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11th Anniversary Event Schedule
GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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11th Anniversary Event Schedule
Hey heroes! As you may know, heRO turns 11 years old on October 15th!

[Image: 2016bdaynews.jpg]

Below you'll find the schedule for events that'll happen throughout October. On top of the regular monthly Fairy Auctions and Trials of Heroes you can expect, it will include monster invasions, trivia, hide and seek, allegiance events, and more! It'll be updated from time to time, so pay attention to this thread!

Event Schedule: (all times are in server time, EST GMT - 5, check @time in game)
  • Throughout all October: Bulletin Board Event with GM-Luna
  • Saturday October 8: Disguise event with GM-Ciar
  • Saturday October 8: Dice Invasion with GM-Ciar at around 12:00 PM
  • Saturday October 8: Crystal Challenge with GM-Ciar
  • Saturday October 8: Mini-Muspel, started by GM-Ciar
  • Sunday October 9: Trivia with GM-Ciar at 8:00 PM
  • Saturday October 15: Chronicle of Heroes ~ Furtive Action with GM-Ciar, GM-Rahice and GM-Luna at 8:00 PM (See post for more info)
  • Sunday October 16: Dark vs Light Dungeon Time Trial (See post)
  • Friday October 21: Fairy Auction with GM-Ciar and GM-Luna at 8:00 PM EST (See Auction Post)
  • Saturday, October 22: Endless Tower Event with GM-Ciar and GM-Luna
  • Saturday, October 22: BB Party with GM-Luna
  • Friday, October 28: Trial of Heroes with GM-Ciar at 8:00 PM (See post)
10-08-2016, 10:18 AM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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RE: 11th Anniversary Event Schedule
Disguise Event this morning, followed by a dice invasion.

[Image: screenheRO-Server147_1.jpg]

[Image: screenheRO-Server149_3.jpg]
10-08-2016, 06:07 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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RE: 11th Anniversary Event Schedule
The birthday Jester is in Prontera! He'll host a minigame every 10 minutes! The schedule is as follows:

XX:00 - Casino: Be subject to RNG Test your luck at the slots or use the crane to get poring-type dolls!

XX:10 - Poring Search: Find the special poring in the horde! The more you find, the better the prizes!

XX:20 - Chicken Race: Grab a chicken and run with it to the race! But be careful, don't leave your bird behind!

XX:30 - Survival: Clear wave after wave of these monsters, prepared specially for this occasion! The more waves you clear, the better the prizes!

XX:40 - Crystal Tame: Weaken the flying crystal mobs to have a better chance to tame them! The more crystals tamed, the better the rewards!

XX:50 - Tap: Tap a constantly teleporting plasma ball! Be swift, or get left in the dust!

Also, a reminder: Tomorrow I'll be hosting an RP/PVM event at 8:00 PM EST! Only players with over 100 allegiance points may join, so start questing if you want to participate and don't have enough points!
10-14-2016, 07:25 PM
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Vanira Offline

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RE: 11th Anniversary Event Schedule
[complain] Casino and Crystal Tame are limited by having people show up yet there is basically no reason that they should have required number of players over 1 (no real reason for players to interact for them) - some hours in particular there aren't going to be people around but it should still be possible for those people who *are* around, however few, to get at least some events done. Also Archangeling doll never actually gets caught by the crane (in my 100+ coins of trying over multiple casino events), which is hardly reasonable given the very lackluster prize for actually getting one (OPB, iirc? And also basically stopping a full set from being achieved for a bigger prize)... not to mention one time I literally tried every combination of options on the crane (several times) and all it ever tried for was said Arch doll. Personally kinda find it lame to need people for the poring search too but some people *are* too good at it, so :p [/complain]


but had to get that off my chest
10-15-2016, 03:48 AM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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RE: 11th Anniversary Event Schedule
Thank you for your suggestion on the Tame and Casino participants. We agree and have changed it so both those mini-games now don't require more than 1 participant.

About the Arcangeling doll, there was a bug and is now fixed, the chance to grab it should have been 33%. We're sorry about this.

(Both changes will effective sometime this morning)
10-15-2016, 09:37 AM
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GM-Rahice Offline
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RE: 11th Anniversary Event Schedule
Hey heROes!

Pandelina is now available in town, go check her out! You can visit her 1 time for each character on your account(s).

Don't forget to check out the Birthday Jester, play 12 of his games and you can get the newly released 11th Birthday Gears.

Pandelina and Birthday Jester will be hanging around with us at least until Halloween, so make sure you check them out while they are still here.
[Image: Rahice.gif]
Thank you Ren for the Signature!
10-15-2016, 05:36 PM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: 11th Anniversary Event Schedule
Happy Birthday to heRO and its heroes ^_^

Rates are up to 8/8/4, they'll stay that way for about a week (until october 23rd at least) then they'll gradually start going down towards the normal 5/5/3.
10-15-2016, 06:17 PM
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sheam Offline
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RE: 11th Anniversary Event Schedule
K-Kiyo was at the light run .. ? ._.

ehh.. xD


y u so undercover >: (

Zurran was a beast on Hwiz xD

Thank you for playing Gypsy for us Matt. =3 ruff u
10-17-2016, 07:20 PM
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GM-Ciar Offline
Always Sleepy

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RE: 11th Anniversary Event Schedule
Monster Invasion Event today at Payon. :D

And reminder: This saturday GM-Luna and I will be hosting an Endless Tower run! Come prepared!

[Image: screenheRO-Server180_2.jpg]
[Image: screenheRO-Server177_2.jpg]
10-20-2016, 08:39 PM
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GM-Luna Offline

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RE: 11th Anniversary Event Schedule
Impromptu BB party after the Endless Run!

10-23-2016, 03:14 PM
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