Hehe, thank you as always Lucky, and thank you GM-samas n_n
(and sorry Chocolate-sama, i don't know how to make a seal plushie - just porings, hehe n_n;; )
well, for the past few weeks, i've been obsessing over pokemon again hehe n_n
i was just thinking about my team in Pearl at first, but then i started daydreaming (at work, hehe) about competing in the anime-style Pokemon contests - and it got the point where i came up with a whole other team just for the contests, and i started thinking about it like it would be in a doujin (which i would be tempted, but i think it's utterly unrealistic, to try and draw, hehe n_n;;
- at the moment anyways X3; )
so anyways, this first drawing is... of Pokemon Trainer Ryxie and her alter-ego, the mysterious contestant "<3".
the second drawing is their Pokemon teams n_n
i could go into more detail, but since i don't have very much time right now, i'll just list them (and if anyone's interested i can put the details in later *nods* )
Ryxie's Pokemon: piplup, drifloon, froslass, mismagius, umbreon, kirlia
<3's Pokemon: beautifly, haunter, porygon2, luvdisc, wobbuffet, kirlia
(the other 3 in the background are duskull, sableye, and steelix - they aren't part of Ryxie's main team, but i still wanted to add them in n_n )
Ryxie and <3