When changed to 11 the tame is consumed once it has been used. That's what 11 is for. Or is there something else wrong with the item that would cause it to persist after being used on the bunny?
Mine doesn't stay... What are you people talking about? I've had two, I've used two (to no avail...T>Alice Card!), none left. Is this only a problem for some people or am I missing something? o_o
Here's the trouble. With the way it is currently set when you use one and then decide to not use it (click away or even if you click the ground on accident) the item will be gone from your inventory. If the item is set to type 11 as it should be then the item will only be used up if you actually use it on a snow bunny. This way it avoids the loss of the item due to misclicks and what not. It makes for a higher standard of custom item; the kind you would expect from this server but for some reasons didn't receive this time around.
I thought you guys meant the item doesn't leave your inventory even after it's used on the bunny. That's what it appears like. I never received that error if that's the case! xD
VaIor: Paladin 9x/6x, Valor: High Priest 99/70, Valor's Chemist: Creator 9x/6x, Weaver: Clown 99/70, Blank: Stalker 9x/6x, Spire: Sniper 9x/6x
Current project: Farming zeny to buy stuff to put my cards in!
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Why have you no faith ? >_> this is getting on my nerves. I tried 11 first but it doesn't work properly, thus why I changed it to 7. The problem probably comes from being a custom monster. Anyway with 11 the tame is NOT CONSUMED AT ALL, people can tame endless snow bunny. I chose the lesser of 2 evils.