Always Sleepy
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RE: Patch Changelog
- Added special effects around the current Springtime Prontera's town square area.
05-15-2019, 06:10 PM |
Always Sleepy
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RE: Patch Changelog
Visual Updates
- Added new visual effects for Adoramus, Arrow Storm and Crimson Rock, from one of the recent official updates. As for other skills, the updates are unfortunately not supported by our current client, therefore only the above 3 skills could be updated appropriately.
- Updated the previously purple & blue Faeheim bushes to be a more autumn red and mint color respectively, in order to better blend with the environment and to be more aesthetically pleasing to the eyes.
- Updated Faeheim's Iridiawood trees (the rainbow weeping willow-esque ones) to have two-sided textures and look fuller.
- Optimized the polygon count of one of Tessera's large white flowers.
- Replaced the large tree in Carandel's southwest "Town Square"-ish area with a rainbow eucalyptus tree (as was originally intended long ago). This is a completely new model that will be seen more in future expansions to Faeheim. Thanks again to the player who helped with all the 3d modeling for this update as well as the original Faeheim release (you know who you are)!
File Updates & Changes
- Gold Scaraba Card is now named "Fighter Scaraba Card", referring to Antler and Rake Scarabas. This card was originally released in anticipation for a "Nightmare" version of the dungeon, but it was never implemented. Instead, it recently became obtainable in the second floor of the dungeon.
- Left some card images ready to add, so their release doesn't happen half a year after the contest ends, like with the last 2 contests.
- Fixed Hat of Girl's (recently auctioned item) description.
- Fixed Burning Bug Shell's (Muspelheim Misc. Loot) description.
- Fixed some V4P Headgears names which were incorrectly called "Costume" (Costume Ifrit's Breath, etc).
- Wonder Nutshell now correctly has the word "Costume" in its name.
05-29-2019, 11:57 AM |
Always Sleepy
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RE: Patch Changelog
Visual File Updates
- Some Brasilis and Malaya Trees have been slightly updated to no longer have a slight pink outline in their textures.
Other Changes
- Some of the very last card contest entries should now have proper ingame descriptions, images etc,.
- Updated headgear descriptions for a future minor Hatter Update.
- Added 3 new loading screens from the creativity contest.
- Added special card icons for MVP cards to help distinguish between the two. These will now show a gold version of the regular card image. Miniboss card images remain the same.
- Nekoring Card, Lava Golem Card and other similar cards now have a note referring the player to the HeRO wiki for a list of mobs the cards affect.
06-06-2019, 11:54 AM |
Always Sleepy
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RE: Patch Changelog
Map Updates
- Morroc has been rebuilt to its former glory!
- Alberta harbor has been renovated and expanded!
- Added minimaps for the updated towns.
06-07-2019, 01:59 PM |
Always Sleepy
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RE: Patch Changelog
Description Fixes & Changes
- Gertie Card now properly states it goes on headgear instead of garment.
- Owl Baron Card now indicates it casts Lex Aeterna when dealing damage, NOT when receiving damage.
- Quah Nomag's weight entry has been corrected (It showed "Weight: 10" twice).
- Strawberry Hat's description now clarifies it only drops strawberries from plant monsters.
- Costume Lude and Quve Masks now show as being Mid Only.
- Amistr and Amistr Cub Cards now show different names to help differentiate between the two.
- Shaman Earring, Shaman Ring and Shaman's Hair Decoration now properly reference each other as being a combo.
- Elemental Ring now explicitly states it works with Sage's Endow Spells.
- Fixed All Kunai and Shuriken's vague descriptions to show if they are a Kunai or a Shuriken
- Bombardier's Trick-Coin now states coins cast with Dangerous Soul Collect will not exceed 5 coins.
- Costume Hat of Girl no longer shows as having a slot.
- A weird bug was fixed with Nekoring, Pumpkinring, Lava Golem and Orc Lady card, where a line of text was missing.
- Love Daddy Cap, Lupus Wig and Felinus Wig's description is now that of all general costumes.
- Idol's Outfit's description is now more clear.
- Life Insurance's incorrect information was fixed. For its 30 minute duration you will not lose exp from being KO'd, and the effect does NOT disappear upon KO.
- More misnamed unidentified item issues have been corrected.
- Fixed Cart Boost's description which previously stated it cannot be removed by skills that decrease speed (Decrease Agility, Quagmire, etc).
- Life Potions, Defense/Magic Defense Potions, Light Potions, Faeheim Botany Guild Potions, Gray Potions, Old Green Boxes, and Chocolate Pie can now be bought via Purchase Stores.
Map Updates
- Fixed Faeheim Field 03's "Black Squares" on the southeastern beach area (commonly known by T&D as Void Syndrome).
- Fixed Lutie Town's "Void Syndrome".
- Fixed minor lighting/shadow issues on Faeheim Field 03.
- Added several map objects (3d models) and textures for future use.
- Added a new sound effect for future usage near beach maps.
- Modernized the basic prontera tree to not look like a pixel mess from 2001. The same goes for the Prontera Guild Dun F2 trees. See the image below for a "before and after" comparison. This will affect any maps that use this tree, such as Poring Island near Payon, Lighthalzen Field, etc.
![[Image: hwg7Hnm.jpg]](
![[Image: W1FsVIg.jpg]](
Other File Updates
- Added new official cutins.
- Added new monster sprites, mostly for event use.
07-15-2019, 11:06 PM |
Always Sleepy
Posts: 9,080
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Joined: Apr 2015
RE: Patch Changelog
Map Updates
- Customized the 2 Nightmarish Pyramid maps so they're visually different from their normal counterpart and fit with the story behind the area. Water puddle updates on F2 may not be usable with water ball until the next server maintenance.
- The PVP Lutia Arena has been updated to reflect the current map.
- Updated an official map to make it playable for a future release. Somehow Gravity allowed it to use many high-poly models close together, which caused nearly unplayable FPS drops and crashing if someone dared to change camera angle (even with high end PCs).
Purchase Stores/Buy Stalls
- Faeheim & Lutia misc. items such as Lutian Crystal, Kaldian Bream and Final Rest can now be added to Purchase Stores.
- Seafoam, Orichalcum, Orichalcum Ore, Sparks of Muspelheim and Fishing items such as Bass, Salmon, etc can now be added to Purchase Stores.
Note: If you encounter any of these items to still not be buy-able, please send a support ticket.
Description Fixes
- Acid Demonstration's skill description no longer incorrectly states renewal information such as % modifier cards working with it.
- The removed combo from Purple Bat Doll and Spiderweb Wings is no longer in the doll's description.
- Teddyring Card's description has been fixed to not mention only increasing HP recovery.
- Lord of Death Helm and Mystic Bow now have proper "Unidentified" names.
- Gray Helmet now has a proper "Unidentified" sprite.
- LoveLove Balloon is now called "Costume Love Love Balloon".
- CD in mouth now properly states it can be worn at Lv 30.
- Celebration Wings' description now correctly indicates it is a Lower+Armor gear.
- Stumper Card is now called "Stumper Card" and not "Woodie Card".
- Added preliminary custom descriptions and sprites to 7 new gears and one misc. item.
- Fixed some incorrect slotting info of some items (the [1] next to items and the carded/uncarded icon below descriptions).
File Addition/Changes
- Added about 30 new and custom sound effects to be used in future areas. Thanks to Batusai for the necessary edits to make most of these playable by RO!
As usual, if you encounter any issues, such as crashing, please send a support ticket.
08-05-2019, 09:40 PM |
Always Sleepy
Posts: 9,080
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Joined: Apr 2015
RE: Patch Changelog
Map Updates
- Updated Caerulia town, you will no longer crash warping into the town after last night's maintenance. However, the town might seem empty for the time being.
- Added several 3d models, textures and effect files for future updates.
Bug Fixes
- Fixed mistake where Faeheim's Kafras had their old cutin.
08-25-2019, 10:57 AM |
Always Sleepy
Posts: 9,080
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Joined: Apr 2015
RE: Patch Changelog
- Prontera's look has returned to normal.
- Caerulia now shows a minimap, plays BGM, and has fog for the "/fog" users.
- Malangdo Dungeon and Octopus Cave now play their proper BGM.
- Pingvi Haven (lutia15) now has proper fog for the "/fog" users.
- Fixed several new item descriptions, and added 4 new backpacks to be rewarded with the Birthday Quest.
08-28-2019, 09:16 PM |
Always Sleepy
Posts: 9,080
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Joined: Apr 2015
RE: Patch Changelog
Map Updates
- Changed the look of Prontera (from Normal Prontera to Fall Prontera)
- Added Sound Effects to Caerulia
File Updates
- Updated Minimaps for Faeheim, as well as the Faeheim Map item cutin.
- Updated several skill and item descriptions to match recent updates (more to come soon).
09-16-2019, 02:01 PM |
Always Sleepy
Posts: 9,080
Threads: 417
Joined: Apr 2015
RE: Patch Changelog
- Map Updates
- Added a map to be used in next month's Halloween Quest, among other stuff.
Visual Updates
- The only animation that (barely) differentiates Darkness Jupitel skill from its wizard counterpart now uses a slightly different effect image to further help tell apart the two. Sidenote: I hate when some skills' visual effects are hardcoded the way Darkness Jupitel and Dark Grand Cross are.
- Added image files for possible use as map visual effects in the future.
- Added Pandaring Hat in preparation to release it in October.
- The God Item Mjolnir now has a unique weapon sprite, courtesy of KRO Zero. If you notice any class wearing it on the wrong hand or any other bug related to the sprite, please report it by sending a support ticket.
File Updates
- Somewhat modernized some of Bards' Frost Joke and Dancers' Scream lines.
09-22-2019, 04:49 PM |