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Whispers Offline
from the Abyss

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LoL, this originated as a joke, but it might actually work.

We have at least fifty shops open in Pront on a good day.??I actually lag sometimes when I walk into Pront square.??I was thinking rather than putting all the vendors in their own building as many people would probably think of doing were this to become a big problem; but scripting a large Wal-Mart type store in which all the vendors supply their items and price them respectively.??The vendor name could be like the brand name I suppose.??"Buffalo Bob brand Saro's Oridecon Arrows" LoL

It would be a great scripting feat to do such a thing, but it would work wonders.??There'd be categorical searches by item type (from pots to type of weapons, i.e.) and by price range.??I dunno.??I don't see the vendors as being too much of a problem if really a problem at all; but a Rune-Mart I'm sure would definitely be an RO first.??No1

I know this is kind of a superficial description of my idea, but, like I said, it actually started as a joke and it would actually be greatly beneficial to anyone who sits in Pront for tens of minutes (possibly even an hour, hope not, though) looking through all of the shops hoping to find some salmon or a Jur[3] or that card that will take their char to uber levels.

I'd like to know what everyone thinks, but I won't be back on until I get net again.??So, discuss it amongst yourselves.??^_^


P.S. - All monetary gain would, of course, be automatically deposited in the original vendor's bank account or money bag, of course.??No1
[Image: K2CmgOR.png]
07-17-2008, 04:02 AM
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Chained Chaos Offline

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RE: Rune-Mart
I quite like the idea, in theory. Categorizing shops, and the items therein, would certainly streamline the market.

I don't know if it's practical, but for the record I'm a fan of the prospect.
[Image: tyraelsigix4.jpg]
07-17-2008, 04:36 AM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Rune-Mart
In theory sorta, but not in practice, sorry.
07-17-2008, 12:33 PM
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Whispers Offline
from the Abyss

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RE: Rune-Mart
hehe - Just a suggestion for if/when the 50 vendors in Pront turn into hundreds as I'm sure will happen in the not-so-distant future.

"In theory sorta, but not in practice" confuses me.??What about in theory or in practice???Are you speaking of it working, it being beneficial, or just people going for it???I don't care either way, whether or not it's ever implemented.??I'm sure some scripter out there will meet this with some fiero - which is half my reason for ever posting any kind of suggestion.??I wish I knew how to script, I'd already be working on it (hell, on all my ideas.??This comp is just a paperweight with no net) and never tell anyone until it was close to being completely done.??=p

This would put a strain on the merch population, but would boost the economy gargantuanly as everyone would be perfectly willing to go through the hundreds of shops if they were condensed into one.

The vendors aren't even a problem anyway, they keep to the sidewalks and don't overlap too much.??The only thing I could ask is for more decent shop names ("Emos do it better"??ew???I mean, Emo + Sex is double ew??keke).

btw, Chaos, did you know that's the Wheel of Dharma which is the official symbol of Buddhism in the background of your avatar???=p

The eight spokes symbolize the noble Eightfold Path.??It is in a wheel shape so that teachers may "turn the Wheel of Dharma" henceforth actively moving it from place to place.??Just some random info for you.??^_^

[Image: K2CmgOR.png]
07-17-2008, 02:49 PM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Rune-Mart
What you're suggesting requires more than just some scripting, which is why in practice it's pretty much a no. Thanks for the suggestion however, it's quite interesting.

In a game I played before there was a bazaar system and from any terminal you could look at the items being vended in the area/city, or you could switch to looking at the whole planet or even the whole system, you could search and order by price, and add auctioned items to your checklist to view the price later. It was awesome, but I can't 'make' a system like that in heRO. At least, not without devoting a really huge amount of time that I'd prefer to put on other heRO things.
07-17-2008, 04:27 PM
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KohakuSan Offline
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RE: Rune-Mart
You could implement a command called @whosell, you input like that:
@whosell ID or Item_name then it shows who is selling, where he/she is and for how much, in the end there's still a "lower price found" information.
Of course it only shows merchant's vendings.
I don't remember if it's custom or not but I found it on some servers, if you want I can research on that.
(This post was last modified: 07-17-2008, 04:42 PM by KohakuSan.)
07-17-2008, 04:41 PM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Rune-Mart
It's not custom, however it's not what he's suggesting Icon_biggrin
07-17-2008, 05:00 PM
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KohakuSan Offline
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RE: Rune-Mart
Yeah but it surely helps a lot in searching the stores, which is pretty boring >_<'
07-17-2008, 05:04 PM
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Whispers Offline
from the Abyss

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RE: Rune-Mart
Yeah, I'm suggesting getting rid of the whole "Junk For Sale!" "Buy my itemz plz!" "Give me ur munny!" "Italians do it better!" riff raff.??=p

Whereas that's an awesome implementation to help with the "@main B>Salmon [later] @main B>Salmon, plz [later] @main Is anyone selling Salmon?" problem.??I'm moreso aiming at the "I'd love to buy stuff from the vendors, but I am not searching through each of the 50+ vendors" problem.??=p

Of course, all of this could be avoided (if it's even a problem in the first place) if the vendors told you what they were selling as opposed to, "U Buy Now!".??=p

This is seriously my last post as I am leaving for the new place after I hit the Post button.??I'll see you all when I see you all - if I see you all again.??*nod


P.S. - Oh yeah, Panda, I wasn't, of course, suggesting that you personally script this.??As I mentioned earlier, a lot of my suggestions of past and present are more for a scripter's fiero (that is, the joy of meeting a challenge) than actual implementation.??Whereas I wouldn't suggest them at all were they not practical, I'd really just rather see my idea in action.??Like asking a friend to draw an image in your head or asking a friend if they can play the tune you're whistling on the guitar or piano (or violin!).??^_^
[Image: K2CmgOR.png]
07-17-2008, 05:15 PM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: Rune-Mart
Yeah, I know you didn't ask me personally to script it. But having some scripting background I can tell you it's not easily done, it's not even scripting, it's coding, aka playing in the source code of the emulator to add a whole new feature, it's really not comparable to making npc ^_^;
07-17-2008, 05:52 PM
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