I'd made a post in the previous topic about IRC regarding a new channel, but this was to better alert people.
I made an "Unofficial" IRC channel to chat (Offical if I may get the blessing of the GMs?) on the deltaanime.net server
My recommendations for logging on via webclient are
mibbit, and for a proper client,
The details are as follows:
Server: irc.deltaanime.net
Port: 6667 (Actually the default, but I may as well list it)
Channel(s): #heRO-server, #heROrp
If the GMs have any objections, I'll remove both channels. Otherwise, they will be given the appropriate operator powers should they join the IRC so as to keep their powers as mediators.
/msg NickServ REGISTER <password> <email> (This will register your nickname so nobody can impersonate you)
/msg NickServ IDENTIFY <password> (This will identify when you log on the server once you've registered your name)
/nick <newnick> (This will change your current name)
/join #channel (This will join another channel)
/clear (This will clear your current screen, if there's too much spam)
You can also type /me to do... (Basically like @me, except on IRC)
* Fatalis EXAMPLE