Hey, I just started playing on this server and when I first logged in I didn't realize the icon onthe desktop wasn't the patcher. wasn't too much of an issue until I went into pront and the client crashed.
I went and found hero.exe and ran that and as soon as I did I recieved an error that it was connected to a missing port, kernel32.dll:setfilepointerex . I've downloaded a RODLL I saw a GM post on these boards and unzipped it the RO folder, didn't work.
Tried downloading a kernell32.dll file from the net and putting that into the kernel32.dll spot on my computer, but still got that error. Deleted HeRO, re downloaded, patched sak, and tried to patch HeRO again and got the same error.

I'm out of ideas. I'd really like to play on this server, I liked the community even though i only interacted for a few minutes. Uh, my OS is windows 98 (old I know

). I didn't see a system requirement thing on your page, I might've just missed it, and maybe it's cause my OS can't support the server?
Edit: I also dusted out my machine really well, so I dont' think it's that it's overheating/cpu fan is dusty anymore.