think Ms. Pandora meant attacking with holy, what is the element of the opponent...? Doubt that attacks can have 4 elemental levels like the monsters do =o (holy1, 2, 3 and 4)
We could, but I couldnt access IRC from work The previous IRC channel (from long long ago) got closed for inactivity.
Q3 goes to Joy, I swear she posted, don't know why it got deleted lol. Namine is correct a player attack is always level 1 elemental, sorry for the confusion ^_^;
If you mean renting a cart, it's 800z across the board.
Kroggles ensures the living stay living, and the dead stay dead.
Clobberella beats you up.
Teela Brown has a birdie!
Flosshilde communes with the very souls of the damned.
Walsung is actually pretty cool. For a guy made of metal.