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Elendatil...( looking for roleplayers, join)
Everoth Offline
Chivalry Heart

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Elendatil...( looking for roleplayers, join)
In the story of Rune-Midgart there had always been story's of heroes, monsters, magic, demons, and amazing fights. But there is one that will end up been the biggest one so far...

( note that this is a role play tread, and i am looking for people that would like to join, please send me a pm and read on since in the end ill say the character specifications Icon_biggrin)

In the beginning of our story,there where 5 friends who had always enjoyed their time together and met themselves since childhood, they grew and became curious about the world around them and wished to explore and fill their minds with new experience and to archive those promises of power and glory that could be listen everywhere.

They all trained together and protected each other with the dream of making the most powerful guild in all Rune Midgart, but not all the story's are as happy as one would wish...there was one among that everyone felt that he was the weakest...that he had choose a wrong path because he had followed his heart like he had done his hole life. When everyone went off to become what they wished, to become what they knew deep inside they where...Elendatil stopped as he had arrived to payon, as he had seen some hunters all the time...but when he taught he was ready to take the test...he couldn't...

He took a deep sight and looked at the glorious trees in front of him everyone smiled...a priest and a wizard kissing lovingly on the shadow of the tree, a rouge and an assassin arguing about who was the strongest, 2 knights talking and walking shoulder by shoulder, a hunter feeding his falcon friend. He wished for that...he wanted to have that kind of experiences...but he wasn't sure if he had chosen the right path at becoming an archer.

That night everyone was cheering at the bar but he didn't Eleandatil never appeared...he became distant from his friends...and moved away from prontera...he walked and evaded a lot of dangers until he came to an beach it was recently discovered among a lot of new things...wile he sat on the beach and looked at the never ending sea...he felt like it...that it seemed that he had a lot in first sight...but in the was the same...and there he saw her...

Comming from the arch where the Kafra Corp had decided to be the landing point for their teleport service there she was. A priestess in red cloths...her face lighted by the candles that where nearby...her hair seemed to be carefully caressed by the wind...his heart moved so fast that it didn't seemed human...everyone looked at the marvelous assassin girl even stabbed his assassin boyfriend as he couldn't get his eyes from her.

So many things he wanted to many things he had taught, but in that moment they seemed like nothing compared to what he had in front of his eyes. Standing up he walked to her and tried to talk to her " hi..." he said nervously...but as soon as she looked at him with that angel face he froze...his face red and unavailable to move she stood there and then walked away with a rather annoyed expression...moving her hips like no other priestess would do.

He dropped himself to the ground and looked at the sea...he felt so useless...the life he taught he would had...and the recent failure was more than he cried his eyes off and the night hold him with its cold touch he could listen to a soft music coming nearby.

The strings from a guitar making a lovely song got him away from crying so much, he looked at the man play and walked to him..." hey...i think you had cried enough..." the bard said as he looked at him with a kind smile. Elendatil on the other hand looked away in the last last days hasn't been enough, "don't worry, i didn't meant to insult you, i just wanted to say, that maybe been so direct isn't your stile, i see you have a it inside of you that you want to get out...and maybe i know the answer " he said with a big smile as he looked at Eleandatil.

Eleandatil looked at him, a ray of hope was in front of his eyes " do you mean the music? " he asked as he looked at his guitar, the bard nodded and looked at him kindly " if you want i could teach you " , a smile in Eleandatil's face was drawn as he agreed , that night he did what he could.

The next day all his friends gathered on the bar they used to go, they where worried about they where talking, he came in, his white and brown cloths matching the color of his guitar as he looked at his friends playing a soft tune as he closed his eyes and felt himself go with the it ended and he came with his friends he smiled and asked "what do you guys think? ".

After a bit of a silence all of his friends laughed out loud, Eleandatil could feel his heart breaking..." Are you kidding?, you are a bard?! ", " ya man, i taught you where going to be a hunter ! " , " ya, bards are even more useless than Everoth " " hey!, if he is happy been a bard then let him be one..." Everoth still the last one to talk he could see how his friend was doing still thinking he should had defended his friend more.

Eleandatil couldn't stay with them anymore, getting out of the bar he went out alone to the world...he didn't want t see anyone, except for that priestess he saw on the beach...he still came back to prontera and the other city's for food and items...and if he was lucky, he could see the priestess walk nearby the church...where even the priest and bishops looked at her with something more than desire in their eyes...the worst thing for him...was that she played back...with if she loved to have such attention.

He still negated it, that it might just had been something on his mind, but he trained every day and wrote new songs as well believing that he could make one that would make her love him as much as he taught he loved her, one day he decided to talk to her, he came back to prontera, with a beautifully rose on his hands he stayed at the church for hours until she came back.

He had practiced for hours and had believed on himself to not get frozen again, when she looked at him, he gave her the rose and kissed her hand, he presented himself and played a song...a song of love created by him...many people looked at them as he played, with his eyes closed and opening them in the end he looked at her he said "since the first time i saw you, i knew you where an angel among us...i...i have grown and walked the land just with the goal to see you smile and holding your hand as i ask you my lady..." he knelled to her and kissed her hand again " if you would like to be my lady..."

The silence was obvious to take place, she smiled and carelessly she answered " no, but thanks for the flower " , his eyes widened and his heart crushed, he couldn't believe it...he was frozen again, closing his eyes it seemed that nothing would ever...that he would never be good enough for anything..."why?..." from his lips the question dared to escape, the girl looked at her rather annoyed by him as she had walked away already.

With a sigh she looked at him and said " for once, you are weak, very weak!, by the gods you are a bard!,your not strong, nether powerful or rich...your nothing! " she said. Eliandatil was stunned, the love of his life saying those things, the worst thing was that he still felt to love her..."but...i love you..." he said as he looked at her, she just closed her eyes and looked at him " but i don't care about you ".

She entered the church...and after a small silence everyone looked at him and laughed...they laughed so hard...his sadness started to turn into rage, looking at all he yelled "SHUT UP!!!!" running away he bumped into someone, it was Everoth and someone else "Elen?...woa...are you alright? " he asked, but Eleandatil pushed him away and continued running.

The more he ran the more he didn't knew where he was...he didn't cared...the laughs on his head...and her words...been rejected for not been strong and powerful, filled with fury he clenched his fist and punching a rock his right hand started to bleed...he cried in anger and frustration as he didn't knew what he could do, then the massive rock started moving, a huge golem looked at him, leaning to his face the golem roared and with a hard punch he was pushed back.

Eleandatil's heart was rushing, taking out his bow he shoot as fast as he could, but more golems started coming at him, tired he had taken 3 down one after another, but it was hard to do without the correct arrows, even more angry than before he took his guitar and rushed to them beating them with it, on his foolish but passionated attack he was hit more than he could had he couldn't move on the ground, the golems lost interest leaving him alone.

On the ground not been able to move...he cried more as the moon over him seemed to be the only one to care about him...after a long time he lost conscience...then a scientist and 2 more persons where moving around those fields, as they encountered him, Eleandatil was still unconcius, the scientist looked at him and smiled as he placed his hand on his neck " he is still a live...lets take him to the lab, i don't think no one would seems he has been here for hours..." the scientist said as the other 2 carried him to lighthazen.

( this is where it ends...for now Icon_wink )
(This post was last modified: 03-04-2008, 08:51 AM by Everoth.)
03-04-2008, 04:15 AM
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Everoth Offline
Chivalry Heart

Posts: 185
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Joined: Feb 2008
RE: Elendatil...( looking for roleplayers)
( ok the thing will start when Everoth enters the bar and stuff, he would had told the others to come since they haven't seen their friend for a wile and see what happens latter ( it can go from lets just for get it he will come back later, to meh, what ever lets level, its dosnt matter XD , this is just to introduce your characters wile i write the next part Icon_biggrin, remember, send me a pm, and if you have a friend that wants to jointhe rp from the game, you could make him your friend aswell in the rp to make it more realistic and stuff since he havent met the others.

Also if you want to join just send me a pm with what kind of character you will use, set up a build for it and skills and stuff, ill allow everyone to be level 90 , there fore you have 50 skill points on first class and second, or 70 if you want to be a ninja, slinger etc, i dont mind Icon_biggrin, what i want you to tell me its the skills you choose so we get more realism and no cheating Icon_wink ok?. abut items, you can say the items you have, no need to say they are refined, and you are able to set 5 cards maximun, BUT the armor, shield and stuff will be the same for the class ( like, if you are using shoes as a crusader, it wount fit, so lets just say you are using greaves, slotted if you whant a card there, but greaves, i dont mind weapns as long as the class can use them, but accesories, garments and head gear, that you can chose what you whant, i dont mind, just please keep it serious )

well i hope you guys want to join and have fun with the story and roleplay.
(This post was last modified: 03-04-2008, 08:50 AM by Everoth.)
03-04-2008, 04:21 AM
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Everoth Offline
Chivalry Heart

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RE: Elendatil...( looking for roleplayers, join)

It was 4 in the morning and the men in the white coats where still working, some looking at papers and some talking to each other about something he couldn't even hear, blinking he felt as some liquid entered his eyes, he tried to rub it off but his arms where tied, he felt something on his face as he had a hard time breathing, starting to grow desperate he moved trying to get free, but one of the men outside just pressed a button, he could felt a shock all over his spine, he couldn't move anymore...still he looked at them as they looked at him carelessly...and then why went back to their papers, he felt as if the night was covering on his eyes.

In the never ending night of his eyes he heard a whisper..."hey...hey...wake up little men...or you are to weak to even open your eyes?..." Eleandatil opened his eyes, he was on the same place as before, the doctors where still if they never white little ants...." hey..." he heard the whisper again as he turned his head to look but finding no one, then as he looked to the front he saw how his reflection on the glass in front of him, then division between the liquid and the fresh air outside didn't did anything but to smile, a twisted grim that scared him a bit, the bubbles moved in front of him as the image stood without moving.

"Hello Eleandatil, theres no need to be afraid, i am here to help you " his reflection said to himself as Eleandatil started thinking if he was starting to grow insane, in that case fate couldn't had been much crueler against him, " You are not insane my child, and i am here to even the scales" the image said to him as it tilled his head a bit " My name is Erebos, Its really sad what has happened to you, and i want to let you know, that the past sadly cant be changed, but the future..." he stopped a bit, Eleandatil started to remember all those times when he had wished to just run away....and then the time when he did...

the image straighted his face a bit, it seemed to move closer to him " you see, i can feel your pain, i can feel that rage, i see that you want to prove them all that they are wrong, that you are stronger than you look...and even more than anyone, and i can help..." this made his heart rush, Eleandatil was promised his revenge, to the ones that had laugh and made him think he was less than what he was, still he knew everything that was granted had to be payed with a big price...

Thinking for a bit he still doubted, some part of him still wanted to forgive, to start again, to continue...if he was able to get out...The image seemed to came out of the crystal as it seemed to be just in front of him with the same smile " you see, if you accept, i can get you out of here...give you power beyond anyone could dream of..." the image came completely out of the crystal leaning to his ear whispering softly " and i could give you that girl you like so much...with my can have anything you want..." Eleandatil felt his heart stop.

She...someone who he could just have on his dreams...anything he wanted, Eleandatil nodded, the only thing he desired, was that for the rest of his life, things went his way...a loud and disturbing laugh was heard, twisted and disturbing that even the men outside the glass seemed to have heard, looking everywhere from where it came.

The light seemed to be absorbed from the room as from the deepest of the darkness a well known creature came out, the Dark Lord hovered out of it with his arms crossed as the men started to run, the Dark Lord hovered in front of Eliandatil and broke the glass, after freeing him the voice seemed to be hearing on his head " Meet your new General..." the voice said as he was covered in the darkness, new cloths appeared on him, on his back he could feel a guitar.

When he holed it, he could see it was alive, its eyes looking around the place as the fierce teeth closed and growled...he felt different already, nearby him he could see some others inside capsules, as he walked to them he looked at the Dark Lord who broke them without even asking, they where on the ground unconscious, one opened his eyes but closed them almost intermediately, as he looked even further there where more on cells, number on their cloths and handcuffs on their hands, again without even asking they broke...everyone was free...and Eliandatil didn't even knew what he had released without knowing...

The laugh was heard softly on his ears as it whispered " its time to go, you have so much to learn..." the voice said as the darkness as it started to engulf them and as they vanished behind them where left that was almost intermediately found by the ones that had hold them in the facility, equipment that had gave them the advantage to suppress the guards and push to the exit, which in the end had closed their doors, where no magic not ability was able to open, witch was once a light for them, now they where sinked in the same darkness as before, desperate for a way out of the niffleheim they where in...

(ill finish tomorrow, i have to go )
05-12-2008, 01:19 AM
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