So I was strolling through the park today on my rogue [for records sake I don't have intimidate, so this story was all naturally occurring] when I stumbled upon a small group of geos, I proceeded to slaughter one of one of them so it could not be healed by it's friends.
On further inspection I found a small mass of them and proceeded to investigate.
And that is when I found it, the cult of the damned Geo Army getting ready to strike back at the players! Horded into one mass of plantitudal destruction!
This gathering was enormous! Geo's from all over the place had gathered here for a single purpose, the downfall of easy leveling! I came back later that night with reinforcements. We snuck up while they slept.
We proceeded to massacre them with fiery death.
I was shortly wounded thereafter, but the threat to life as we know it was gone. All hail the Ryxiekins!