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WereWolf Chronicles
GT-Hiro Offline
Shadow Drifter

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WereWolf Chronicles
(These chapters are based off of the werewolf event I hold during the week. This is what happened the first night, I forgot who was who though so names have been excluded. Thanks to the participates, hope you readers enjoy. Here we go)

Chapter 1: Howl in the Night, Silenced

Let me tell you a tale of the village that was once terrorized by wolves.
They would attack every night, killing the people, their livelyhood, and anything else they could
get their teeth on. Every night the wolves terrorized the people.

One morning, one brave villager decided enough was enough. They would gather others who dared
to defy the wolves, together they would form a group of people who finish off these terrors once
and for all. Together, ten of them stood together. The first night, their first victim of the
group was taken. As they awoke the next morning, their leader called a meeting,
attendance was required. As they gathered, one was missing. The rushed to the house of
the missing to discover that she was dead. Their priest, killed, her tattered body laid in a
pool of blood. As the talk continued about who could have done such a thing, rumors and
accusations began. Slowly they argued amoung each other until their leader forced them to vote.

As they voted, the firing squad began to gather. Shortly, they had come to a decision.
Their choice was fired upon by the firing squad, killing that member of the group, but was an
unfortunite regular villager. The grief of some of the others showed as tears fell. Others felt
the grief as well, but did not show. Some did not show any grief, namely the firing squad who
just did their job. They were all saddened, but life continued. Night fell as as the people
retreated to their homes. That night something strikes again.

Morning comes as the smell of blood is present in the air. Everyone follows the smell to a house.
Inside the door lays broken next to a pool of blood. On the bed lays the body of another regular
villager. In his hands lays a empty bottle, but he is still breathing, but just barely. No one
dies that night. Yet arguement breaks out, who would try to kill one of their own. Judging from
the marks left, it was one of the wolves. As arguements intensified, the village leader stood and
announced that another vote would take place. At the end of the vote, the firing squad returned.
They were prepared to fire upon another innocent villager,not the one who was recovering. As the
bullets fly, a divine wind blew straying the bullets and hitting another villager. The ghost of
the priest had blessed the accussed, and had cursed another, although innocent. He laid there
dying as the firing squad left. They were not there for more then one person a day. With the life
of another innocent one dead grief floated over the village again as the people cried for their
fallen. Those who didn't were seemed heartless, but again ttey were only doing their job.
Night fell onto the grieving village as the people went to sleep that night. That night, not
too much happened, but the howl of the wolves could be heard.

As morning rose again, horror fell upon the town as the smell of blood was present once again.
They followed it to a house, where a villager laid slain, next to him a letter.
It wrote,"This is what I believe to be justice. I stand by it, but I will not allow someone else
to take my life. So I will leave this world on my own." The writer, the blessed villager,
would later be found at the bottom of a cliff by the village. Yet that was not all. Blood was
spilled elsewhere, the body of another innocent villiager laid dead, shreaed by claws and fangs of
the wolf. Yet there was more death upon the rising sun. The alchemist had played his evil death
potion, killing the village leader on a hunch. The leader, as she slowly died from that poison,
with her bow in hand, shot an arrow into the night. Her arrow flew through the night, piercing
the chest of another in the village.As she fell to the poison, she smiled, feeling as if she had
hit a target worth hitting. The target the leaders arrow had hit was a girl, but she revealed
herself as she died where she was hit. Her blood spilled as her half wolf form showed itself.
The villagers, or those who were left, had to decided. They knew that there were two wolves,
and now one of them was dead. That left three of them. They argued and yelled and disagreed, but
in the end, only one vote would decided who would live and who would die. That vote belonged to
the villager who was saved earlier with that strange liquad in the bottle. One argued,"Your only
here because of me". The other argued,"He could be lying" to the recovering villager, who came
back with "So could you."

Yet ultimately, he decided. With the votes two to one, the firing squad prepared and took aim. As
they aimed, the one accussed revealed his true self, but only to be meet with a barrage of bullet
fire. The last wolf fell by the firing squad, including the alchemist. With that the village comes
to settle peace. This uneasy peace where they would rebuild in hopes to be rid of this terror once
and for all. They would live with this uneasy peace, and hope for the best.

This is their tale, this is what happened. The End... For Now.
GT-BlackHiro, GT-WhiteHiro, GT-ShadowHiro, GT-Destiny

Quote:A Lost Soul drifting though the voids of Eternal
(This post was last modified: 10-15-2008, 03:57 PM by GT-Hiro.)
10-14-2008, 09:19 PM
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GT-Hiro Offline
Shadow Drifter

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WereWolf Chronicles
(I've excluded names again because I forgot the order of deaths. This is chapter two of the story. Again, I hope you readers enjoy. Thanks again to the participants. Here we go)

Chapter 2: Not So Silent Revenge

Let me tell the tale of village that once was terrorized by a pack of
wolves. The wolves came and terrorized the the people, took their
livestock and even killed the villagers. One day a villager decided to
stand up and and said "Enough is enough". With that, the terrors of
the night were slane, but at a heavry price. This is the story of what
happened afterwards.

With a peace finally settling over the land, the people began rebuild
and try to prosper again. This was a time of peace, but it was uneasy.
One night in the silence animals of the village were attacked and killed.
That morning it was obvious, that the wolves had returned. Their former
leader, now dead, had stood up against the wolves and now another villager
must do the same. By the end of the day, they had elected a new person,
but little did they know that the newly elected cheif was a werewolf in
disguise. With that the rise of the full moon that night would signal the
beginning of the end.

During that night, cupid himself fell in love with the villages alchemist.
The two's fate would entwine til the bitter end. That night, the wolves
would attack three of the innocent. The attack was swift and brief.
The town drunk wondered and happened to wonder into the empty house of
the village leader, only to find it empty. As morning came the smell of
blood was present in the air once again.

They would follow the smell to a innocent villagers house. Inside was her
tathered body stained with blood. Covered with the marks of a wolf. Yet
that was not all. Next door blood seeped from underneath, inside laid
nother dead body. Another innocent villager killed that night. That would
be two of the thirteen that stood to stop the wolves.

Further away from the houses there was still the smell of blood. Inside
the house lay a pool of blood on the floor. The body was in bed, with an
empty bottle in hand. Cupid himself was attacked, but was saved by his
beloved and her life potion. Even though he would recover, people still
began to accuss each other of being a wolf. The first to accuse was the
village leader who blamed another villager assisted by his fellow wolves.
In the end, even with all the arguments and yelling, a decision was made.
The accussed was sentenced to death by firing squad and theats what they
did. Only after did they learn he was an innocen villager. As grief
settled onto the turn, the light of the moon had everyone returning to
their house, except the drunk.

That night, the village drunk happened onto another house to find it empty.
He slept the night there and would stay alive that night. Unfortunely,
that night would be most tragic. Two villagers disappeared that night,
never to be heard from again. They were assumed dead, their bodies never

The morning sun revealed a dead body in the center of town. An innocent
villager laid there with his blood seeping into the ground. There was more
though, as a door from a nearby house laid. Inside three laid dead, on the
close side two bodies tightly embraced in each others arms. The lovers,
cupid and the town alchemist, both killed by wolves, would be together in
the afterlife. On the other side of the house laid a body with a broken
bottle of poison in hand. The partial transformed wolf laid there dead. He
resembled their town leader and was soon discovered to be infact him.
In awstruck, the people couldn't believe that their leader had decieved
them for so long. Yet to their relief, one of the wolves were dead.

Again rumors and anger flew through the villagers. They argued into the
afternoon and late into the evening. The firing was squad was informed
that they were required soon. Finally a vote happened, and the firing
squad was to fire upon one of their own. The death of the leader of the
firing squad left four people alive when the night came. That night a blue
moon was apparent. The wolves would come out and play that night, and
finish off the remaining villagers.

The morning sun rose upon the now empty village, the first light revealed
the last villagers, dead in the town squard. The revenage of the wolves
now done, move onwards.

That is the tale of the village that once stood proud, now abandoned.

The End... For now
GT-BlackHiro, GT-WhiteHiro, GT-ShadowHiro, GT-Destiny

Quote:A Lost Soul drifting though the voids of Eternal
10-15-2008, 03:43 AM
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GM-Pandora Offline
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RE: WereWolf Chronicles
Interesting ^_^
10-15-2008, 02:28 PM
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GM-Ayu Offline

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RE: WereWolf Chronicles
if you do plan to keep writing in the story, then you can remember to write down names of the players and order of death for story purposes if you want ;p however, you end up with the weird situation where if a player joined multiple werewolf games, your story will sound very very weird~
10-15-2008, 05:33 PM
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GT-Hiro Offline
Shadow Drifter

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RE: WereWolf Chronicles
yea, I will Icon_biggrin
Since everyone is dead from these two chapters, I can start with names again. THe only reason I didn't was because I was using notepad on my laptop instead of using physical paper and pencil XD

Hopefully it'll work out, but if roles get akward, I'm excluding names ><
GT-BlackHiro, GT-WhiteHiro, GT-ShadowHiro, GT-Destiny

Quote:A Lost Soul drifting though the voids of Eternal
10-15-2008, 06:20 PM
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JJJ Offline

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RE: WereWolf Chronicles
xD i can recognize my self in both stories =3
really well put together Icon_biggrin
must be a lot of work though >.<
[Image: SignatureVersion22.png][Image: Liffinished-1-1.png]
I Love To Help So If You Ever Need Something Feel Free To PM Me ^_^
10-15-2008, 07:11 PM
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GT-Hiro Offline
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RE: WereWolf Chronicles
its not too hard, just have to remember how everyone died or lived.

Chapter 3 will hopefully come up tonight, if there are enough people.
It would have been up last night but there weren't enough people ><
GT-BlackHiro, GT-WhiteHiro, GT-ShadowHiro, GT-Destiny

Quote:A Lost Soul drifting though the voids of Eternal
10-16-2008, 11:34 AM
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GT-Hiro Offline
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WereWolf Chronicles
(This is the story I was gonna use in the HeRO story night. Names are included although this werewolf never really took place. Yes I know I used some people more then once. Please bear with me. I hope you readers enjoy Icon_biggrin )

Chapter 3: Tales of a New Land

Here is a tale of love and lose. It involves stories of a legendary
village that once stood in the mists of the terrors known as werewolves.
The people of this new village tell their tale, all the way to where they
have killed all the wolves, but never of the wolves revenage.

Ths new village in a land surrounded by water. They hoped that the wolves
would not follow them through oceans to come here. For a while, that was
exactly what it looked like. Peace was at hand as they raised their animals
and their children grew. This peace lasted for a long while as they grew as
a village. Yet all was not well as a poor child found out one night that
wovles can swim. Lead by their leader J J J and his beloved wolflady Muffin
they blended into their village. Slowly they gathered more of their kind
before unleashing their wrath. Three years after they arrived their pack
was noww large enough and their first attack began.

J J J and Muffin, along with their friends Lucky Day and Hibiki roamed the
night and attacked everything, mostly Hibiki, and anyone who dared to stand
up against them. The morning sun revealed three people dead, two of them,
lole and Rowdy Day laid dead their tathered bodies. The third, poor Kenji
laid dead in his bed. With outrage and anger, the villagers began to
search for answers. One of the villagers, little Nekochan discovered claw
marks on the floor. While they argued, the wolves themselves agreed and
made more logic then anyone else to have a town leader and that to pick
one, they should have a vote. The people listened and in the end elected
little Nekochan as their leader. Little did the villagers know that little
Nekochan was a wolf in disguise as well. As the day passed, they called in
the firing squad as they knew that one of them was a wolf, but who they
didn't agree on. Again a vote was called and in the end, the accussed Lana
was sentensed to death by firing squad. As their leader, Gt. Hiro asked for
her last words. She said nothing as they fired onto her. Although she was
innocent, they discovered she was a cultist and was the one who killed
kenji and gave his soul to the dark lord. Guilt was felt equally as some
felt bad for the innocent, but some were relieved for killing the cultist
so that she wouldn't kill anybody else.

As the night fell to the rise of a full moon, the people retreated to
their homes for the night. As tragity stuck again, Luckyday would try to
kill the priest Rachelle but was struck by a stray arrow that faithful
night. As you see, she bad blessed herself and had luckily cursed luckyday
the night before. Yet most unfortunite Hibiki would attack the villages
alchimest Shotgun Sinner. At a moments notice as he was being attacked,
Sinner pulled out a bottle of poison and threw it. Hibiki had inflicted
a fatal wound to Sinner who was unable to reach his life potion. So he
died while holding the full bottle. Hibiki died slowly as the poison
splashed all over him.

Morning came as the three bodies were aparent. Death had come as the
village came to chaos as they argued who was guilty and who was not.
This time, when the firing squad came, it was decided that Rachelle was
guilty of something. They knew she had survived an attack but how they
didn't know. Although she kept saying it was divine intervention, no one
believed it since their last priest was killed even though someone else
had survived due to divine intervention, yet in the end he was killed
anyways. Again, lead by Gt. Hiro they fired upon the accussed. her blessing
would not work since her curse was broken. As the firing squad left, a
red moon shined in the night sky. There was only two villagers left, little
Apple and the town drunk Master Chief. That night, the two would get
together in hopes that survival would come in numbers so they gathered at
little Nekochan's house only to find it empty. As they entered, she could
hear a howl coming from the window. The door slowly closed on them as
a wolf who appeared to look like JJJ came out of the shadow. Another one
who appeared to look like Muffin closely behind him and one that looked
like Nekochan from the other side. The two tried their best, but in the
end, would end up like their fallen villagers.

Day came around as the only remaining people in the village were now
wolves. The firing squad was nowhere to be found so nothing could be done.

With this comes to an end of another village who's history would become
story for many anew. Here ends this story of the fall of village that once
stood with pride.

The End... For Now
GT-BlackHiro, GT-WhiteHiro, GT-ShadowHiro, GT-Destiny

Quote:A Lost Soul drifting though the voids of Eternal
10-17-2008, 02:40 AM
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GT-Hiro Offline
Shadow Drifter

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RE: WereWolf Chronicles
(Its been a while since I've posted a new chapter. Recently I've had some free time to write the next chapter. Its a TBC story though so please bear with me here. The events of this werewolf never took place. All characters are used in a fictional event. Enjoy Icon_biggrin)

Chapter 4: Longest Night Pt. 1

There once was a land that laided in the middle of the ocean where
the people lived in peace with the land. In the city laided many grand
stuctures and where peace was supposidly stable. Tales of other lands
have reached this land of how the people part wolf have ravaged the
towns, villages, and cities else where. They also know of the wolves
were not limited by the distance off shores of the main land. In hopes
of that the wolves to never reach their lands, the people hired people
to defend their land. These people came to be known as the firing squad
of the land. While they protected during the day, at night they were no-
where to be found as it was not part of their job. The people knew of
this hole in the contract, but also believed that they were safe as long
as they stayed in their homes at night.

As the years passed, peace ruled over the land. Parts of the city fell
into ruin as the original shrine built to honor their goddess fell and
monsters took sactuary there. Yet even then the remaining parts of the
village lived in peace. The monsters did not try to enter the city
which in itself was odd, but it was believed that the goddess still
protected them. Yet that peace would only last so long. One morning they
discoverd that some of the live stock had been slaughtered as they slept.
It was discovered that the wolves had infiltrated the village as their
little prodigy Nekochan pointed attention to the fang marks and the
claw marks left. That day the people decided that she would be the
village leader. Also during that day, a new contract was made with the
firing squad, that as long as the wolves were present that they would
protect the village dring the day time as well as exicute a guilty person
accuse of being a wolf. Afterwards, the light of the full moon fell onto
the village for the first night after the presence of the wolves were
known. That night, the vilage lost two of their members.

The first light of day came up as the villagers were called for a
morning assembly only to notice that there were some people missing. They
would try to find them but only to find their dead bodies laying in their
homes. The first was Kenji whos body was tathered. Little Nekochan
noticed that the markings that this was the doing of two wolves. The
second missing person was RainTree his body laid in a pool of blood on
the floor. Again Nekochan noticed the markings and came to conclude
that there was only one wolf in the house last night. The conclusion was
that there were three wolves in their presence. That day arguements could
be heard for miles as they argued amoung themselves about who could be
a wolf in disguse and who wasn't. By the time the firing squad arrived,
it was decided that the guilty person was Master Chief. Little did they
know that their disagreements would coe out right. As the firing squad
prepared to fire, he ran for it as he revealed his true form. He rushed
towards the village leader in hopes of taking out the person who
discovered their existance there. Yet fate was not with him as the leader
of the firing squad fired at him followed sortly by the rest of them. As
he laid dying, he cursed the them and said that the others would avange
his death. The sun set afterwards signeled them all to return to their
homes for the night.

That night, silence was the last thing on the minds of the people as the
wolves cries could be heard. That night, fate would be most unfortunite.
The wolves would ravage the village, but not without any concenquense.
The Werewolf Rowdy Day tried to attack the childhood couple Apple and
JJJ. JJJ jumped in front of Apple to protect her, but she pushed him out
of the way. As Rowdy drew near, the light of heaven came through the
windows and struck Rowdy. Apple cast her fireball as JJJ cast his
lightning bolt at Rowdy to finish him off that night. Else where in the
night another werewolf took the innocent life of Lana. The howls could
be heard as the werewolf retreated to their home. yet All was not silent
as the alchemist played her trick and used their life potion to revive
Lana. That morning they gathered, Lana showing obvious signs of being
injured the night before. She would not be the target today as the
firing squad returned to the village to do their job. Once again the
arguements flew, but in the end, the guilty villager was decided upon.
That person was...

To Be Continued...
GT-BlackHiro, GT-WhiteHiro, GT-ShadowHiro, GT-Destiny

Quote:A Lost Soul drifting though the voids of Eternal
11-02-2008, 05:53 PM
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