Hi there!
I'll be creating a Priest (Kitt if the name's available) once I get everything installed and up-to-date, and would love to party.
I'm moving soon and likely won't have internet for a long while thereafter, so I'll only be around for a week or two... but during said time, I've got nothing to do! And my computer can't handle any new games, so I figured I'd try out a new RO server.
(it looks like I'll be patching for quite some time - I used a mini-download because none of the others wanted to work for me, but my RO files are all waay outdated)
Edit: OK, I must say - the fact that the server patcher DOESN'T repack files with every update - AMAZING. Makes catching up on all these patches exponentially quicker. ♥
(This post was last modified: 12-22-2013, 03:28 PM by KazeRin.)