I took off work this afternoon, mainly to come restart the server but also because it's such a beautiful day (feels like summer ^_^) and I didn't sleep last night, so some sleeping time will be welcome.
My appologies once again for the server going down, seems Tux and I deleted lots of files during the maintenance but we did not empty the garbage so the first hard drive was full, I corrected this and put the server back up but I had to leave right after to do some shopping.
I picked up a little surprise for the server while shopping to try and make myself forgiven, hope you'll enjoy ^_^
Mandies, may i ask what version of DDR is that? I notice you have some naruto and Ghost in the Shell tracks, is it custom (ie Stepmania) ? I'd like to know where you got that theme if so 8P. Oh and what kind of pad do you use
~Wesa got a grand army!~ || ~Phreeoni's Cave of Wonders~
Jugger (LK) Jester (Hunter) Beast (Taekwon) War Machine (BlackSmith) Iron Man (Merchant)
actually i have a wireless pad that can connect to my psp and run the music. Yes its custom tracks cause i got bored of the originals lol and if im just going out somewhere i just use the psp itself but usually use the wireless pad :O