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Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
Oxanette Offline
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
We were just hunting Goats, when suddenly we got attacked. We thought it was just some player going after us Laugh But he started to hit us! That was scary. We tried to ran away, but then there was another Prisoner. We had to kill them both so we could continue hunting. It was hard and they killed us several times first.

[Image: UgKZBu-9Yuc.jpg]
[Image: 9GlngIwcLWw.jpg]
01-15-2016, 12:13 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
The bounty hunt event deadline is Sunday at midnight (January 17 at 12:00 AM)! New screenshots posted after then will not be rewarded.
01-15-2016, 12:28 PM
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abigunov Offline
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
[Image: 287ncqh.jpg]
01-15-2016, 12:45 PM
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gianluca280395 Offline
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
[Image: 2upsahu.jpg]
Crazy Bandit - Stalker
Nurelion - Creator
(with his amistr Gobball :3)
Sarcedos Signat - High Priest
Rulindil - Star Gladiator
01-16-2016, 07:20 AM
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Xaphanea Offline

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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
I got rid of a dangerous criminal!!
[Image: 16k6dd2.jpg]
Xaphane - Lady Knight | Xaphea - Gypsy | Xapha - Sinx | Xaphanea - HP | Xaphora - HW | Xaphril - Champ
Xaphana - Sniper | Xaphanae - Priest | Xaphelle - Sage | Xaphica - Alch | Xaphym - Linker
(This post was last modified: 01-16-2016, 10:34 PM by Xaphanea.)
01-16-2016, 10:32 PM
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SilentDrift3r Offline
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
Another one bites the dust.

Got 4 pics in there
(This post was last modified: 01-17-2016, 12:36 AM by SilentDrift3r.)
01-17-2016, 12:33 AM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
The bounty hunting event has ended. Sacerdos Signat, Balawan, Xapha, SilentDrift3r, find me in-game tomorrow for your prizes!
01-17-2016, 01:15 AM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
Balawan and SilentDrift3r, you guys haven't collected your prizes yet. Find me-ingame when you're online!
01-21-2016, 08:54 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
Deep in the dark Niflheim forests, a group of warriors journeyed forward into the unknown. Leading them were Lord Matthew and a limping Rajnish, who, in a hushed tone, discussed the latter's plans.

"I hope this plan of yours works. She's not fond of me being de facto mayor of Niflheim Town." Lord Matthew grumbled...

"So long as you keep your temper in check and let me do the talking, everything will be alright. She can't deny us a thing, with what we're offering her." Rajnish replied, looking back at several crates their followers carried.

After fifteen more minutes of walking through the forest and fending off all sorts of spirits and creatures, they made it to a castle, much bigger than the one northeast of Niflheim that once served as fairy Lucretia's residence.

Once the two bony figures guarding the castle entrance were shown the contents of the crates, they let the dark siders pass.

"...That was easier than I thought." The crimson lord knight commented. Rajnish snickered, shaking his head. Two more guards opened the way to the room where the castle's owner was located. The dark siders walked in, and bowed quickly, as directed.

A woman's voice boomed across the room. "Well, well, if it isn't Lord Matthew... come to make my castle yours?"

Rajnish looked up to speak to the woman he could barely see. "Lady Hel, we've come to make an offering, in exchange for a small favor..."

"What kind of favor would I be doing you...?"

"Our world is threatened by a powerful spellcaster... We were hoping you, who rules over all spirits of this planet, could return to us one of our own..." The stalker replied, submissively, before being interrupted by Lady Hel.

The woman scoffed."What could you possibly have to offer that would persuade me to do such a thing?"

Rajnish motioned his followers to step forward with one of the crates. They opened it, revealing large violet crystals inside. Lady Hel, intrigued by the offering, stood up from her dark throne and stepped forward into the more illuminated part of the room. She had a light tan skin color, and lumbered over the men. Her hairstyle's defiance of gravity was... impressive, to say the least, and she wore deep purple robes adorned with different runes.

"This is certainly quite the offering..." She commented, entranced by the crystals.

"I've been to a great library northeast of Lutie... I know you're interested in these crystals." Rajnish replied.

"I only keep a few in case I might ever have a use for them, but someone I know would do anything for these refined stones..." Lady Hel murmured... "They have been futilely invading a certain land for ages to get an enormous crystal of this type."

"So, do we have a deal?" Rajnish spoke up, rather politely.

"Who do want me to bring back?" Hel asked, looking down at the human.

"Mystra will do..." Rajnish smiled sinisterly, as he thought of what awaited Kushiel.

Lady Hel laughed, as if someone had just told her a joke. "You think she is in this planet like any other desolate soul? Hah, I wish!"

Rajnish and Lord Matthew's expressions changed from eager to completely disappointed. They went against Sir Melot's wishes in vain.

"Do not worry for her. She is with whom she wanted to be with."

"Who the hell are you going to bring back if Mystra's not available!?" Matthew, infuriated at their failure, murmured to Rajnish, who simply shook his head.

"Lady Hel, I don't suppose you can give us Ostellos...?"

Hel nodded. "That fiendish bastard, I can give you. Which of your men's souls are you going to trade me for him?"

"What!?" Matthew questioned, in awe. His followers began to mumble amongst themselves, in fear of what would happen.

"He needs a body, and Ostellos will just destroy the other soul. I might as well just have it." Hel explained, with an exasperated sigh. It seemed she really didn't like the Lord Knight.

Ultimately, Rajnish grabbed a scholar and pushed him towards Hel. "Just take that one, he'll be comfortable in a professor's body."

Hel nodded, and leaned towards the whimpering scholar. One of her bony guards walked into the room. Its hand was stretched out, with what could best be described as a swirling pitch-black mass of energy hovering above it. The guard stood by Hel, who clasped and waved her hand to extract the scholar's gray-tinted soul.

A disturbed Lord Matthew watched as Hel placed the dark mass above the soulless, comatose scholar. It entered through every pore of the man's skin, making the body have a seizure-like reaction. Rajnish watched, not even cringing at the sight.

"That's all." said Hel, gesturing as if presenting a gift. "Now, get out of my castle." she quite bluntly added, going back to her throne.

The scholar stood up, with some trouble.

"...Ostellos?" Rajnish asked, curiously.

With an eerie smile, the scholar looked back at the stalker.

"In the flesh."


Setting up the stage for future stories. Icon_smile

For info on who the heck are Ostellos and Mystra, click the wiki links below:

Eudoxie and Mystra's Story

Ostellos' First Appearance in heRO's RP
01-22-2016, 06:27 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
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RE: Chronicles of Heroes ~ Judge, Jury, Executioner
The front doors of the Schwartzvald Federal Building opened. A woman stepped out, putting on her sunglasses.

She walked through the busy streets, heading for the Warper Company employee.

"To Rachel, please." She said, handing over 250 zeny.

"Your time's up, Kushiel. I'm coming for you."


Expect The Golemancer's quest soon!
03-12-2016, 01:01 AM
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