Oh man, this is gonna be tough D:
Well, I did ask for a challenge

Since I have some time to burn before I can even make my character (not like I have any idea what I want him to be yet >.< )
I guess I'll do my usual "About Me" bit.
So I'm 20 years old (21 next March) I'm a QA Analyst for a video game dev (fancy way of saying Tester

I've been playing RO off and on since the summer of 2005 back in college, favorite class has always been SinX until my recent liking for Stalkers :D
The servers I came from were around the 200x-300x range (item drops were much lower) Don't be surprised if you see me facedesking in town out of aggravation on occasion. XD
Also, if the copyrights on the various wings are legit, I've got someone I'd like to point out for infringement. *coughs*