Auction: Friday, Febuary 26, 2010 at 8:00PM (Server Time)
This month's items are
* Fairies' Might:Red Fairy Wings
* Fairies' Magic: Blue Fairy Wings
* Pixie's Letter:Grants free and unlimited access to Fairy Dungeon, just talk to the NPC with it on your inventory.
* Drooping Pixie:Upper headgear, +5 Hit, +5 Mdef, 5 def, Decreases after-cast delay by 5%, required level:65, all classes. Comboes with Red Fairy Wings for 5% attack speed or with Blue Fairy Wings for 12% decrease of cast time.
* GM Service:GM Service: GMs will do a donation service equivalent of costing 5 dollars for you. Same restrictions apply as normal donation service. You must use up your GM Donation service before the next month's fairy auction or your GM Service will be voided.
* Birthday bash: We hold a Birthday eventathon in your honor. You choose the time and day and what 3 events to do.(werewolf, poring smash, poring tame, monster invasion in fairyland, bone collector, zombie run, maneater, don't dice me and hydro run)
* Clash of the Titans:A collection of our 4 elemental mvp hats: Garm, Tanee, Maya & Eddga
* Love Wanted: Choose either a GF wanted or BF wanted balloon.
* Missing Valentine: Didn't get a chance to get your valentine gear? Choose 2 of the new valentine gear (7color ribbon or chocolate) and one old one (love bear hat or fruit of love)
* Cute little squirt: New squirting water poring hat. Squirts water as you walk! Fear it's cuteness.
* Defense Up!: +1 guaranteed to any carded garment card that's a +7 or below.
* Consumable WoE Pack: 10x Speed Pot, 10x Box of Sunlight, 50x Light Blue Potion (weight 1), 100x Light White Potion (weight 1)
* Styla's Color Style:Special hair dye to 1 of your characters in one of our exclusive colors gray or platinum blond. Guaranteed exclusivity for 2 months.
* Mystery Item: You'll have to come and find out what it is!