In a constant effort to make the game enjoyable for all, as free as possible from rule breakers, We have decided to appoint in-game Moderators to help us maintain order.
These are regular players who have the ability to mute rule breakers who commit specific offences. The mute command will be made available to them on their playing account, but in all other respect they remain the same.
Here are the 5 players we have chosen for this task:
Albus Dumbledore
They will have a strict procedure to follow, warnings will always be given first, only recidivists will be punished and all punishments will be recorded. Should you witness any moderators abusing their powers please screenshot and report to a gm, but I'm confident in our choices and I highly doubt that it will ever be necessary.
2009/05/22: A change has been made to the moderator's procedure, their warning may now be accompanied by a 1 minute mute to offenders, recidivists will receive a longer mute. In the old procedure moderators had to give a warning first and would only mute on the second offence, but some players abused this which warranted a change in our procedure.