed into alchemy to supply local shops with supplies, but otherwise doesn't care much for it.
Elizabeth- A Lif that Rachel summoned from one of many failed embryo making attempts, in an attempt to find someone to share her alchemy adventures with. She's a bit mean-spirited and quick to make fun of Rachel's seriousness, but Rachel only responds to the teasing by acting more and more strange, as if to taunt her. What a strange girl...
Seikakuna Sensouya- A naive huntress who lives with her uncle. Roughly a month ago, an attack on Payon left the huntress's uncle crippled. When a call was made out for a doctor to tend to the wounded in the attack, Rachel answered, doing her best to help everyone there out. Seikakuna was overjoyed for her help, and overpaid her massively. Feeling bad, when she saw her in Prontera over a month later, she left a small gift of leftover elunium she had received as payment that she had no use for with the ore purifier.
(Re)exploring Rune-Midgart one step at a time!
Validon Maotoko (73/46 Knight) (Deleting soon)
Validon Kinotoko (28/24 Merchant)
Seikakuna Sensouya (81/47 Sniper, first trans get!)
Utahime Chikage (71/41 Assassin)
Makoto Hiotoko (95/50 Wizard)
Rachel Madison (75/49 Alchemist)
Kanrininki Engeisai (40/29 Acolyte)
(This post was last modified: 09-20-2015, 11:09 PM by Validon.)
08-13-2015, 06:17 PM |
Lin Lin
Dead Priestess In Pink~
Posts: 165
Threads: 9
Joined: Aug 2010
RE: Character Roster.
This is a bit overdo..
Full Name: Reilinn (Last name currently unknown)
Nicknames: Rei, Rei Rei
Title(s): Unknown
Age: Reilinn appears to be between the age of 23-27 (No definite age is given currently)
Sex: Female
Skin Tone: Lightly tanned (Possibly from Morroc's desert climate)
Height: 5'10''
Weight: 126 pounds
Build: Slender (cat-like), athletic, toned
Eyes: Green eyes, with small golden flecks toward the center
Hair: Blonde, long and worn in pigtails (currently)
Markings: Reilinn lacks tattoos, however she does have a single lobe piercing in each ear. Also bears multiple 'burn-like' scars upon her body, upon a closer inspection it would be found that they were induced with poison, toxin or some form of chemical, these markings are quite old. She has a multitude of scars across her body; markings upon the bottom of her feet, her right palm, her abdomen is littered with small white gashes, the back of her legs and along her spine bear some form of whip-like patterning. This shows she's undergone some form of torturous methods (possibly assassin training).
Appearance: Reilinn comes off as the standard cliche 'Assassin' in the eyes of most who see or pass her by, though appearances have a nasty ability to deceive. She wears standard Assassin Cross garb, dyed jade-green with black armor pieces and black scarf
Religion: Unknown
Weapons (if any): Prefers Dual-Daggers, Throwing Knives (toxic/venomous depending on her mood), Swords and anything laying within arms reach
Occupation(s): Assassin Cross, ???? (surprise~)
Special Abilities/Skills: Due to her intense training with compounds, she is immune to all forms of poison and harmful chemical or toxin, this trait makes her capable of creating these compounds with no risk to herself. She has undergone various methods of torture, to make it impossible for an enemy or faction to find ways to make her talk. She has intense stamina and shows a near-resilient nature to changes of elements around her, despite her lithe figure she is quite capable of handling herself. (all due to her assassin upbringing)
Activities/Organizations: Dark-Sider. .
Interests: . . .
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: . . .
Citizenship: None that she shares
Place of Birth: Morroc, Pre-Satan Morroc attack
Now lives: Sometimes on the street. Currently is residing in Ciar's Mansion, located in Rachel (Capital of Arunafelz (179,215) )
Lives with: Usually no one. Currently Ciar, unbeknownst to him (due to the bell-replica's control)
Current Relationship Status: None to currently speak of.
Family: Reilinn's mother was a High Priestess named Margaretha, she was a very kind and caring woman full of compassion and somehow won the hand of Bercasell, Reilinn's Assassin father. During the Satan Morroc attack, Margaretha struggled to help the city evacuate while their armed forces went to engage the vile creature in hopes of protecting those who could not protect themselves. Margaretha bravely returned over and over again into the town, through the massive hell-hole it quickly became, healing those who were injured in the attack and helping them to escape out the North-Western portal, into the deserts before the Great Pyramids. Margaretha succeeded in evacuating many of the towns people, merchants, and the now orphaned children. But, she fell to the massive hand of Satan Morroc himself, as she attempted to finally flee the town herself with her daughter, Reilinn.
Bercasell, the Lord of the Assassins, Leader of the Assassin Guild itself. Was utterly helpless when his wife had fallen to the foul creature, Satan Morroc. Struck with a grief, rage, stupidly leading his men to their own deaths against the creature. Others from Midguard showed their faces to Morroc, attempting to assist in the battle, but Morroc was lost, as was the life of his beloved Margaretha. Hoisting his daughter from the ground with one arm and half-dragging the young novice away from the scene, a crying child who had no idea what was happening. He vowed that he would not raise a daughter who would be weak, and who would fall like her mother did.
Other Biographical Remarks: . . .
Margaretha - Reilinn's Mother, beloved and lost when Reilinn was still a young Novice. (deceased) Reilinn has fond, short memories of her mother's caring gaze and attitude. Laughing at her when she ran from a Creamy, but then quickly saving her from getting hurt. She would allow the child to choose whatever Life Profession she wished, where as Bercasell wanted a Son from her, she was only able to give him a Daughter before she perished. Leaving his Title to fall upon Reilinn if anything were to happen to him.
Bercasell - Reilinn's Father, caretaker and Lord of the Assassins (royalty line). Despite this man being Reilinn's father, she was not shown favoritism in the manners that most are accustom to. Unless you are accustom to being tested on, tortured and forced to become immune to toxins, chemicals, poisons and other forms of compounds - with the idea of if you die you are weak, so you must live and survive this. Torture methods were used during training to force Reilinn to be more than capable of handling herself in the world, her father showed no mercy upon her in any way shape or form (no loving fatherly affection). Reilinn refers to him as "Father" when they speak in private and "Sir" in public, keeping their connection from the prying eyes of the world.
Ciar - The Goofy Professor (currently). Reilinn's connections with this man is a little..strange. Prior to Ciar getting his hands on the Moonlight Bell, Reilinn would sneak into his house and sleep in a Burgundy chair located in his study. She would steal food from him, and perhaps a bit more than that.. Which, is not reflected in his ledgers, at least not with her name. It was a little entertaining for her, weaving in and out of his life without him ever knowing it, though she only stayed there a couple of handful of times before the Bell Incident. Ciar now has a complete change of character, he's literally losing his mind, he can't remember to eat, drink, he can't even remember to lay down and sleep. He constantly hears the ring of the bell haunting his mind and memories, though he keeps the bell safe, it has Cursed him. Internally, it saddens her a little to see this happen to someone, but what will she do about it? (find out, sometime) Reilinn seems to hold no ill intentions toward Ciar, despite that he set her up in the stealing of the Replicated Bell incident, forcing her to become involved in the strange and unknown situations that would come from it (perhaps this was reconciliation for staying in his mansion and stealing his food?).
Cutty - The Dark Knight, quite literally, fellow dark-sider and minion of Ciar. Reilinn's first meeting of Cutty was when she had been found in Ciar's mansion, Cutty having arrived there to accept a job posting. It ended well (in Reilinn's eyes) as she was lounging upon the woman, for stealing her favorite Burgundy colored chair and eating a sweet treat. Reilinn since then has assaulted the woman with sweet whispers upon her ear, creeping upon her as she sleeps soundly - whether she is within the halls of Ciar's mansion or one of his additional houses, or if she happens upon the woman while traveling on her own accord. Though it would seem to some, that these two do not have much of a friendship nor get along. There is a bond between them, as odd as it may be. Cutty might be the closest thing that Reilinn's ever had to being a Friend.
Galoo - The Mysterious and Bubbly Linker, fellow dark-sider and extremely loyal minion of Ciar and thief of the Replicated Moonlight Bell. Reilinn's initial meeting with Galoo was that of receiving a nice cool summery Jubilee Treat, which she happily devoured while lounging across Cutty's lap (great first impressions). Reilinn has yet to form an opinion of what she thinks of Galoo, other than that the woman's attention span is rather short lived and she has an array of Deviruchi companions.
Ezekiel "Zeke" - The White Knight Stalker, light-sider, savior of Lulu (Lucretia) and friend to Summerstream. Reilinn's first encounter with the man, was when she made her appearance known within the basement of the Alchemist Guild, while the search for a cure to re-awaken Nikki from his Slumber Curse, and it was not a good one. Accused, shaken and almost punched in the face...Which led to a later, private apology for the actions. She sees a common ground with the Stalker, both of which are almost immediately marked for their 'class' and not for what skills, abilities and strategies they can bring to the people of Midgard.
Fairy Lucretia "Lulu" - The Mistaken Evil, a Fae who's wings were supposedly destroyed by her human lover Jin and slaughtered for such actions, breeding a growing hatred and vengeful nature toward all humans. Reilinn followed Lulu, unbenowst to her who was beneath that shrouded cloak in the Slums of Lighthalzen, words on the street of someone seeking a Purple Stone, a Dreamstone is what made her stalk this being into the Rekenbar Laboratory. .
Fairy Cynbel "Cynnie" - The Lovestruck Fool, long loyal companion and friend of Lulu. Reilinn has had little to no interaction with Cynnie, however she was one of the few who stood up for him while the others sought to bring him to trial the moment they found the Webbing from Lulu's wings within his home in a Splendie Cabin, stating that he might of had it to try and fix Lulu's wings himself. Her voice was lost in the crowd.
Fairy Amdusias "Assmo" - The Dark General, unknown loyalties of friendships. Reilinn's initial encounter was one of skillful stealth when it came to this man, she followed Assmo, Aurora, Seikakuna to a dungeon where Kotori was held. Torture methods were not foreign to Reilinn, so she was not surprised when the man had nearly choked Kotori to death to gain information he sought, but failed to gather anything. Reilinn is aware that he claimed Summer, Zeke, Lulu and Cynnie to be Criminals.
Summerstream "Summer" - The Ninja Paladin, loyal to Lulu and friend to Zeke. Reilinn's had short and rare interactions with the woman, but she is aware of the choices that were made by Summerstream to repair Lulu's wings with the Sap of Yggdrasil and overall join Lulu's side, going to the point of summoning an army of Ninja Assassins to hide her trail and attack her previous companions.
Kotori "Koto" - The Loud Professor (Sage at the time), with a nasty habit of using Sight. Reilinn was caught by Kotori in the Alchemist Guild, ripping a piece of paper from one of the books that had been displayed and called out for being a Thief in the public eye. Nothing more notable has occurred between the two currently, but Reilinn was present when Kotori displayed the glow of a Red Eye and portal'ed herself to safety.
Seikakuna "Seika" - The Valiant Hunter(ess), dressed in male hunter garb, but 100% woman, seemingly Neutral with their allegiance. Reilinn has not had the pleasure or displeasure of meeting Seika face to face, their only encounter was when Reilinn was using her "Shadow Abilities" (Stealth) to spy on Assmo, Aurora, Seika and Koto in one of Assmo's Interrogation Prisons. Reilinn is aware that Seika is looking for Lucretia, but not what she desires to do.
Aja Selvansa - The Timid Huntress (Archer?), friendly and a bit naive. Reilinn met Aja through Cutty's connections (and possible Cutty's intentions to sway the young one to the darkside!). Aja was recruited to accompany Cutty and Reilinn to visit the newly created Poporing Island, Cutty with a bag of possibly poisoned sweet treats. . . to be continued.
Nikki - The Foolish Professor. Reilinn does not have much connection to this man, currently. She has only seen what ringing the bell has done to him and despite her being an Assassin, she chose to stand beside the man while he was Cursed with Slumber after using the Replicated Moonlight Bell upon the soul of his beloved Sister. Reilinn was blamed for stealing the Replicated Bell along with Galoo.
Aurora - The Sadistic Professor, allegiance unknown (though one would think dark). Reilinn has not personally met Aurora, their only encounter was when she was in "Shadow" (Stealth) and spying on the group in one of Assmo's Interrogation Prisons (Seika, Koto, Assmo and Aurora). Reilinn is unsure what Aurora's goal is.
I'm the Angel, sent to guide you through Nightmares.
I'm the Devil, sent to slip you through your Dreams.
08-23-2015, 08:54 PM |
Poring Slayer
Stray Cat
Posts: 232
Threads: 3
Joined: Jan 2010
RE: Character Roster.
Full Name: (He keep it as a secret)
Aliases/Nicknames : Balawan (stage name)
Title(s): Spoony Bard (by people involved with Lucretia incident)
Age: 22
Sex: Male
Skin Tone: Polka Dot Slightly Pale
Height: 173 cm
Weight: 66 kg
Build: Average
Eyes: Two Brown
Hair: Brown
Clothes Style: Regular minstrel uniform, but it dyed in purple and white color except for the shoes which is sort of green with purplish soles and straps. He chose to wear Witch Hat instead of Wandering Minstrel Hat and mostly seen carrying a small backpack on his back.
Tattoos, Piercings, Marks, Scars, etc: None of note
Appearance: Normal
Religion: Follower of Lord Odin (mainly)
Weapons: Harp, guitar, and (occasionally) bow
Occupation(s): Wandering Minstrel, Stand Up Comedian, and Music Performer
Special Abilities/Skills: Observation, Information Gathering, Stand Up Comedy and Lame Joke
Activities/Organizations: Wandering Minstrels & Gypsies Circle, Legion of the Dark Allegiance
Interests: You Human and other creatures relationship
Serious Problems/Flaws/Addictions/Disorders/Disabilities: Easily being forgotten by the others, hard to talk seriously with him
Citizenship: None
Place of Birth: Geffen
Now lives: Nomaden
Lives with: Loner Alone
Current Relationship Status: Lonely Single
Family: Deceased
Other Biographical Remarks:
A mild and friendly looking minstrel who has a strange habit of making lame jokes, but for some reason people tend to forget about him easily. One thing for sure, he easily infiltrates or gathers information from most organizations and groups because of that reason. He decided to join Legion of the Dark Allegiance because he feel that he had been wronged by the current law and by some of members of Order of the Light Allegiance when he was still being neutral. Although being a member of Legion of the Dark Allegiance, he still mostly neutral and only gathers and reports information needed by his superior, if they remember that they had dispatched him. He always did as best as he could to cover his identity of being part of Legion of the Dark Allegiance, which is actually pretty easy for him. Even people, especially Legion of the Dark Allegiance members, who involved in Lucretia Incident don't know about him and his mission. It's true they feel a bit suspicious about his strange nature, but not to alarming rate of being exposed. He had also noticed that Order of the Light Allegiance has sent someone like him in this Incident and of course he had it reported to his superior. He had a hard time dealing with Ezekiel and Summer's behavior. For him, both of them has a strange behavior pattern, but he wouldn't tell it in front of their face. He's currently released from Lucretia Incident case by his superior after he helped an urgent mission, looking for those missing turtle eggs, which was fruitless because they have been found by other people before he located them. Still, he released from the case.
He can be found hanging out with another Wandering Minstrels and Gypsies from time to time since he's also part of their circle. Once in a while, he'll do a stand up comedy in a joint performance with others Minstrels and Gipsies. Of course he would do a musical performance if it's possible. In addition to harp, he could play a guitar for group performance.
Connections: Wandering Minstrels & Gypsies Information Network
(This post was last modified: 09-18-2015, 02:50 PM by Poring Slayer.)
08-24-2015, 10:40 AM |