(This is the story I was gonna use in the HeRO story night. Names are included although this werewolf never really took place. Yes I know I used some people more then once. Please bear with me. I hope you readers enjoy
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Chapter 3: Tales of a New Land
Here is a tale of love and lose. It involves stories of a legendary
village that once stood in the mists of the terrors known as werewolves.
The people of this new village tell their tale, all the way to where they
have killed all the wolves, but never of the wolves revenage.
Ths new village in a land surrounded by water. They hoped that the wolves
would not follow them through oceans to come here. For a while, that was
exactly what it looked like. Peace was at hand as they raised their animals
and their children grew. This peace lasted for a long while as they grew as
a village. Yet all was not well as a poor child found out one night that
wovles can swim. Lead by their leader J J J and his beloved wolflady Muffin
they blended into their village. Slowly they gathered more of their kind
before unleashing their wrath. Three years after they arrived their pack
was noww large enough and their first attack began.
J J J and Muffin, along with their friends Lucky Day and Hibiki roamed the
night and attacked everything, mostly Hibiki, and anyone who dared to stand
up against them. The morning sun revealed three people dead, two of them,
lole and Rowdy Day laid dead their tathered bodies. The third, poor Kenji
laid dead in his bed. With outrage and anger, the villagers began to
search for answers. One of the villagers, little Nekochan discovered claw
marks on the floor. While they argued, the wolves themselves agreed and
made more logic then anyone else to have a town leader and that to pick
one, they should have a vote. The people listened and in the end elected
little Nekochan as their leader. Little did the villagers know that little
Nekochan was a wolf in disguise as well. As the day passed, they called in
the firing squad as they knew that one of them was a wolf, but who they
didn't agree on. Again a vote was called and in the end, the accussed Lana
was sentensed to death by firing squad. As their leader, Gt. Hiro asked for
her last words. She said nothing as they fired onto her. Although she was
innocent, they discovered she was a cultist and was the one who killed
kenji and gave his soul to the dark lord. Guilt was felt equally as some
felt bad for the innocent, but some were relieved for killing the cultist
so that she wouldn't kill anybody else.
As the night fell to the rise of a full moon, the people retreated to
their homes for the night. As tragity stuck again, Luckyday would try to
kill the priest Rachelle but was struck by a stray arrow that faithful
night. As you see, she bad blessed herself and had luckily cursed luckyday
the night before. Yet most unfortunite Hibiki would attack the villages
alchimest Shotgun Sinner. At a moments notice as he was being attacked,
Sinner pulled out a bottle of poison and threw it. Hibiki had inflicted
a fatal wound to Sinner who was unable to reach his life potion. So he
died while holding the full bottle. Hibiki died slowly as the poison
splashed all over him.
Morning came as the three bodies were aparent. Death had come as the
village came to chaos as they argued who was guilty and who was not.
This time, when the firing squad came, it was decided that Rachelle was
guilty of something. They knew she had survived an attack but how they
didn't know. Although she kept saying it was divine intervention, no one
believed it since their last priest was killed even though someone else
had survived due to divine intervention, yet in the end he was killed
anyways. Again, lead by Gt. Hiro they fired upon the accussed. her blessing
would not work since her curse was broken. As the firing squad left, a
red moon shined in the night sky. There was only two villagers left, little
Apple and the town drunk Master Chief. That night, the two would get
together in hopes that survival would come in numbers so they gathered at
little Nekochan's house only to find it empty. As they entered, she could
hear a howl coming from the window. The door slowly closed on them as
a wolf who appeared to look like JJJ came out of the shadow. Another one
who appeared to look like Muffin closely behind him and one that looked
like Nekochan from the other side. The two tried their best, but in the
end, would end up like their fallen villagers.
Day came around as the only remaining people in the village were now
wolves. The firing squad was nowhere to be found so nothing could be done.
With this comes to an end of another village who's history would become
story for many anew. Here ends this story of the fall of village that once
stood with pride.
The End... For Now