Hey, its Bethie. I heard Sellery and Lauren ditched qro and came here, so I'm gonna try. This place better be decent, I'm starting all over. Took my 2 years to get to level 96. O.o Anyways, hello to all of you.
Sorry, I am not going to be abe to play here. You only allow one account per IP address, and as everyone knows, Neven and I share an internet connection. It's not fair to Neven if I play and he can't. It was fun while it lasted..sighs.
okay, we have 2 comps on a wireless cable network, i'll let neven know. he said he tried to register for this forum, but it wouldnt let him. i'll see if he can an account for his comp going after he wakes up. i work tuesday-thurs, so i prolly wont be back til friday.