I'd like to suggest making the level of teleport you hotkey selectable. Level one works just like a flywing. It doesn't bring up the menu and make you click more things to get what you want. This would be easier and also not make battlemode mess up like it tends to. Teleport clips would then have just level one teleport, making it easier to use them as well. This modification is really handy and makes teleporting much less nitpicky when it came to battlemode and teleport's practical uses.
seconded, but it's probably not gonna happen. I think this was brought up in another topic earlier on and got shot down. Course I might be wrong and panda might love the idea, so we'll have to see what she says.
sadly my battle mode gets messed up no matter what i do (typically when talking to npc's), but yeah it would be nicer if it was that way, but oh well, that's the reason there are flywings =)