Enjoy Mr/Ms Zeva's stay in heRO as well~ It is most unfortunate that heRO server is suddenly down (which Namin? and the rest of heRO has never seen before, except the time when Ms. Pandora suffered a power outage), but it is certainly a rare event. Pray that it will not disturb Mr/Ms Zeva's determination to be part of the heRO community, hm?
I'm at school anyways so it doesn't matter too much for me, but I sure hope that the server will be up by the time I get home... otherwise I'd have to do something else... like... cleaning... or something =D
VaIor: Paladin 9x/6x, Valor: High Priest 99/70, Valor's Chemist: Creator 9x/6x, Weaver: Clown 99/70, Blank: Stalker 9x/6x, Spire: Sniper 9x/6x
Current project: Farming zeny to buy stuff to put my cards in!
I am a proud member of The 'Wine Brewing Society'. If you are interested in joining, look for a representative in aldebaran. Or make a post in our guilds forum thread!