Okay, so I know that mid-camp is nice and bright and shiny new, but is there any way that we can shove a warp brother and sister on that little island so we (and more specifically I) can have an easy way to get there once we do the quest. Just like the Nameless warper or the Kiel warper, there are warpers for the dungeons once you get the quest done so you don't have to run around as much.
supported, even though I will always have the camp in my memos somewhere (going there to re-memo is not exactly tedious but I'm so used to priest teleport @_@)
I'm mainly asking for this because one of my characters is STUCK in mid camp. His spawn in point is there and there's no way out that I can find. The only way for him to visit another dungeon is to somehow steal a warp from a random aco running by and hope that it's to a place I can survive.