In this post you will find all the information regarding this gigantic monthly event! All general questions/comments regarding the Trials of Heroes (ToH) should be in this post. You can also post screenshots/feedback from TOH you participated in.
In order to show one's worthiness, an aspiring hero will need to prove himself, this is such a chance. An event of great proportions and of dire importance to those who wish to be recognized as heroes!
This event will be held once a month and is the only way to obtain some of the hero Light and Dark gears!
Important: You may only get
1 hero gear per ToH!
First Generation: Light: Angeling Wings & Angeling Helm / Dark: Deviling Wings & Deviling Helm
Second Generation: Light: Mini Angelic Wings / Dark: Mini Demonic Wings
Third Generation: Light: Diving Wings / Dark: Demonic Wings
Fourth Generation: Light: Luminous Wings / Dark: Gargoyle Wings
![[Image: luminouswingsoi7.jpg]](
Fifth Generation: Light: Archangel Wings, Seraphim Wings & Celestial Wings / Dark: Archdemon Wings, Tenebrous Wings & Twilight Wings (when you get to 5th generation you can choose which one you want from the 3 different styles offered).
![[Image: archangelvq0.jpg]](
![[Image: seraphimqa3.jpg]](
![[Image: archdemonwingsxp9.jpg]](
![[Image: tenebrouseg3.jpg]](
The wing system is evolutive, meaning your wings "grow" and evolve as you become a higher hero! ^_^ To obtain the Second generation wings you must first obtain the first generation wings (Angeling/Deviling) and
TRADE them for the new wings. You will obtain them with the same refine level (for first and second gen only since 3rd and up are unrefinable) and same card inside if any!
You can get a new pair of 1st generation whenever you want, providing you have won a ToH. Thus allowing you to have multiple separate pairs of either heroic wings, there is no maximum anymore to how many pairs you can have.
Next Trials of Heroes:
Saturday, November 20th 2010 at 11:00 AM (EST)
Your ToH Time here
Previous Trials of Heroes:
Sunday September the 17th 2006 Starting at 4 PM (EST)
Saturday October the 21st 2006 Starting at 1 PM (EST)
Saturday November the 25th 2006 Starting at 11 AM (EST)
Saturday December the 16th 2006 Starting??at Noon (EST)
Saturday January the 20th 2007 Starting??at 1PM (EST)
Saturday February the 24th 2007 Starting??at 11 AM (EST)
Saturday March the 24th 2007 Starting??at Noon (EST)
Friday April the 13th Starting??at 6 PM (EST)
Monday May the 21st Starting at 3 PM (EST)
Saturday June the 16th Starting at Noon (EST)
Saturday July the 28th Starting at 1PM (EST)
Tuesday September the 25th Starting at 6 PM (EST)
Saturday September the 29th Starting at 10 AM (EST)
Friday October the 19th 2007 Starting at 7 PM (EST)
Saturday November the 17th 2007 at 2 PM (EST)
Friday December the 14th 2007 Starting at 6 PM (EST)
Saturday January the 19th 2008 Starting at Noon (EST)
Saturday February the 23rd 2008 Starting at 11 AM (EST)
Saturday March the 29th 2008 Starting at Noon (EST)
Friday April the 18th 2008 Starting at 6 PM (EST)
Sunday May the 25th 2008 Starting at 5 PM (EST)
Saturday June the 21st 2008 Starting at 10 AM (EST)
Saturday July the 19th 2008 Starting at 2 PM (EST)
Saturday August the 23rd 2008 Starting at 11 AM (EST)
Friday September the 26th 2008 Starting at 6PM (EST)
Friday October the 24th 2008 starting at 6 PM (EST)
Saturday November the 29th 2008 starting at 4 PM (EST)
Monday December the 29th 2008 Starting at 1 PM (EST)
Saturday December the 17th 2008 Starting at 3 PM (EST)
Saturday January 17th 2009 Starting at 3 PM (EST)
Friday February the 27th 2009 Starting at 10 PM (EST)
Saturday March the 28th 2009 Starting at 11 AM (EST)
Saturday May the 30th 2009 Starting at 10 AM (EST)
Saturday June the 27th 2009 Starting at 12pm (noon) (EST)
Friday July the 24th 2009 Starting at 6 PM (EST)
Saturday Aug the 29th 2009 Starting at 1 PM (EST)
Saturday September the 19th 2009 Starting at 11 AM (EST)
Saturday October the 24th 2009 Starting at 1 PM (EST)
Saturday November the 28th 2009 Starting at 2 PM (EST)
Friday December the 18th 2009 Starting at 9 PM (EST)
January the th 2010 Starting at??PM (EST)
Saturday February the 27th 2010 Starting at 11AM (EST)
Friday March the 26th 2010 Starting at 8 PM (EST)
Saturday April the 24th 2010 Starting at 11 AM (EST, aka servertime)
Saturday May the 22nd 2010 Starting at 11 AM (EST, aka servertime)
Saturday June the 19th 2010 Starting at 1 PM (EST, aka servertime)
Saturday July the 24th 2010 Starting at 2 PM (EST)
Saturday August the 21st 2010 starting at 10 AM (EST)
Saturday September the 25th 2010 starting at 5 PM (EST)
Saturday, October 23rd 2010 at 12:00pm EST (Server time)
We will try to make the time of the ToH vary each month to accommodate as many people as possible. I am unfortunately not responsible if you cannot make it to the event due to external circumstances. To accommodate as many people as possible, TOH is usually held during the weekend.
Heroes have to show up on time! "Late registration" are NOT allowed. Registration will usually close at most 15 minutes after the announced time. The hosting GM has to open registration at least 30 minutes in advance, and he/she can decide to close registration before the 15 minutes is over, as long as the ToH announced time has passed.
The requirements to enter the Trials of Heroes:
- There is a zeny entry fee for the event (see below), payable at the start of the event. There will be no refund if you must leave before the event ends. (But you can still receive your prize later even if you leave early, the prize you qualify for will depend on the points accumulated before you left + the Mass Battle if your side won.)
> Level 1-89 non-trans: 200k
> Level 90-99 non-trans: 300k
> Level 1-89 trans: 400k
> Level 90-99 trans: 500k
- You need to have
50 Allegiance points (either Light or Dark) to enter the TOH. (You do not lose those points, you simply need 50+ to qualify)
- To enter the Event, simply talk to the ToH NPC located near the Prontera Tool Shop. The NPC will only warp you on the day of the ToH if a GM has activated the NPC. Otherwise the NPC will simply give you the date of the next ToH.
- Have a few hours of free time ahead of you, the event last about 5 hours usually, sometimes more when we have a very high number of participants.
When you register for the event, the npc will give you an item 'Score Sheet', you can equip it at any time to know your current ToH score. If you have to leave early, once you come back you can hand your Score Sheet at the ToH Prize NPC to receive your reward. The Prize NPC is in the ToH Island map where you're saved during the ToH.
The trials!
There are 5 different trials, and each aspiring hero will participate in
4 of them and try to score as many points as possible, see further below for a list of the points and their reward.
Out of the first 3 trials, each participant must choose 2. The last 2 trials are open to everyone and give bonus points. The 2/3 trials concept is to make it fair to most players, not everyone is pvp oriented and I think we must respect that, being a hero is not just about killing other players!
- 1- Monster fighting (50 points in total, 5 phases)
The participant who chooses this trial will have to go through 5 corridors, each containing different monsters. The participant will start at one end of the room, the monsters being in the middle and must get to the end of the room. Each room will be limited to 2 minutes, participants are healed in between phases.
* Killing all the monsters and crossing the room without dying earns you 10 points.
* Getting to the end of the room without dying but failing to kill all the monsters earns you 5 points.
* Killing all the monsters in the room without making it to the end earns you 5 points.
* Dying in a room earns you 0 points.
* Failing to get to the end of the room or to kill all monsters in 2 minutes earns you 0 points.
- 2- Item gathering (50 points, 5 types of items)
The participant who chooses this trial will have to gather certain items, in a closed map with special monsters who have special drops and npcs who will trade you certain items. This will make it impossible to pre-gather the items (players will be checked at the start of the event anyway). There is a time limit for the item gathering (between 20 to 35 minutes, it will be announced before it starts). Everyone participates in this trial at once. KSing is obviously forbidden.
To make it a little easier, here is a list of NPC names and what they produce:
Cheese-Maker => Smelly Cheese
Wisewoman => Magic Necklace
Tailor => Fancy Robe
Armorsmith => Black Armor
Moon-Knight => Moon Jewel
Note: There are 5 different items to gather in this trial, usually 2 of them will need to be made with NPCs, while the other 3 will drop directly from the monsters.
Resurrections is automated every 1 minute.
* Successfully gathering the right amount of an asked item earns you 10 points. Fictional example: the list asks for 10 apples and you gathered 10 (or more).
* Successfully gathering half of the amount of an asked item earns you 5 points. Fictional example: the list asks for 10 apples and you got between 5 and 9.
* Successfully gathering some of the amount (less than half) of an asked item earns you 2 points. Fictional example: the list asks for 10 apples and you got between 1 and 4.
* Failure to gather at least 1 of an asked item earns you 0 points.
- 3- PVP duels (50 points in total, 5 fights)
The participant who chooses this trial will battle 5 opponents of different classes (if possible) amongst the other aspiring heroes. Each fight will be limited to 2 minutes. All players will be fully healed hp/sp before each fight. There will be a time for prebuffs (your own buffs + taking speed pot) before each fight. The NPC will make a countdown 3, 2, 1 and GO, players are not allowed to start moving/casting before the GO.
A participant may offer the Tie to their opponent, they can offer this during the prebuff time only, if the opponent has not agreed within 15 seconds the tie offer is considered refused.
Players are not allowed to leave the designated pvp area (with tk jump for example).
Skill limitations:
The Stalker skill "Chase Walk" can only be used for up to 10 consecutive seconds.
The Novice skill "Play Dead" can only be used for up to 30 consecutive seconds.
The High Priest skill "Basilica" can only be used for up to 30 consecutive seconds (level 3).
Rogue/Stalker are allowed to use the plagiarize skill however they are responsible for their copied skill and will not be allowed to go get it back if they lose it during a fight.
Alchemist and Creator cannot use "resurrect homunculus" during battle.
* Winning a fight earns you 10 points.
* A tie earns you 5 points (a tie occurs if both players are still alive after 2 minutes or when both players die at the same time, known as double-KO).
* Losing a fight earns you 0 points.
* Breaking a pvp rule makes your opponent win automatically and earns you 0 points.
- 4- Trivia! (Bonus points)
All aspiring heroes get to participate in this trial which will test your knowledge of RO and will help you earn additional points. With the help of a NPC the GM hosting will ask a series of questions, each worth 5 points. We try our best to make all questions clear and have only 1 answer. Usually there are 5 questions, we'll announce it if we are to have a different number. Players input their answers via the NPC, the answer must be properly spelled (use lower case) and in the time frame allowed in order to receive the points.
- 5- Light VS Dark Mass PVP Battle (Bonus of 10 points)
This last trial is opened to all participants and will oppose the Light players to the Dark players in team battles. It will be a 2 out of 3, that means the first team to win 2 fights wins the Mass Battle.
The goal is simple, kill all players of the opposing allegiance. All players on the winning side earn a bonus of 10 points.
We will not make anyone (nor allow people to) change sides, which means we do not control the number or the force of the players on each side. If for example, 30 light players and 80 dark players enter the ToH it will be a battle of 30 vs 80, however unfair it may seem! It is up to each side to encourage their players to participate.
Before a fight start there will be 2 minutes allowed for strategy, followed by 2 minutes for prebuffs. Players are allowed to set traps/plants/icewall during the prebuff period, but not before.
List of prizes:
In order to have access to the hero gears (you must choose between wings or helm, you cannot earn both in the same ToH), a player must score a minimum of 70 ToH points! Here is a list of more detailed prizes:
Note: These are the
points you score in the event, they don't have anything to do with your Light or Dark Allegiance points (those are only necessary to enter the ToH)!
100 ToH points and above: Your hero gear + 2 OCA + 2 OPB + 10 Allegiance points!
90 ToH points: Your hero gear + 1 OCA + 10 Allegiance points.
80 ToH points: Your hero gear + 1 OPB + 1 Bloody Branch + 5 Allegiance points.
70 ToH points: Your hero gear + 1 Bloody Branch + 5 Allegiance points.
60 ToH points: 3 OPB + 1 Bloody Branch + 5 Allegiance points.
40 ToH points: 3 OBB + 1 Bloody Branch + 5 Allegiance points.
39 ToH points and below: 3 Poring Box + 2 Gift Box
Extra bonus: everyone who belongs to the allegiance side that won the mass battle (regardless of ToH participation) get a small bonus until the next ToH! This bonus will be changed every few months.
Current bonus: discount at the Warper NPC!
Previous bonus: discount at the Healer NPC!
After the Mass Battle players are sent back to the ToH Island map where they hand their Score Sheet to the Prize NPC. Players with 70+ points will receive a ToH Voucher, it can be traded to a NPC to get their Heroic Wing or Angeling/Deviling Helm.
Player who already have wings and have put a card in them will receive the higher wings with the same card, unless they no longer like the card in which case they can ask the NPC to uncard their wings. The player will lose the card entirely.
After the prize ceremony a group screenshot of the triumphant heroes is usually taken ^_^
Rules and other Information
Regarding consumables and items:
Are allowed: All consumables that are not on the forbidden list below. You can bring potions, juices, speed potions, green potions, panacea, holy waters, some types of fish (guppy, bass, trout, salmon and mutant), all items required for your skills (gems, traps, alchemist potions, poison bottles, etc.) You may also bring up to 5 elemental converters (those are made by sage with their job quest skill)
OR cursed water, thats 5 altogether and the entry NPC of the ToH will verify them.
Are Forbidden: Yggdrasil leaf, yggdrasil berry, yggdrasil seed, angel fish, dory fish, nemo fish, fly wings, butterfly wings, dead branches, bloody branches, anodyne, small life potion, large physical defense potion, large magic defense potion, any kind of scrolls, buffing food, buffing items, speed items such as authoritative badges or speed potion.
Note: if a monster drops a "forbidden item" you may keep it with you for the event, but do not use the item.
* Spectators are no longer allowed in the event
* You may not bring any pet to the event.
* Outside buffs (aka not your own) are forbidden, until the team battle where buffs from people of your allegiance are allowed (and encouraged).
* You may bring all you can carry (this includes gears AND consumables), but it must last you the whole event. Once the event start you will be saved in a room with no further access to your storage so make good use of what you bring.
* Trading with other players during or between any trials is
absolutely forbidden.
* Dropping items on the floor (regardless what the item is), is also forbidden.
Note1: For the monster trial you are allowed to turn @autoloot off to avoid going overweight, however it is forbidden for the Item Trial.
Note2: For the Monster Trial and Item Trial there is a NPC located in the center to which it is possible to sell any unwanted loots.
* In the monster trial, you may not change lanes or the order of the line-up inside the lane once you have settled down for the event, unless specified/permitted by a GM. (Should someone in your lane has gone missing suddenly, contact the host GM immediately.)
* @Duel during any trials are forbidden.
* KSing players during the Item Trial is forbidden.
* During the monster trial, you are not allowed to tell other players what the monsters are or to drop the loots obtained from them. Giving other players hint or any information on the monster is also forbidden.
* Sharing trivia answers in any way is forbidden.
* You will be wearing the clothes colors of your allegiance for the whole event. (The ToH npc will change you automatically if you forget).
* Some classes suffer disadvantages in this event, so handicap points are given as follows:
-Novice Class get 10 points to handicap bonus
-Priest Class get 15 points to handicap bonus
-High Priest Class get 10 points to handicap bonus
-All baby classes get 5 points to handicap bonus
-Bonuses accumulate when applicable
-Bonuses only apply for characters higher than lv 80 of that particular class
* You are responsible of your time and attendance. Things such as lag, d/c, problem with your internet connection, etc. are your sole responsibility. If you decide to go AFK for any reason and are not back when your presence is needed we will not wait for you for more than 60 seconds. Same goes if you have to leave the ToH early.
* If for some reason you could not stay until the end of the ToH and have not collected your prize, simply talk to the NPC Prize Giver when you next log, he is located on the ToH Island map (where you are saved during the ToH). Make sure to collect it before attempting to enter the next ToH (otherwise the points from the previous ToH will be lost).
* Double (or more) participation of one player per ToH is forbidden.
Note: When the next ToH Date is decided, we'll post them immediately. When the information is not posted, it means that the date is undecided, please be patient!